Chapter 1

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I made sure Niall had enough time to calm down before i went in to check his vitals. I walked in and noticed that 3 other guys were standing next to the bed. I immediately recognized them as the rest of One Direction.
"Hi Mr.Horan i'm..." I was interrupted "How do you know who he is?" Louis asked.. I was silent and started breathing really heavy "umm well i know him because i'm the new doctor on the case my name is Sydney Hanson. I have his file." Louis squinted his eyes at me. "Hmm okay" i took a deep breath "Okay does anyone else want to interrogate me?" Harry stepped forward "yeah umm one question are you a fan?" I stood there I didn't know what to say i was afraid that if i said i was fan they would have me thrown off the case. But I decided that I wouldn't lie to them.

"Umm well yes for almost 4 years now. However you don't have to worry about me taking pictures or videos or tweeting anything about this. I took an oath in Medical school. The patient comes first, You will be safe knowing that i will always have your privacy on my mind no one enters this room except for Dr. Harris, myself and your friends and family. I Promise."

Niall smiled and the rest of boys relaxed their Shoulders. "Okay i believe you" Niall said "i'm sorry what was your name again?" Liam asked
"My name is Sydney Hanson and i will be your doctor throughout the time you are in the hospital. And i noticed on the chart that you are getting a tonsillectomy soon." Niall squirmed in his bed "umm he's not very excited for the surgery." I smiled "Don't worry Niall Dr. Harris is a brilliant doctor he is famous for what he does. You will not have any problems before or after the surgery." He smiled a bit but still looked a bit stiff. I gave him a half smile and i went over to his Bedside "okay so i am guessing you didn't get to the IV yet?" Liam looked at me "um no she didn't but be warned Niall hates Needles." "I do not HATE needles Liam" Niall said calmly i pulled out a IV packet from the cabinet in the room. "Okay maybe i dislike them a little." They all chuckled i smiled put some gloves on and cleaned the spot where i was going to stick him. I put a tourniquet around his arm and then talked to him as if it was nothing. "So now that you're on break you decided to get your tonsils out that's a big step. When i got my tonsils out i remember waking up in my hospital bed and the nurse handing me a popsicle and that's literally all i ate for 3 weeks. Well that and Jello. All you get to eat is Ice Cream and frozen fruits. And we are done." "Wait what?" Niall asked i laughed "it's over Niall i already stuck you, your IV is in." He looked down and noticed that it was in fact done and he took a deep breath. The boys laughed "okay so i am now going to take your vitals. That includes your temperature, blood pressure, weight, height, and pulse. Do you care if your friends are here for that?" He laughed "I don't care even though i will never hear the end of how much i weigh." I laughed "okay let's get started."

The Medical DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora