My First Day!

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As i walked into the hospital that i have dreamt about working in since the first day of medical school, i finally made it. A cup of vanilla bean coffee in my hand with the biggest  smile on my face standing in front of "Kings Hospital" I took a deep breath so i could go inside and start my career. Walking to the locker room so i could change into my scrubs and do my rounds.
as i finished my lasts adjustments to my uniform and my hair. Walking out of the room into the nursing station to get my charts for the day, on the top of my stack of charts was HOR and when i looked at it more clearly, i saw it was Niall Horan's chart as i realized this i said it out loud, another doctor overheard me and snatched the file out of my hands, "what are YOU doing with this file? Its not your case." "It was in my stack for the day, sorry." "well, keep your nose where it belongs." As she rolled her eyes at me. "Okay, so I should keep my nose out of my files?" She huffed "that's not what I meant" "it sure seemed like it," I said. Dr. Harris walked by and saw Dr. Martinez and I disagreeing and came by to figure it out. "How are you ladies doing? Remember, we're here to help people not fight over them." He said with a smile. "Yes, Dr. Harris. I was just getting my charts for the day when Martinez came over and snatched my top file from me." I said. "Well, I have rounds to do Dr. Harris and that includes Niall Horan . So I should go." Martinez said. Dr. Harris nodded and let her leave. "Thank you for straightening our conflict out and-" "NOOO STOOOPPPP. HEEELLLPPP" a half naked Niall in a hospital gown ran out of the room barely missing us as Martinez walked out of the room.  "MARTINEZ! What do you think you are doing? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you with someone so important. Niall you may go back into your room, sorry for the confusion and a new doctor will be in shortly." Niall nodded as he walked back into his room, slowly closing the door. Dr. Harris follows Martinez to the station. "what makes you think you can just make patients leave their rooms, screaming bloody murder. Do you have any idea how much we could have been sued for" "Not only that, but he should have been treated like any other patient we see on a daily basis." I interrupted. "Oh yeah, you think you can do that?" "I know I can" I said proudly. Dr. Harris looked at us both, and said "Alright, that's actually a great idea because you will take on this case. Sound like a deal?" "Yes, that would be a great opportunity. Thank you Dr. Harris." I said, glowing.

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