Chapter 6

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"Niall's surgery went flawlessly and he will probably be a little groggy after the Anesthesia wears off so Liam try to not make him talk so much and louis and harry... record everything." I said to the boys after Niall's surgery they all laughed "thanks Syd!" I looked at Louis "ohh we're on nick name basis now i see." He smiled and went to Niall's room. After my brief visit with Niall's Family and many extended hugs from Maura i went to Molly's room

i walked in and "good afternoon Molly how are you feeling?"
It was silent for a long period of time but she finally spoke up "dead... They are all dead. Why did he do that why did he..? Just why? I know we were hard on him... I know i just didn't think. Oh god frank.."

"Frank is the one that shot all your friends right?" She turned her head towards me. "He came in and said out loud that he was done.. All i kept thinking was wow someone broke him.. And the next thing i knew he started shooting all my best friends and he got to me and thanked me for his burst of confidence. And then i ran away like all the others i ran and i just.. I ran. And fell on some broken glass and my arm.."

"I understand now Molly no need to explain more i will let you go to sleep now okay? You are safe and your mother will back shortly."

"Dr. Hanson please tell me when they catch him please let me know that HE is safe. He was my friend i know that it seems insane to want to know if he is okay but he was being bullied everything comes with a price.. I thought they stopped  when i asked them too."

I nodded and turned the lights down in her room and left turning down the hall i walked into a room and started crying "no.. no you can't think of that stuff here you are a successful woman who is working in the best hospital in London. Stop crying.." I commanded myself as i wiped my tears.

"You know what they say about crying.. Sometimes it's a good thing." I heard a scruffy voice come from the left i jumped "oh umm i'm sorry Louis I didn't know you would be in here.." I looked around "Umm in Niall's room uhh i have to go." I left and he followed after me "Sydney.. Talk to me you need someone right now i know you don't really know me and you only know Louis Tomlinson the famous guy from One Direction but I really would like to get to know you."

I pulled him into an on call room "you know what just came into the pit last night? A high school boy that was being bullied went to a prom last night and shot all of the people that tortured him. I am widely successful and very talented at saving lives but i was that boy in high school i was bullied so badly and pushed around and i had zits and i was mocked for being a little weird around other people.. I could have turned into the girl that shot everyone at prom. But i wanted to be a doctor and i wanted to save lives. So i stuck it out and.. And.. And i worked all through Med school and I just I didn't give into that little voice in the back of my head I didn't want to hurt anyone like they hurt me.. I wanted to save lives."

By the end of my speech i was crying my eyes out and and Louis was staring at me. "Why.. Why did i tell you this I don't even know you.. You are a famous singer and i am just a doctor who can't keep it together..."

After my rant he pulled me in for a hug "Sydney Hanson you are one of the bravest people i know now.. And i need you to calm down please.. Breathe.." I cried into his shoulder "Sydney you are amazing at what you do Dr. Harris said when Niall went under you had full control on his surgery.. Who else get's a say in Niall Horan's Service you treat us like we are normal people and that's all we ever really want no one even knows we are here because you've made sure. I know you enough to know that you are the bravest girl i have ever met and will ever meet." I looked up at him "i wish I didn't have to be brave." He sighed " i know Syd... I know"

After getting myself together louis handed me a tissue from the box on the table "Are you going to be alright?" I nodded "now i am thank you Louis I really appreciate it." I hugged him and we left for Niall's room when we got there he was awake he smiled "hey it's my friends.." I laughed "shh Niall don't talk okay? I want your throat to heal as fast as possible." I said he nodded "where were you louis?" Liam asked louis looked at me and then straight back at Liam "i went to the cafeteria to umm watch the fruit.." A few seconds passed by and then Harry laughed and said "Of course you did babe." And then out of no where harry kissed him i was standing there staring at them. "Umm Sydney i learned that it's best not to stare." Niall whispered to me i just went on to give him and new fluids bag. I was about about to write some notes in Niall's Chart when Harry spoke up "You have 1 minute to be a fan.." "I umm I didn't think i didn't know oh my god it's true? Oh my god I seriously can not believe it oh i promise I won't tell anyone your secret is my secret i will guard it with my life.. Oh my god Larry is Real!!!" I smiled and jumped up into the air.. "Umm ahem sorry.. Thank you for letting me in on this and i promise I won't say a word." I smiled again and harry sighed happily "thank you!" Liam said i smiled down at Niall and he smiled back up at me but his eyes were still glossy so i know he was still high on his drugs. I laughed "okay Niall needs some sleep tell Niall's family to say goodbye for the night." I said and Liam went out to get Maura "i knew i could trust her." Louis whispered as i walked out of the room. I walked silently to the on call room and when i was sure no one was in there I screamed with excitement into my pillow.

I'm also a Larry Shipper... #SorryNotSorry!!! 😂😏😋😍

The Medical DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora