Chapter 5

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I woke up at 12:47 AM to several pages going off on my pager 911 pages I called Beck "what is it what's wrong??" I yelled putting on my scrubs and shoes "there's a massive trauma coming in" she said i grabbed my keys "say no more i will be there soon!" I said hanging up i left the hotel in a rush. And drove like mad to the hospital
Driving into my parking space i ran to my locker and grabbed my white coat and ran to the ER "what do we have?" I questioned "massive shooting at a masquerade party down by the pier!" a paramedic stated i took one look and i realized these were all teenagers. "Prom?" I asked and the paramedic nodded. "Okay possibly 17 year old female with wounds on her left arm and a gun shot in her leg." I said cutting her dress. "I need an orthopedic consultation page Dr.White" i started with an IV and wrote some notes in the chart. "Where.. Where am i?" The girl said crying "sweetie it's okay i need you to stay still calm down can you tell me your name?" I said looking in her eyes for pupil activity. She was staring at me in confusion. "Sweetie you are in the hospital i need to know your name so i can call your family." she started crying "i didn't think he would do it we were just messing around, i didn't know it was that bad!" she screamed crying her eyes out. i held her hand "okay i'm here what do you have?" dr. white entered with a sad expression on his face. "Casey?" "Daddy!" suddenly Casey passed out and i looked over at Dr. White who was now in tears. "oh my god Casey?" he went over to her leg and started working on it. "Dr. White let me get some one else to do that for you. you shouldn't have to work on your family." i said putting a hand on his back as he broke down into tears. "her sister? she has a sister a twin my daughters are twins where is Hallie?" he cried out. as an intern was taking him away from me so i can work on Casey's leg. "We will find her don't worry Jason!" i said and went back to her leg. "Okay she is stable for now i need to go find Hallie and see if she is here. umm Dr. Cross page Dr. Anderson and tell him to meet you in the OR we need to get this bullet out of her leg!" my intern nodded and left with Casey. i ran over to a nurse and she gave me a list of all the students at prom and all the people who were shot and came here. "There she is Hallie OR #3 she is already here someone is working on her. Thank god." i ran to the another teen crying her eyes out on a bed while an intern was was taking her blood. i looked at her chart and noticed her name was Molly. "Hi Molly i'm Dr.Hanson do you mind telling me how you cut your arm open so badly?" she stopped crying and stared at me "We were just messing around no one actually thought.. i didn't know he would actually do it." i stuck an IV in her and she continued "Frank... we never thought he would actually bring a gun." i looked at my intern and she was almost done with the stitching. i leaned in close to her ear "when you get done with the stitching admit her and page me when she has calmed down. i need the whole story." she nodded and i left walking to the nurses station. "Is everyone taken care of?" she nodded at me i sighed in relief

it was 3:05 AM and i was sitting at the station outside Casey's room working on her chart i yawned out loud and Beck came up to me "Hey Syd how are you?" i smiled slightly "tired" she nodded "Me too thank you for coming in tonight we needed so much help 10 students and 1 teachers were shot. and i lost 3 of them." she said sadly "what really? Beck i'm so sorry." she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Beck is the best nuerosurgeon we had at Kings. "they were shot in the temporal lobe there was no way on restoring any brain activity." she said and i hugged her "It's alright sweetheart you are doing the best you can i can come with you to tell the families." i offered and she shook her head "that's alright i can do it by myself." "go take a nap Beck you need it i will check on your other patients." she hugged me again and set off for an on call room.

it was now 7:00 AM and my arm went off on my phone i had gotten all of my charts done and walked over to Casey's room she was still sleeping and i see that Hallie was was in there as well both very stable. i walked to the room 2 doors down which happened to be Niall's room. Halem let me in and i noticed Niall was still sleeping and Liam was sitting in the room on his phone. he looked up and smiled "Morning Sydney." he whispered smiling i waved smiling back at him. "i need to wake him up i have to take some blood before the surgery today." i said and he nodded "hey Niall you need to wake up." he rustled and put the blanket over his head when Liam turned on the light. "5 more minutes Mum!" i laughed "no Niall it's me Sydney i need you to wake up." he uncovered his face and smiled "oh hi Sydney" "hi Niall i need to take some blood okay?" he frowned " you woke me up for that?" he said a little angry and pulled the cover over his head again. i hummed getting all the supplies together from the cabinet on the left. "just wanted to let you know i got your flowers. they were lovely." "ahem i think i am going to go get some breakfast the boys will be here soon." Liam excused himself and Niall uncovered his face. "oh so you are going to talk to me." i said optimistic he smiled "did you like them?" i smiled "I loved them Niall thank you very much." "Beck told me you like Lilly's and i just thought after the day you had you might need a little pick me up." i smiled "thank you Niall that was very sweet of you but from now on let me take care of you okay?" he nodded and saw that i was about to stick him he closed his eyes and i got it over with quickly so he didn't have to endure anymore of his fear.

I'm Back thank you so much for taking the time to read my story if you have any questions let me know!!! Have a great day and as always Stay Spirited!! <3

Also for this chapter he isn't really using the white board for some conversations but if they are ever hanging out together he will be using the white board until his throat stops hurting..

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