Chapter 5

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Okay so I'm in English class right now and I wont have time to edit this but enjoy. If there are any errors I apoligize. I just wanted to update for you guys



"What's wrong?"

These are the first words that come out of my brothers mouth when I reach the living room.

"Nothing," I say while trying to hide my emotions.

Rachel isn't in the room and neither is Tanner.

"Where's Rachel and Tanner," I ask.

"Rachel left about two minutes after you did and Tanner left thirty minutes ago."


"I told her you were a foreign exchange student and I guess that pissed her off even more because I didn't tell her about it," he says.

"Thanks Daren, really. I know this might be hard for you, but it really means a lot to me."

He just shrugs his arms like he doesn't care and from what I heard about him already I wonder if he really does.

"What time is John coming home," I ask.

"He should be here in about a half hour. You find any good stuff at the mall?"

"Ah ha. Funny you should mention that."

"You went all out, didn't you?"

"I guess you can say that," I say with a halfhearted smile.

"Lets go get your bags."

And on that note we left for the garage.

"Okay I knew girls liked shopping but I didn't think they liked it this much," Daren said as we surveyed all the bags in the living room.

"You think dad is gonna be mad?"

"Nah. He'll be surprised at all the stuff, but not mad," Daren reassured me.

I surveyed the living room again the bags had covered every surface of the couches, tables, and the floor. This was a lot more then I realized I bought and I was getting a little nervous on what John would say.

"I still think we should hide some of the bags."

"Ryan he's not going to care how much you spend you spent. Our father has got a crap load of money to last him two life times even with the both of us."

"I still want to. I just don't want to overwhelm him and have him thinking he needs to spoil me."

"Weren't you spoiled anyway," he asked.

"What do you mean," I asked him not knowing what in the world he was talking about.

He looked a bit uncomfortable, "Well dad said mom always spoiled us when we were kids, more then he did.

The mention of my mother always brought shivers down my spine. Her spoil me? Boy was he delusional. I didn't get anything from our mother, I barely even got a daily meal and thought of her spoiling me made me start laughing hysterically so I wouldn't lash out at him.

"What's so funny," Daren asked with a worried smile on his face.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." It was quiet for a few minutes of him starring at me like I was crazy and me trying to contain my giggling.

I was the first to break the silence. "So will you help me hide these or not?"

He grabbed four bags from the table, "Where do you want them?"

Crap. I haven't thought of a place to put them and he probably knew that to.

"We'll put some in my room at the moment until you get your own. But not all these are gonna fit," he said looking worriedly at all the shopping bags.

"Thanks," I said as smile started to spread across my face.

He started headed for the stairs with the four bags, as did I. His room was at the end of the hallway opposite of John's. When he opened his door we were presented with a room not quit as big as John's but pretty big. His walls were painted a navy blue and also had wood floors. He had a queen size bed on a black fram up against a wall with two black night stands on either side of it. Opposite his bed was a matching dresser and above that dresser was a white surfboard with a navy blue stripe going down the middle. On the surfboard were five framed pictures. The first was of him and Tanner smiling big at the camera. Second was of him and Rachael. Rachael was smiling at the camera while Daren was kissing her cheek. Next was a picture of him being carried off a football field with his hand in the air and helmet in had. His facial expression cracked me up, from the looks of it it looked like he was screaming. Then there was a picture him and John when Daren was about eight, they were both in rubber overalls and holding fishing poles. The next picture was a picture of two little kids, brother and sister. It was Hume and I at the same lake that I last saw him and John. We were covered in mud smiling big. Our teeth standing out from all the mud covering us. I started laughing.

"That's my favorite," Daren finally spoke.

"Yeah? I've never seen this picture before."

He heads over to the board and takes the picture off of it and handing it to me.

"Here have it." He hands me the picture.

"Daren.. I can't take this from you," I say trying to give him the picture back.

"Please take it. It's a very small gift from me to you."

I look at the picture carefully. It must've meant a whole lot to him and here I am taking it. But I couldn't decline his offer. I just look back up at him and smile.

"Thank you."

He's about say something back until we hear a low whistle.

Crap. John.

As we head downstairs John is there observing the scene in front of him.

He turns at the approach of darn and mines footsteps.

"You really went all out," he says with a smile on his face. A smile? I just cost this man over a thousand dollars.

"Your not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?.

"Well I probably cost you a lot of money."

He started laughing. "Honey don't worry about money, okay?"

I look down at my old tatter shoes and nod my head.

"Well we should get this stuff to one of the guest rooms. Shall we?"

My whole mood brightens up. I can feel deep inside my bones. I can feel it at how my face is streched across my face in a huge grin.

"I get a room? My own room," I say with tears in my eyes.

I know it's a room I shouldn't be all worked up. But this is my own, very first bedroom.

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