Chapter 6

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Sorry for the late post. Enjoy (:


"Hey you alright," Daren breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine," I say with a giant cheesy smile on my face.

"It's not permanent though," John says.

Not permanent? What does he mean? Does he just expect me to sleep on the couch for the rest of my stay? I can't do that. What do I do when there are guests over? Just say, 'Hey get the hell off my bed'. No that won't work. If it's not permanent that means he doesn't want me to stay here permanently. I can feel my smile fall but replace it with a forced one hoping it wasnt noticeable.

"Come. I'll show you the room."

John didn't seem to notice my change of attitude but Daren didn't miss it.

John started up the stairs but Daren stays behind still looking at me in wonder. I ignore him and follow John.


The guys leave me in my temporary room. It has beige wall with dark wood flooring. The floors have a few pictures and paintings of the beach. On the left there's a queen size bed with a white down comforter on it and four white pillows. Across from the bed is a dark oak dresser. On the right of the bed theres a closet which my bags are placed in and across from the closet is a desk with a bunch of textbooks on the desk, on top of the pile was a white folded piece of paper. I walked over to the desk and pick up the note.


I hope you don't get freaked out but I signed you up for school with Daren. I wasn't quite sure what classes you were in so I signed you up for classes Daren is currently enrolled in. You'll find your schedule and a map of the school in the first drawer of your desk. Your backpack is down stairs. Oh and you start tomorrow. 


Dad "

I look up from the letter and stare out the window above the desk and I'm face to face with a peaceful scenery of giant maple trees and pine trees. Before I even realize it I'm letting out a scream of joy.

Daren bursts through the door making me screaming out of fear now before I realize it's him.

"What happened?! Where is he?!"

He's frantically looking around my room with a murderous look on his face, looking for the suppose intruder. I laugh at the face he's making and he looks back at me in confusion.

" is here," I say between fits of laughter.

Still looking confused he asks, "Then why did you scream?"

I give him the letter and while he's reading a smile stretches across his face.

"Don't worry sis i'll take care of you," Daren says.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, don't forget what I told you," I look at him with a pointed look.

"Oh yeah," he says the smile falling off his face.

"Remember not to take it personally. I just want to see where i fit in as me, okay? And when everything is settled then we can let people know."

He nods his head while trying to smile and leaves the room.

I. Am. Going. To. School. Here. In. San Diego. Which means John obviously wants to keep me around if he enrolled me into school.

Okay snap out of it girl. Let's start putting clothes away.

Its currently 1:45am.They should be sleeping by now. So I pick up the phone in my room and dial his number and wait for him to answer.


"Do you always answer after the third ring," I ask as a greeting.

"Ryan," his deep, soothing voice asks.

"Hey babe," I say with a smile.

"Where the hell are? Do you know how worried I've been? You don't even show up to the spot we were suppose to meet in Georgia. I haven't heard from you in months and then you suddenly call me for like thirty seconds and then you hang up. What's wrong with you?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I miss you too."

"Where are you," Jake demands sternly.

"I'm far enough from them now. I.. I'm.. sor...sorry I didn't make to the spot we were suppose to meet,"my voice started cracking, "Something happened."


I don't want to tell him. I don't want relive the last event that made me run without even thinking about it.

"I gotta go. I'm suppose to be asleep I have a big day tomorrow. Bye Jake. I love you." Then I hang up before he can say anything else.

If I would've stayed on the phone he would've gotten me talking like nothing. That's what sucks about having a best friend. They know you like the back of their hand and can get anything out of you. Those were my last thoughts before I passed out.


"Oh god."

"What's the matter," Daren asks as he pulls into the high schools parking lot.

"I don't want to do this anymore. Take me home."

"You'll be fine and if you need anyone you can get Tanner or me. Come to me first."

This place was absolutely huge. I couldn't believe my eyes. The last school I attended had about twelve students per year. This was only years 9-12 unlike my other school which were years k-12 and it was thirty time bigger than my old school.

Daren continues to drive through the parking lot. It wasn't like he was looking for a parking space cause he knew where he was headed and once I realized where my eyes went wide and my stomach felt like it fell onto the ferrari's floor.

"Can you please drop me off on the side of the building," I asked him giving him puppy dog eyes.

"What? Why?"

I looked at him trying to hide my blush. "I just feel like if I showed up with you it would bring to much attention to me and I kinda want to stay on the down low today. Please?"

I saw a flash of pain cross his face but he quickly hid it with a smile. "Anything for you little sis," he said as he moved past an open parking spot where there was a crap load of people surrounding it. They all gave Daren's car an odd look before they went out of sight.

"Hey now! I'm only nine minutes younger than you, don't forget that. Just nine minutes."

He gave me a smug look, "Whatever nine minutes or nine years your still my little sister. Thats never going to change."

He just pulled to the curb and I give the biggest mean mug I could muster. And got out to leave. As he pulled away I looked around to see if anybody saw us, but the coast was clear.

I took a deep breath and started my way into my new high school.

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