Chapter 5~ Unexpected Visitor

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                     Chapter 5~ Unexpected Visitor

                   (Serena's POV)

     I had just gotten into my bed when I heard someone scream in the distance but it got cut short. Was it the vampires? No, they haven't attacked like this in months. I got out of bed quickly and got dressed. I slowly made my way around the house looking for my silver stake. Then I heard someone chuckling really lowly. I turned around to find Christian standing behind me, holding my silver stake in his hand twirling it around. He saw me staring at him and he smirked. I mentally scolded myself for staring at him so openly like that. Then I turned my full attention back to him only to find that he was gone. I slowly backed away from where he just was and hoped I didn't run into him. Unfortunately, I ended up backing up right into a wall and before I could move Christian was right in front of me. His face was inches from mine. I just couldn't help the urge I had to kiss him.

     I swear I'm going insane. I can't be having thoughts like this. Then he moved closer to me and I was sure he was going to kill me. I just knew it. I squeezed my eyes closed waiting for him to bite me, to drain the blood from my body. When I didn't feel anything I opened me eyes to look at him, instead of looking at my neck, he was looking at me. Watching my reaction. I cringed back into the wall as he moved even closer to me, if that was even possible. Then I felt this really weird tingling feeling run down my spine when our bodies touched, and I shivered involuntarily. I looked back up to him to see a look of realization cross his face. Then he dropped my silver stake and moved both of his hands up to either side of my head and placed them there, effectively trapping me between him and the wall.

    "You know everyone's out looking for you right now. They're searching houses, forests, anywhere you might be. They just can't find you." His eyes looked directly into and I cowered away from his gaze. Then his words sank in. They couldn't find me, then how did he find me?

   "How did you find me?" My voice sounded strong and fierce just the way I wanted it to sound.

   "I know your scent. I'm the only vampire that has been close enough to you to pick up on it and know it belongs to you. You had better be glad it was me that found you, Princess. If any of the others had found you, you may have been dead by now." He gently brushed my hair away from my neck, exposing it to him. He ran his fingers slowly down my neck making me shiver.

   "If you're not here to kill me, then why are you here at all? Aren't you supposed capture me and turn me into your masters so they can go through with their little plan?" I tried my best to sound defiant. Although I didn't think it was working out all that great.

  "You don't understand just what it is they do in their castle, Princess. You will be trapped in that place. You will be powerless against them. I know because I've tried to fight them and all that got me was torture. You wouldn't believe the punishments they come up with if you try to escape. Do you really want to live out the rest of your life like that?"

   His voice had gone cold. This was the way I was taught all vampires acted. It was what made them so dangerous. I didn't want to push him. Hell, I didn't want to be near him. Not when this side of him was showing. I looked up at him and shook my head "no" to answer his question. He looked away from me and zoned out for a minute. Then out of nowhere he pushed himself away from me and moved towards the window.

  "They're coming. Is there anywhere you can hide in here that no one will ever find?" He walked swiftly back over to me before he grabbed my hand and roughly pulled me towards him. He started walking around the house, he looked back to me and I realized I hadn't answered his question.

 "The only place I know of would be the secret passageway behind the grand fireplace.." He nodded more to himself than to me before he took off in the direction of the living room. He searched for a few seconds before he found the little switch on the inside of the fireplace and it slowly opened. He turned to me and pushed me inside the fireplace gently but urgently.

  "Stay here. Don't make a sound. Don't move. Just stay still." I could see the concern in his eyes but he was trying to hide it. I nodded before I sat down on the floor and got comfortable so I wouldn't feel compelled to move.

  "Are you going to come back?" I sounded pathetic. It sounded like I was a little girl who was afraid of being alone. In all honesty though, I was afraid of being alone. I didn't want Christian to leave me but I knew he had to. I was scared. I was terrified more than I have ever been in my entire life. There were vampires coming to my house and they all wanted to capture me. I was no match against them and if they did capture me....

  "Yes. I'll come back for you when it's safe. I promise." With that he stepped out of the fireplace and flipped the switch closing the secret door. I could hear him walking around. Then soon after that I heard wings then I heard voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying though. Which was a good thing that meant they were somewhere else in the house and not really close to my hiding spot.

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