Chapter 4~ Serena

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                                                         Chapter 4~ Serena

                                                         (Christian's POV)

     I couldn't understand why she was stuck in my head. She was just a human but ever since I saved her in those woods I just couldn't et her out of my head. It's ridiculous. All I could think about day and night was that tingling sensation I got when our bodies touched. I couldn't stop picturing her with her long dark hair that flowed perfectly over her shoulders and the way she moved so gracefully even when she was attacking. She was beautiful.

   I have to stop thinking like this. It was impossible not to think about her though, and the more I thought about not thinking about her, the more she ran through my mind. I just wanted to be close to her, to protect her from my masters and all the others, but if I even made a move to go to her now they'd deem me as a traitor and torture me relentlessly for it. I know my masters plan and now that I've seen her and been close to her I wouldn't mind if they succeeded in their plans. Only problem is that she'd hate herself, she'd hate me, hell she'd probably try to run form this place. Although trying to escape this place was like trying to escape a high-security prison. It was practically impossible. I should I've tried multiple times. Every time though I was caught.

    I wouldn't be able to stand seeing her have to go through that. Not after I had to go through it myself. I had felt powerless then and I still feel that way now. Is she's anything like how I think she is then she won't like feeling powerless. I hate the feeling but after awhile you get used to it. Fighting against my masters is pointless they always win. Still someone as beautiful as Serena shouldn't be trapped in this place only getting out of it to go feed on the humans. If they did capture her and they did turn her, I would help her find a way out. I couldn't spend the rest of my immortal life knowing that I'd let them trap her in this prison. I'd hate myself for it.

   "Christian!" I turned around and watched as Aaron came to walk beside me.

   "What's up, Aaron?" He gave me a side-long glance.

    "Nothing really. Other than a meeting that Demetri announced will be in five or so minutes. Which is why I came to find. Plus, I want to make sure you're alright. The guards told me what happened while you were going through the torture. That must have been terrible. I couldn't even believe them when they told me about it. Are you ok? After going through that and then on top of that not having anyone to talk to about it. Are you sure you're ok?"

    "Yeah, man I'm fine. Shouldn't we be getting to that meeting though?" I didn't like that he kept bringing up the whole torture thing, it was bad enough living through it. I didn't need to be reminded about it every five minutes.

   "Yeah I guess you're right. Verona was talking about how the meeting is going to be about the Princess. I can't believe we didn't catch her the last time. I thought for sure we would have caught her. She was probably there but she ran from us before we could catch her." I followed Aaron into the meeting room surprised to find everyone else already there.

    "Hello Christian, Aaron. So glad you two could join us. As you all know we are tracking Serena Dyson. Better known as Princess Serena. We will be leaving tonight to search for any trace of her. Another reason we are attacking tonight is to catch her off guard and hopefully make it easier to catch her."

     I stared at Verona in disbelief. I couldn't believe they were going to attack her like that. When she had no possible chance of defending herself. Hell she'd probably be asleep when we found her. I didn't think my masters would stoop so low though. I thought that they were better than that. I just hoped I could get to her before they did so I could warn her and effectively save her from them.

++ Hope you guys liked the chapter! I'll be updating this book again on Wednesday! Hope you like the book so far! As always please leave comments about what you think of the book, so I can make it the best I possibly can. See you guys later! Don't forget you're beautiful no matter what anyone tells you! Bye! :D

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