Part 6

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Y/N: your name
F/N: friend name

Author's POV
It took you 15 minutes to reach his house. You were the drunkest you've ever been. Constant blabber coming from your mouth and twirling around. Even though you were drunk out of your mind, that little tiny sober part of you were excited to see Jimin again. It didn't even matter if he was going to break your heart again, just one more time. One more look at his face.

Jimin finally broke himself out of the little breakdown. He put the ring on and placed the letter on the nightstand by the bed. He took a shower trying to calm his tensed nerves. When he finished, he dressed himself in a black T-shirt and checkered patterned pajama bottom. Jimin made his way to the fridge to grab a beer, but then he remembered the letter. ' You should slow down with the drinking ok jagiya? It's not healthy for you'. He smiled weakly and went to the couch. He made himself comfortable and turned on the TV. Then suddenly, really hard knocking noises came from the frontdoor. Jimin got up puzzled and opened the door. "Y/n?" Jimin said appalled.
Jimin POV
Y/n was standing here. Right in front of my face. "Yah Park Jimin!" Y/n shouted pointing at me with a shot glass in her hand. She dropped her high heels she was holding in her other hand and grabbed my T-shirt. She pulled me close to her face. I could smell sweet alcohol coming from her breath. I gulped and looked at her face in amazement. Her makeup was smeared a little, her face was puffy, and the ends of her curled hair weren't even curly anymore. "I hate you, you know?" She said, kind of slurring words. "Buuutttt!" She continued letting go of my shirt. "I still love you!" Y/n shouted smiling as she formed a heart with her free arm. I stood there shocked. The four words I wanted to hear for so long, I'm finally hearing them. Before I could say 'I love you too' back, y/n cut me off. "Jimin, how do you forgive someone for breaking your heart though?" Y/n asked tilting her head to the left. She started swinging her body side to side like a child. "Y/n ahhh~" I said. She pushed me aside and walked inside. I walked in with her, then watched her go to the fridge. Y/n grabbed two soju bottles and came back to me giving me one. I grabbed the bottle but put it on the counter. I wasn't going to get drunk for this. Y/n sat on the couch already drinking her the bottle. I've never seen her this drunk before."Y/n, don't drink too much" I said while seating myself a couple inches away from her. "I think....I drank a lot already. What's the point of stopping now?" She said putting her feet on the coffee table. I looked at her outfit. Which made me feel protective. I went to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket to cover her legs. "Here" I said laying the blanket over her. "You're bad. All you want is my body" Y/n said kicking off their blanket. "No I don't y/n. Cover your legs, your skirt is too high" I said picking up the blanket and placing it over her legs again. She continued drinking the soju in silence. "Jimin?" y/n asked looking over at me. "Hmmm?" I replied looking at her too. "You wanna play truth or dare?" She asked innocently. I looked away and chuckled. "You're so weird when you're drunk" I said as I looked back at her. Y/n smiled and scooted closer to me. Her smile. I haven't seen that in for so long. It made me miss her so much, even though she was right next to me. "Oh if you don't answer your truth or you don't do your dare you have to drink!" She said smiling. I nodded, which was probably the only choice I had. "Truth or dare?" Y/n asked cutely. "Uhmmm truth" I said. "Scared? Ok uhmmmm....why did you kiss her back?" She said breaking eye contact and drinking again. I should've really seen this coming. Damn it. "Y/ was a mistake" I answered sadly. "That didn't answer my truth! Drink!" Y/n smiled weakly and handed me the bottle. Oh god, this was going to be a long night.
Author's POV
After a few more rounds, you have gotten Jimin drunk. You were both laughing loudly and jumping all around. You went to the fridge to get more soju. "Y/n, I think we should stop" Jimin said grabbing your arm.

I'm not Ok [BTS Fanfic; Jimin X you ft.Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now