(Based on a book written by Elizabeth Fama)
There are two types of people. Smudges and Rays. Rays are high class and are the richer ones. They are only allowed to be out during the day, their skin is brighter, healthier and tan. They normally have blue eyes and blonde or black hair. Smudges are low lads. They only come out at night and are quiet poor. They get the jobs which pay less and which are more dangerous. They have pale skin and dull hair and eyes. They will be arrested if they are Out during the day. Person A is a smudge, they are treated like a monster and are poor. They steal for their family and themselves. Person B is a Ray, beautiful, mid-class. Not rich, not poor. They meet one night when person B was kicked out of their home. (You decide what reasons) person A listens as B talks. They soon do this often and come out to see each other every night. They soon develop feelings for each other. But SmudgexRay is very very wrong and illegal. Do they date behind the governments back? Or do they stop seeing each other?