Chapter Seventeen

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I got an Instagram! It's marichat_sins!

Marinette and Chat were cuddled up on the couch, sharing the same quilt, and were watching Avatar.

"Why are the people blue? That makes no sense." Chat shook his head at this. His entire body felt hot with Marinette next to him and he was trying to keep his mind away from the knowledge that he'd have to leave soon.

Marinette shook her head in disagreement. "It makes perfect sense! The blue people are like aliens in a different world."

"So we have the power to be able to create and go into one of their bodies?" He scrunched his nose at the thought. "I don't think we're that advanced."

"You have a ring that gives you magical powers, and you doubt that?" She gave him an incredulous look. He shrugs and she laughs.

The ending credits rolled onto the screen when they saw how dark it was outside. Chat's miraculous beeped, telling him it's time to leave.

He sighed. He wanted to tell her. He wanted her to know who he really was, under the mask, but Plagg was adamant on keeping it a secret.

He also wanted to tell her he loves her but he's scared. He's scared he'll face rejection from her. Ladybug's done it so many times that you'd think he'd be used to it but if Marinette rejected him, he won't be able to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart.

Marinette and him walked to her window and he perched himself on the ledge. She turned her head to the left so Chat could kiss the corner of her mouth, like he always does before he leaves.

Something sharp stabbed Marinette in the foot. She winced and jerked her head to the right just to be met with Chat's lips.

Both of their eyes widened, sky blue staring into sea green. After a few seconds, when Chat got over the initial shock, he placed his leather covered hands on her cheeks.

He cupped her face and deepened the kiss. He tried to show her exactly how he felt in the kiss. Marinette closed her eyes as well and placed her hands on his chest.

Chat's ring beeped and he pulled away. He gave her a smirk.

"It definitely was not a cliche, that's for sure. I'll be back tomorrow, my Princess."

And with that he left, leaving a panting, red faced, and dazed Marinette.


Marinette had a grin plastered on her face the next morning.

"Woah girl, what's up with you?" Alya asked as they sat at their desk.

"Nothing." She shook her head as Nino and Adrien walked into the classroom. Adrien too had a smile as he sat down with Nino.

Nino was talking to him about a DJ he saw on TV last night but Adrien was off in his own world. He daydreamed about the kiss and sighed into his hand.

"Dude, you alright?" Adrien nodded, still off in his own world.

Alya tapped Nino's shoulder. "What's up with Adrien?" He shrugged and looked at Marinette.

"What's up with the dudette?" He jerked his chin at Marinette. "I don't know either... You don't think-"

"Dudette, do not jump to conclusions. You always do that and then I'm the one who has to do all that embarrassing stuff!"

"I do not jump to conclusions! And plus, there's always the possibility..."

"No way dudette. Not again. Remember when you thought Chloe was Ladybug?"

She waved him off. "Pfft. I was desperate. I now realize that she couldn't be because she's to selfish and rotten. Plus she looks nothing like Ladybug."

Nino and Alya looked at their best friends who had identical looks on their faces.

"Always a possibility..." She whispered to Nino. Then Mrs. Bustier began to teach the class.


Marinette tried to work on her designs but she was too distracted. The memory of her's and Chat's kiss from the night before kept flooding her brain and replaying behind her eyelids every time she closed her eyes. She flushed from just thinking about it.

Kitty was right. Definitely not cliche...

She kind of wanted to do it again. She wanted to taste the cinnamon from the cinnamon rolls she knew he was sneaking from her. She wanted to be that close to him again, she wanted to just feel the happiness she felt the moment he deepened the kiss.

Leather covered hands covered her eyes as someone hoarsely whispered in her ear, "Guess who."

"Kitty?" She felt a giggle bubble up from her chest and her heart raced by the close proximity.

Speak of the devil...

"Princess." He grinned. Chat spun her chair around so she was facing him. "I've come to finish what we started last night."

Before she could respond, Chat leaned forward and kissed her with his warm soft lips. His legs were bent so he could be at her level and he had his hands placed on her waist and tugged her closer to him.

She responded to the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and twisting her hands in his hair. She felt the cool mask rub on her nose and she gently tugged on his blonde hair.

He suppressed a groan and kissed Marinette deeper. His grip on her waist tightened, his claws gently digging into her flesh. He moved his right hand up her side. He could feel her goosebumps and grinned into the kiss.

He could taste the mint and chocolate from the peppermint hot chocolate she had drank from before an it urged him to try something.

He pulled away so they could breath. Marinette was panting heavily as she rested her forehead against his. Chat closed his eyes, panting as well, before going back in.

He kissed her with more pressure and decided to do it. He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip, tasting the cherry Chapstick she wears. It took Marinette a few seconds, but she finally hesitantly complied to him.

She felt herself melt into his kiss and parted her mouth to give him access. His heart leapt in joy and he prodded his tongue around in her mouth. He explored, wanting to memorize this feeling.

He didn't want to push his Princess too far so he pulled away, sucking on her bottom lip before letting it go with a pop.

He stared at her, her lips red and slightly swollen, eyes closed, mouth wide as she gasped for air.

He placed his sweaty forehead on hers and closed his eyes tightly. He cupped her face while he built up courage.

After a few minutes of silently sitting there, he finally had a burst of confidence.

"Je t'aime Marinette... I love you Princess, I really do."

Her heart stopped and she widened her eyes. Without thinking, she placed her hands in his soft hair and pulled him back down into another kiss.

I love you too, kitty...

Until next time, peace!

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