Dead Before Morning chapter Two

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With Llewellyn dogging his heels, Rafferty made his way over to the exalted one and introduced himself.  Bloodshot blue eyes surveyed him without enthusiasm and he got the impression that neither his shiny new rank, nor his shiny new suit cut much ice with the doctor.

      'The constable on the gate said the CID were on their way.' A faint frown marred the smooth perfection of Melville-Briggs's brow. 'I take it the Chief Inspector will be along shortly?'

      Although the doctor's voice was as fruity as a greengrocer's stall and polished to an almost glossy perfection, stress had brought out a hint of his Midlands origin and Rafferty guessed unhappily that the Brummie-boy made good would expect the very best and cut up rough when he didn't get it. He broke the news to him gently. 'I'm afraid the Chief Inspector won't be coming, Sir. We're a bit short-staffed at the moment.'

      'I think you'll find you're mistaken about that, Rafferty.' A professional smile briefly dazzled. 'Obviously the station doesn't know who I am. The Chief Constable's a personal friend of mine and once I've telephoned him, he'll be glad to oblige me.' Presumably satisfied that Rafferty now realised his star quality, Melville-Briggs patted him on the back in a consoling manner as he dismissed Rafferty's skills. 'Don't take it personally, Inspector. But this is a very select establishment. A certain diplomacy is called for if my patients aren't to be upset. I'm sure you understand?'

      Oh yes, he understood all right, Rafferty reflected grimly. What it didn't need, Melville-Briggs was implying, was some heavy-footed oaf like himself. But it was very tactfully put. He hoped the doctor would be as sensitive to his feelings in a minute or two. 'There's been no mistake, Sir. There really is no-one else available. And the Chief Constable's on holiday. Trekking in the Himalayas, I believe,' he added faintly.

      'Trekking in the Himala...?' Melville-Briggs's lips pursed tightly, but they opened sufficiently to murmur, 'I see,' in clipped tones, as he gave Rafferty's off-the-rack suit a swift, assessing appraisal. Perhaps he liked the style, Rafferty mused, but somehow, he didn't think so.

      The doctor concealed his disappointment well, Rafferty had to give him that. Melville-Briggs fingered his jaw thoughtfully and smiled again; a smile of singular charm that immediately put Rafferty on his guard. 'Now. How can I put this? It's a trifle — delicate, and I wouldn't want you to think me insensitive, but it is important that this distressing matter is cleared up as quickly as possible. The publicity...' He winced as if in genuine pain, before putting his hand inside his beautifully cut pearl-grey suit, and murmuring, 'Perhaps a donation to the Police Benevolent Fund will ease things along a little, hmm?'

      Although the doctor's attempted bribery was discreet, Rafferty was under no illusion that bribery was what it amounted to. What did the man expect him to do? he wondered. Fit up a likely criminal with the murder? Or did he imagine the crime could be swept under the carpet like last week's dust and conveniently forgotten? Wishing he could forget the doctor's high-placed friend, he gave a grim little smile. 'The police are always grateful for such generosity, but perhaps it would be best if you sent the cheque direct to the Fund? We don't want anyone getting the wrong idea, do we, Sir?'

      The doctor withdrew his hand from his pocket. 'Of course not,' he agreed smoothly. He was a cool customer, all right, thought Rafferty. 'Excellent idea. I can't imagine why I didn't think of it.' Balked of an early reduction in the crime statistics, Melville-Briggs's voice lost a little of its silken charm. 'You know, Rafferty, I've been thinking and I'm convinced that there was an ulterior motive for this crime. Someone wants to ruin my reputation and that of my hospital. I haven't any evidence, of course,' he admitted as Rafferty stared at him, 'but a man in my position makes enemies and why else would anyone dump a corpse here? It's obvious when you think about it.'

Dead Before Morning #1 Rafferty & Llewellyn proceduralWhere stories live. Discover now