relationship of two dinosaurs and a person

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Authors: this is my best book yet on Wattpad, I am sorry I haven't had the two previous chapters out because I did not have WiFi for a while. Enjoy.(warning, this might get sad)
Joy's p.o.v
I was excited to see Sam get along with a raptor friend, and I am glad that he said a raptor to talk too. Because if I was a Velociraptor, I would definitely get bored talking to a human. "Hi Amy, my name is Joy Sanders" I said, "who is she talking too?" Amy said. She had the same type of design as Sam on her, but hers was blue and green going to her head, then to her legs ,then to her tail. "She is talking to you, she can hear us, which I don't know how that is possible" Sam said,"yeah, I came to see Sam one day and I could suddenly talk to him"I said. "Is it okay if I am nervous around you, what's is your name?" She said, which was odd. "My name is Joy, why would you be nervous around me?" I asked, "I have never been around humans before" she said as she looked at Sam. Then Sam looked at me, then we both looked at Amy. "Whenever I was near humans, they always stab me with something" Amy said, I slightly had tears in my eyes. Because of you are talking to a animal and it tells you your fellow humans torturing them, that makes you feel kind of sad. "Why would they do that to you" Sam asked,"I am not sure but I have some marks" she said, she turned around to you show all the dry blood marks on her tail. "Oh"I said as I turned around and started to cry. Why would they torture a innocent dinosaur, it's even more sad if that dinosaur can tell you about it.
Amy's p.o.v
I was nervous to be in a cage with another raptor and with a human listening to our conversation. It appears that she started to cry, it's nice to know that a human actually doesn't want to kill me.
Sam's p.o.v
I thought I was going to cry because her story, that's horrible. Then she turned around to show all of the injuries on her tail. Then I accidentally did start crying, I didn't even know Velociraptors could cry.
Amy's p.o.v
Now both Sam and Joy was crying. Which was kind of weird to see Sam crying, then he  gave me a hug.
Joy's p.o.v
I watched Sam hug Amy, I didn't know that was possible, there are so many things I don't know about raptors until I talk to them. Then I realized Sam was crying, that is amazing that a raptors eye can produce tears. I wonder if the scientists of Jurassic world realized that she was tortured.
Sam's p.o.v
I didn't realize how humans could be"are you like this, Joy" I said still with tears in my eyes. "No, I would never do that to a innocent raptor" she said. I am glad she cared, while I was looking at Joy, Amy started blinking heavily.(author note like when are really tired and you can't keep your eyes open). And then, she fell over. I looked at Amy, on the ground with wide eyes. I then then looked up at Joy, with wide eyes"what just happened" I said with a stuttering voice. I started making a loud chirp noise to try to call one of the workers. Joy ran off to go find help.
Joy's p.o.v
Amy fell over, I assumed she was half dead and ran off to go find help. Sam started making a chirping noise I thought to try to get help. I ran to the visitors center to tell the doctors there that Amy was probably dying. Me and a few doctors were running to the Velociraptor paddock, when we go there he was still making th loud chirping noise. They quickly put Amy on a stretcher and ran back to the visitors center. Sam put his head against the glass "where are they taking her" he asked in a deep low voice. "They are taking her to a place where she can get help" I said. "What if she can't get any help, what if she is dead already!" He said as he turned around"I got my chance to be with another raptor and she could be dead". "She is probably not dead" I said,"but if she is dead they are gonna think it's my fault and I'll never get another chance" he said. He put his head on the glass and banged it with frustration."I am sorry" I said.

Authors note: I love making these stories and I hope you guys liked it too. I was very happy about Sam getting a paddockmate, let's hope she survives. This was also one of my saddest chapters  that I will probably write on Wattpad.

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