Chapter 24

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Natsu POV:
An annoying beeping echoes from my right.

I slam my hand on the top of my alarm clock.

Swinging my tired legs off the bed, I walk towards the bathroom.

With a flick of the light switch, I stare at myself in the mirror.

Bags upon bags lay under my eyes.

A yawn escapes my mouth as I exit the bathroom to get ready for school.

Memories from last night play in my mind as I put my uniform on.

Lucy's appearance.

She looked so weak.



Stepping outside my bedroom, I say goodbye to my mom and leave the house.

Walking down the front steps, I wait for her arrival.


After about ten minutes, I see her figure approaching.

Her face is pale.

Her eyes are focused on the ground.

She walks closer.



Her head shoots up, and on it is a big fake smile.

"Good morning Natsu." Lucy greets.

"Morning Luce." I reply.

We begin walking.

Uneasiness was emitted with each step.

I shake off what little doubt I have and ask, "What happened last night?"

"W-What do you mean?" she questions as if trying to avoid the topic.

"Lucy, you know exactly what I mean." I answer.

"Can we just not talk about it?" she whispers.

"Lucy I need to know what happened." I continue.

"Natsu, please..." she pleads.

Stopping in my tracks, I stand in front of her.

Why were you battered?

Why were you breathing heavily?

Why were you so weak?

Why did I feel uneasy around your father?

Looking her in the eyes, I state, "Lucy, please tell me what happened."

Her eyes focus on the ground again.

"I wasn't feeling very well when I got home. 'I should've taken medicine when Natsu offered it' was all I kept thinking. My head and body felt like lead, and the coughing and sneezing only got worse. Everything from then on was kinda hazy; I remember bumping into things and falling down a few times, but that's really it. However, I remember opening the front door and seeing you, but then I think I passed out." Lucy explained to the ground.

Why didn't she say that to my face?

"You did past out. Your hand slid off the door handle and luckily I caught you before you hit the ground. I had no idea what was happening; I just started panicking. But then, your dad picked you up and brought you inside." I added.

"M-my dad did? Did he say anything?" Lucy interrogated.

"No? Should he have?" I question.

"No! I- I mean, no." she shouted, but then lowered her voice.

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