As we stopped in front of the third traffic light, I officially had enough of rillos driving. He went from like 0 to 80 in like 5 mins. I must admit, that was cool except for when I hit my head on the back of the seat. Hard. "Rillo, remove yourself from the front seat. Your driving privileges has now been revoked" I said. He sighed and pulled over. "good boy Rillo" max said. She was patting his head like he was a dog. She was joking but I knew that it was just a front so that no one would know that she nearly pissed herself from her fear. Hell, I almost pissed myself as well. Rillos driving just does that to you. I finally reached the mall(with everyones body in tact and no pee to be found anywhere thank you) with some direction from max. I pulled up into the first available parking spot I saw and hopped out the car. Rillo was still pouting a bit from nit being able to drive the car. I walked over to max and whispered my plan in her ear. She grinned evilly and nodded her head in agreement. We both walked over to rillo and starting kissing him. Max went first and did her thing. She pulled away from him (finally. They were sucking face for a loooong time) and it was my turn. I went over there and kissed him gently. He wanted to kiss me hard so I pulled back smiled and went over to where max was. The I whispered in her ear "phase 1 has been completed" we both laughed at that one. "lets go cheerio" I said to Rillo. He was standing there looking confused. Shocked, and proud of himself. Ha we'll see how long thatll last.
Rillos POV~~
I was kinda sad I didn't get to drive the car all the way to the mall. I mean that was a pretty awesome ride Z has and I really wanted to drive it. But then again, max looked liked she was about to pee herself. I didn't know what was taking the girls so long. All I know was that they were over there whispering kinda excitedly for people who are going to the mall. I mean c,mon people. Its the mall. How exciting could it possibly be? Finally I thought to myself as the girls started walking towards me. I didn't move cuz I figured we were gonna walk in together. Next thing I know, max is making out with me. I mean full on swap spit mode. Just when I was getting into it, she pulled away and walked towards where z was standing. Then z started walking towards me and I felt my heart rate speed up. I mean don't get me wrong. Max is hot but z gets me all hot & bothered. She came over to me and was kissing me softly. Biting on my bottom lip and what not. I knew at that moment a groan so badly wanted to escape from my lips but I couldn't let that happen. I would not give z the satisfaction. While I was having a mind rant, z was deepening the kiss and I didn't realize it. I started to deepen it as well and the she pulled away. She walked back to max and whispered something in her ear. And with that they were just dying laughing. I was shocked cuz I didn't expect one of them to kiss me more or less two. I was happy cuz two hot girls just kissed me. But I was confused bacause I wanted to know why.
a/n::: kk my story is coming along slowly but surely. I'm honestly just making this stuf up as I go along so dnt shoot!! lol hope u enjoyed nd srry for the suspense building up. I just had to do it.
~songs of the chapter~~
dear Vienna- owl city
Russian roulette- rihanna
black parade- my chemical romance