Chapter 7: Who Knew?

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Chapter 7: Who Knew?

..::*Liam’s POV*::..

I wake up to a gentle rocking that makes me want to slip off into a peaceful sleep again, but instead, I try to crack my eyes open slowly. The last thing I remember, Louis and I were sailing out to sea in a tiny little boat, the stars above us twinkling beautifully as I listened to the melodic tone Louis’ voice hit with each syllable he uttered. Surely I wouldn’t have just dozed off on him like that, would I?

Did I hit my head, maybe?

No, there would be pain or a bump. All I feel in my head right now is a little fluttery buzz, much like the feeling I get in my stomach when I get nervous, except it’s not nerves that are causing this sensation. It’s more of a happy, giddy feeling. Like I’m floating on clouds.

My first thought is that maybe Louis is a drug dealer and we “sampled” some of his product last night. I mean, it is plausible. He’s a tough-looking guy; not necessarily the kind of man I’d picture dealing, but I’ve always been told not to judge a book by its cover.

The jittery feeling is quite reminiscent of coming down from a high. Yes, as unbelievable as it may seem, I have been high once or twice. Fine, maybe three times, but I have very persuasive friends.

I finally manage to open my eyes fully and I blink rapidly, trying to process my surroundings. The first thing I notice is that the swaying isn’t due to the waves beneath the boat. Heck, we’re not even in the boat anymore. I must’ve been pretty far gone because Louis has me wrapped securely in his muscular arms. His denim jacket is draped over my body and I can’t help but to feel like a baby. I wouldn’t be surprised if I started sucking my thumb in a few seconds.

The second thing I notice is that Louis seems to have acquired a few new items to add to his wardrobe. Sitting atop his head is a navy-blue police officer hat, the golden emblem making him look quite official, and, I must admit, sexy. Dangling from his belt loop is a pair of sparkling handcuffs. And they’re not the kind that some kinky couples use to play out their sexual fantasies, either. No, these are the real deal. Cool, hard metal that makes my wrists hurt just thinking about it.

“Louis?” I croak, my voice still slightly rough-sounding from my slumber.

He looks surprised that I’m awake at first, but quickly recovers and sends me a dazzling smile. “Hey, how are you feeling?” he asks gently.

“Fine,” I reply much too quickly. He cocks an eyebrow at me inquisitively and I break down with a sigh. “I’m good, really. Great, actually. Maybe a little too great. Did—did we… smoke something? I mean, if we did, that’s fine. It’s brilliant. But I just—“

“Liam, calm down,” Louis says with a grin. “You didn’t do anything illegal with me tonight. Well, besides break curfew, but whoop-de-fucking-doo to that. You just had a little mishap, which by the way, I am very sorry about. If I would’ve known how clumsy you could be I probably would’ve brought you somewhere a little more…stable.”

“What happened? I can’t remember a thing,” I tell him, rubbing my head once more, looking for even the smallest evidence of a bump or bruise but still finding not even the slightest bit of pain.

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