Chapter 8: Tease ;)

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Chapter 8: Tease ;)

..::*Liam’s POV*::..

“Oh my god, Louis!” I moan loudly.

“It can’t be that good,” Louis counters, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow and down the bridge of his nose before he wipes it away with the back of his hand.

“Best I’ve ever had. I’m not even kidding,” I reply before shoving another forkful of pesto-speckled pasta into my mouth. When Louis and I finally made it home--which by the way took much longer than it should’ve because the idiot wouldn’t keep his hands off me—I was just about ready to strip Louis bare right there in the hallway as he fumbled with the keys in the lock, but when he finally, finally, opened the door, I wasn’t met with the steamy back-shoved-roughly-against-the-door snog I was expecting. No, instead the cheeky little twat settled for quickly darting past me before I could lay so much as a finger on his lithe figure, mumbling something over his shoulder about “fattening me up before the slaughter,” which really shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but damn.


“Lots of carbs, lots of energy,” Louis says simply, shrugging off the compliment.

“Energy for what? I thought we were just gonna cuddle and watch a film or two?” I shoot back, feigning innocence. As if I hadn’t been prepared to rip his clothes to shreds not an hour before. If he can be a tease, so can I.

Louis just rolls his eyes with a smirk before mumbling something that sounds a lot like “Yeah, cuddle my arse.”

The two of us eat our meal in relative silence until Louis loudly pushes his chair from the table and grabs his dishes and mine, dumping them in the sink before pulling open the double-door refrigerator once more, producing a large platter of chocolate-covered strawberries. A can of whipped cream and a small jug of chocolate sauce are tucked under the arm not holding the platter. It gets me wondering if he really does intend to try and fatten me up a bit, because fuck, I’ve probably gained two stone just looking at what he’s prepared.

“You planned this, didn’t you?” I tease as the gigantic platter is placed before me. Louis gives me a half-smirk but plays it off with wide, innocent eyes as he takes the cap off the whipped cream and sprays a good bit directly into his mouth, not breaking eye contact with me the whole while.

“What ever do you mean, Liam?” he asks when he’s swallowed the fluffy cream. A bit of the white substance has found its way to the corner of his mouth and I can feel my trousers begin to tighten uncomfortably.

Well fuck.

“I-It’s just… I erm, noticed that you basically just fed me a whole meal consisting of aph-aphrodisiacs?” I squeak out, sounding a lot less confident that I had intended. “I mean, first the pesto with pine nuts and olive oil, and now the strawberries and chocolate and whipped cream. What are you playing at, Tomlinson?” I ask, my confidence returning as I continue to speak.

“Aphrodisiacs? Oh Liam, I was just trying to feed a lovely boy a good dinner,” he says cockily, his eyes glinting with mischief. My eyes have a difficult time staying locked with his however, as that speckle of whipped cream taunts me, moving with each syllable the wispy-haired man speaks.

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