Video Game Crush

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I woke up that morning at 6 am, which was technically ok because it was 9 in New York. I looked around my box littered room, and made the genius decision to continue unpacking. ..Right after some more Minecraft. I opened my laptop, and with disappointment realized that I had 5 minutes of battery left. Hmm... I looked around my room. 5 minutes is more then enough time, i thought to myself with a smile. 3..2..1... Go! I started to rummage through all the boxes in my apartment, looking for a charger. I quickly gave up on the boxes in my room, and dove into the living room. I gracefully knocked over several large boxes, but I uncovered not one, but two chargers! I cheered silently, then realized how stupid this was. Eh, who cares. No one can even see me, and anyways, who are they to judge? I skipped (yes, skipped. Haters gonna hate.) into my room, then quickly plugged my laptop in. I started Minecraft up, and logged on. Now what to do, what to do. I decided to play on the Hive. Hide and Seek seemed good, so I joined a random room. 

Antvenom has joined the server


Skythekidrs has joined the server


TrueMU has joined the server


CaptainSparklez has joined the server


I pinched myself. Nope, definitely not dreaming. And wow, that hurt. Ok, slight confession. I am an extreme fangirl. And i happen to have a not so little crush on CaptainSparklez. I mean, seriously. He's so cute and funny and just perfect. I love his name too. Jordan... Wait. Suddenly, everything clicked. CaptainSparklez is the boy upstairs. The veryveryvery hot guy that I walked into. This isnt real. I slapped myself, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Yep, still not dreaming. Hmm... Since all these youtubers are here.. They must be making a video! I sighed. I thought about messaging Jordan about how I was the girl that ran into him last night. Literally. But as I came out of my daze, I noticed I had been kicked from the room to "make room for a premium member". I screamed in exasperation. Ugh, why do I even try? It's not like I have a chance... And Jordan probably already has a girlfriend. I mean, how couldn't he? With him being perfect and all... I sighed loudly. I decided I needed to go out, to explore my new town. Or, at least, just get my mind off of Jordan. I grabbed my messenger bag, and headed out the door. When I turned to lock the door, I noticed a note stuck on it. I pulled it off so I could read it properly.


I was wondering if you wanted to stop by my apartment. Ya know, a little welcome to the complex thing. 7 sound good? Hope to see you, dude.


Under his name was a phone number, presumably his. Of course I was free at 7, its not like I had anywhere to be! I entered his number into my contacts on my phone, and texted him saying, first of all, who I was and then that yes, I could come at 7. I bit my lip, trying to hide my excitement. Great, that really got Jordan out of my head.


I know, I know, its short. Hey, I'm new at this, ok? Longer chapters ahead ;)

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