I Have My Doubts

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Bring bring!

I shot up in bed, startled by my ringing phone. I looked over at my phone and groaned at the time. "5 am, are you serious right now," I murmured. I glanced over at Jordan, who managed to stay asleep during the insistent ringing. I covered my phone's speaker with my hand as I looked at him. Poor Jordan, just got back from Boston. His flight just got in last night, and he was really exhausted. Good thing I was there to drive him home, otherwise he would've totally crashed. I leaned over and rumpled his hair, and kissed his forehead. Then I silently got out of bed and crept into the office, the room with the least echo. "Hello?" I whispered as I picked up.

"Victoria! Who do you think you are! Not even calling your own mother!" shouted my mom over the phone.

"Oh god Mom.. I'm sorry! I really meant too!" I whispered insistently.

"Well how is it? Is it late? I tried to call at a reasonable time, I wouldn't want to wake you up? Why are you whispering, are you at a boy's house? Young lady, have you turned into a whore?!"


"Sorry, just worrying! But seriously, have you? Tell me everything this instant!"

"For your information, dearest mother, its fu-freaking 5 in the morning! You see, there's this thing called time difference-"

"I'm getting a lot of sass and very little information."

"Ugh.." The minutes ticked on as I filled my mom on my experiences since I've left her tender loving embrace, not leaving anything out. She'd find out anyway, with her weird mom physic abilities.

"Are you ok? Oh my god, did he take advantage of you!" She shrieked when I told her about my blacking out at the beach.

"No Mom, he's not like that." I groaned.

"He sounds like I man-whore sweetie, stay away from him if you want to keep your innocence." She said simply when I told her about my elevator experience with Tom.

"Mom! Well.. you are kinda right."

"I always am." When I told her about our trip to the park, she let out a very audible sigh. "Honey, you better check yo' self before you wreck yo' self."

"Mom, never say that again."

"What? I thought it was cool. But anyways, you better watch out. But I gotta be honest, that seems much more sweeter then anything this boy Jordan has done for you."

"Th-that's not true!" I insisted, flustered. "What about the whole taking me to a hospital and possibly saving my life?"

"Common courtesy darling." 

"B-But what about the time.." My voice faded out as I realized that what she said was actually true. "Huh," I said.

"You ok honey? You sound a little bit sad," my mom said, her parental instincts clicking in.

"Yeah.. just tired," I murmured as I looked at the clock. "Hey Mom, it's almost 6, and I'm really tired. I'm gonna crash, I promise I call you later."

"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah Mom. Love you." I said in a mock tired voice.

"Ok.. You better call again! Love you!" She said energetically. I sighed as I clicked hang up and leaned back in the chair I had sat in.

"Huh," I said, not quite sure how I was feeling. My mom, the genius she is, had pointed out something I hadn't noticed. In all the time we'd been together, there really hadn't been a grand romantic gesture. I laughed a little to myself as I thought that. It sounded really stupid, but hey I'm a sap for stuff like that. I shrugged, then walked down the hallway to the bedroom. There, Jordan was looking around sleepily.

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