I should be happy right?

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Finally, at thebakery  last stop on the list of things my mom needed. Looking over the list i see the note my mom wrote.

"Sweetheart, please make sure they made AJ's cake perfect spelling, sign and the type of cake! thank you!"

As i'm waiting in line i feel my phone go off.

"Hey so were still allowed to come over tonight  right?" - Monica

"Yupp, i'm not home yet i'm at the bakery over on cornell getting the cake for tonight, but you guy's can come over at like 6 is that okay?"

"Sure thing nik, see ya soon! "-  Monica

see you soon? what does that mean it's only what 4:30 right? oh my god it's 5:15 shit shit shit shi-

"Sweetheart, Sweetheart?" i look up 

"ohh hi sorry! "

***15 Mins later***

That by far was the fastest i have ever showered, walking over to my closet  i decide on wearing a oversized cream knitted sweater with my edgy destroyed skinny jeans with some cream toms. Hair and makeup time  Makeup first just some concealer, powder  since my skin was pretty good i don't need to cake on to much and mascara. Finally my hair it's  long and blonde thank god it doesn't dry curly just  i still have to run straightner through it but it's not to bad. 

After deciding that i'm done i look at my phone it's only 5:50, Aj will get here at 7 at least that's what  he told us, going downstairs i notice  that  aunt michelle and uncle glenn are here  and then i see that Jordan,Monica and Robby are here.

"Hey kids while i prepair the meal want to help but up some decorations?" mom asked innocently 

"Sure Mrs. Miller " robby says while going to hang a banner with my dad 

"You look really cute nicole" 

"Thanks mons, so do you and jordan" monica always had a crush on AJ

"so who's ready to put some streamers up?" i say not so enthusiastic  waving them in the air 

twenty minutes and 55 ballons later  my mom shouts "okay guys AJ just said he's leaving the train station and he should be here in 8 minutes!"

looking aorund i saw that everyone was nodding in unisen the house was full of people now.


As were sqauting i hear the door open slowly.

"Mom? Dad? Nikki? twins?"



I turn on the lights and i see AJ our cites star, college  football mvp and my lovely caring brother, but before i could go to greet him the crowd of people swallowed him in, oh well i'll see him later after all he lives here. I go to the kitchen do get water as i close the fridge i hear gigles i look on the counter and see the cake has little fingerprintes on it and that there are swipes of icing.

"Oh wow it looks like a pair of fingers were touching the cake" i say while looking for the twins i look on the side of the fridge

"nope no on here, i know mom will hunt down the criminals and cute there fingers off maybe there under the table"

as i pull up the table cloth i see them looking at me wearing party hats they will be  heart breakers when there older both have  brown hair,tan and josh has brown eyes but alex has a blue eye and one hazel i loved his eyes they are just so interesting, i have some  pictures of him on my camera he's my favorite  subject.

"Don't tell mom nikky! pweease!" Josh begged with icing allover his lips

"Yeah we didn't mean to sissy, it was just asking to be eaten" alex always got his way out of a situation 

"Well if you help me fix the cake i won't tell deal?"

"YES!" they both yelled and waited for me to order them around, i made alex be watch while josh and i fixed the cake 

Ten minutes later and two twins looking hungry, the cake was fixed and they kept there fingers. I hand them  both a juice box and sit down and talk about school and there teachers, but that stoped once my mom came threw the kitchen doors. 

"There you guys are! i've been looking for you,Nikky help me serve the food please dear"

"No problem mom"

Carrying a tray of pasta in the dinning room i see Monica and Aj talking monica throws her head back in a laugh and Aj is just smiling like he told her somehting funny, hmm i wonder what's going on with that. After serving all the food i make a plate and go find jordan and robby.

"Hey guys why did Mons leave you?'

"She wanted to go talk to  your brother " said robby

"ahhh i see" i said slightly annoyed

i don't know why i  am annoyed i should be happy, after everybody left i told my mom  to go to bed and that i would clean up since she did so much today  wacthing her walk up stairs i notice that the twins were sleeping on the couch once i finished cleaning i carried them upstairs and tucked them in. 

Being able to sit down after today felt nice  as i;m about to fall asleep i hear a knock 

"come in?"

"Hey niks"

"Hey supper star" knowing that would  annoy him

"hahahha funny, I didn't get a chance to talk to you tonight kiddo, what's been going on ?"

"Oh nothing much same ol same ol, but mr.davis wants to know how you're doing and Blake Williams says what's upp."

"You talking to Blake Williams ?"

shit shit shit shit, i felt my cheeks heat up

"Niks? " he asked raising a eyebrow

"um, well no not really i mean i don't know!"

"Niks you can tell me anything, if he hurts you or is bothering you i can fix it"

" well there's nothing to fix he only talked to me today"   before he could say something my phone goes off. 

"Well we can talk later kiddo, thanks for tonight i love you." as he rubs my head 

"love ya too Aj" going to my nightstand i look at my phone and answer


"Hey angel eyes"

Why is blake calling me at 12 and how did he get my number! 

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