first game of the season

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It was Thursday  the day before the first game of the season at our school, and the coach has been working the team very hard the only times i would see blake is when he would pick me up from school, durring and some days he would come over .

I miss that boy, but i understand it's football season, so i've been keeping myself busy my latest projects revolve my bedroom it's time for a make over, and setting Monica nad Dylan up they have been flirting innocently and it's really cute. 

"So what do you think about this outfit for tomorrows game?" i say holding up a black and white baseball tee that represents our schools colors

"Yeah that's really cute! and maybe with those white skinny jeans with white vans?" Monica says over skype.

"Ohhh i forgot about those! yes okay what are you going wear anything special for Dylan?" i asked waving my eyebrow

"Shhhh, he probably doesn't even like me." she says playing with one of her curled long peices of brown hair

"Monica, sometimes you are so dumb." i said rubbing my face  in annoyance

"Well yes i do have an outfit in mind thank you." she said  wel talked for about two more hours she asked how me and Blake were and i told her that we haven't hung out in a while because he's been busy with football but it's totally okay.

*Later that night*

After dinner i helped the boys with their homework and headed up stairs, while looking at paint colors my phone goes off


"Hey babe, i hope you had a good day! :* " - Blake

"Yeah it was fine, how was yours i miss you." - Nikki

"I miss you too babe, we get to hang out tomorrow after the game! and it was okay." -Blake

"I know, i'm excited for tomorrow." - Nikki

" Me too, the game is gonna be intense, good thing i have you as my good luck charm ;)' -Blake

"You're soo corny." - Nikki

"Corny for you and you only." - Blake

"I'm gonna go to bed babe but i love you and see you at 7 tom. morning right?"- Blake

"Yupp, good night love you. "  -Nikki

"I love you more angel." -Blake

*Next Day*

To say that Roseville had school spirit would be an understatment everything in the school was black and white streamers were everywhere along with balloons  kids were in only black and white. Blake squeezing my hand caused me to loose my train of thought.

"You think too much." he said

"You think to little." i said lamly

"Ohhhh good one." he said in a sarcastic tone

"Shut up mean." i said nudging him, he just laughs 

On the walk out to the car  i spotted some kids putting up Homcoming dance posters, shitttt why are they putting those up already  homecoming isn't till October 12th it's only September 10  oh well i shrugged it off maybe Blake didn't notice  them putting it up.

"Hey Blake you ready to be Homecoming king! " one of the fricken kids had to yell at us

"Haaha Oh yeah travis, i doubt i will get it though." he yells back

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