Daniels and movies

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Ow was all I thought when I woke up, afraid to open my eyes.

my head was pounding and I felt sick, I felt someone's body and the heat that came with it laying next to me.

turning over I see a very naked Blake cuddled up to me, giggling I check me and see that I'm also very naked.

" I could listen to that sound forever." he said opening his eyes

"hi " I said rubbing his face

"hi." he replied
" so what happened last night." I asked rubbing my eyes

"you made a lot of new friends last night at the party Mr.Daniels was one of them." he said drawing circles on my hip

processing what he said a  glimpse of what he was talking about played in my mind alcohol, party, music


"oh yeah you're probably gonna feel like shit today, but damn you were a trip last night." he said

"dancing on pool tables, almost going skinny dipping and getting all the boys attention." he added

"I'm sorry." I said while laying my head against his chest

"don't be once you noticed other guys staring at you, you made it very clear I was the only guy in your life." he said with a low laugh

"oh and by the way you're very sexual the thing you did with your hips..... wow angel." he said pulling me closer

I laughed and said thank you for taking care of me and not letting me go skinny dipping, he told me that it was Jake who stopped me, blake was in the bathroom but got to me as soon as heard.

We took a shower and talked about everything else that happened that night, the water felt so refreshing on my alcohol strained skin.

after the shower blake cooked us some lunch.


"Babe what do you want to do?" i asked

"We can go to the movies? don't ya wanna see carrie?" he asked

"Yeah ya sure ya won't be scared?" i asked thinking back to the previous scary movie incounter

"shush that was only for that movie, come on who wouldn't be scared of that ghost face fuck" he said

"Blake watch your mouth!" his mom said walking past us

i laughed as he was getting scoulded

"Go get ready and we can go." he said

"I'm ready who do i have to impress huh?" i said kissing him

"Unless i should find a guy who can watch scarry movies." i said pulling away

"ahahaah come here you, you're not going anywhere except the movies."

we got up and walked to his car


"Theater 11 enjoy the show." the girl said looking at blake

"Come on hun" he said pulling me closer

we walked into the theater and took our seats as the lights started to go down telling us that the movie was about to start.

The creppy music came on and in the moment i felt him grab my hand little baby i thought.

"That was great! did you see how real the blood looked!?" i said 

"I don't know how  you can watch that." he said

"How do you  find that scary!" i asked

"because that shit could actually be real" he replied grabbing my hand while we walked out

As we walked to his car i stayed quiet, and he noticed. 

"Angel i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell." 

"I know and i totally understand."  i said

"I love you." he said and i nodded and  i replied back

"Hey blake what if i have telekineses, and i told you to tell me that but mean while you thought it was yourself feeling bad so you apologized." i said looking  him 

"Did you get sweedish fish?" he asked

"No." i said replying to fast


"Nope- no sweddish fish here buddy oh pal." i said physicaly and mentally slapping myself

"You're so damn cute, come on let's try to  get rid of  that sugar high of yours." he said starting the car.

"Where we going?" i asked no reply

"Okay fine two can play that game." i said basically to my self

"Okay mister  i gotcha." i turned on the radio and started singing the first song that came on 

"but every song is like gold teeth, grey goose tripping in the backroom, blood stains ballrooms, trashing the hotel rooms we don't care we're driving cadillacs in our dreams." 

"Angel i don't think you know how much i love you."

"Oh? what makes you think i don't know?" i asked

"I can just watch you for the rest of my life, i can listen to your voice forever, i love you." he said 

"I love you too." i said leaning over to him and kissing him

"Where are we going, can you tell me now?" i asked


We pulled up to a cute little lake, and saw a dock set up with a candel light display.

we walked over to the dock and sat down i saw that there were blankets and pillows set up.

we sat down looking at the sky.

"Nikki even though we graduated yesterday."he said laughing pulling me close

"I don't see myself with anyone else but you, i want you to be my wife, and mother of our children i want to wake up an go to sleep with you next to me i want to  i want to  grow old with no one else but you, i was going to wait until we moved in to the  or loft but you make me fall ten times harder than i ever expected." 

"Nicole Miller will you marry me " he asked pulling out a Cushion-cut diamond, featured here in 3.03 carats, in a micropavé platinum setting.

I tried keeping the tears at bay, but that didn't happen they all came out he pulled me in for a hug and i whispered a  yes.


I'm deciding if i should make an epilouge or a second book tell me what ya think!

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