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It's been three weeks. 

Three weeks of me and blake just hanging out, three weeks of learning about eachother he has two older sister Caitlyn and Katherine, three weeks of hearing his different laughs the chuckles and the full of happiness laughs, three weeks of taking in all of his emotions like when he's angry he clenches his jaw  and his eyes turn a darker shade of blue, Three weeks of just being with eachother weather it's him parking next to me or us studying together at my house. I still get the warm tingles whenever we hold hands or a kiss,  yes we have kissed and it's amamzing his soft lips just get me everytime.

"Hey beautiful" he says to me while i'm sitting in my car.

"Hey yourself" i smile back, he leans in to give me a kiss.

"Blake what are you doing! were at school." i say checking the area to see if anyone say i haven't told jordan or monica about us, Robby is the only one that knows and he understands he just wants me to be happy.

"So what if someone see's us?" he asked

"I don't know, i just don't know what we're- ya know what i don't want to talk about this can we just go to school?" i ask trying to change topic, and we make our way torwads the school he sighs and i know he's annoyed.

"Nikki i just want to be wi-"

"Hey nikks, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever! " monica says with robby and jordan at her side.

"Yeah, what's up?" i ask happily 

"Nothing the usuall homework, boys have you talked to  Aj? monica asked they hung out everyday untill he had to leave to college which was a couple days ago.

"Yeah he's good he's happy, he missed playing football with his friends he's getting us tickets for the teams first game so were all going.  i said the last part towards blake and brushed his hand with mine for a second and i got him to smile man that smile will be the death of  me.

"Cool what day is it?" robby asks.

"I think he said September 15th" 

"This sunday!?" monica asked all excited 

"Yup so dress warm" even though it was september it got cold really fast but i love it fall is my favorite season. 

"So i will see you in math?" blake asked holding my hand at my locker.

"I don't know i'm feeling like i wanna skip." i looked away yeah right me skip 

"Yeah right, you skipping nice try angel" as he rubs circles on my hand.

"I can be reblious too ya know." i said pretending to be mad

"I know angel and that's why i like you" he said smiling   what do i say to that? yeah you're cool too god dammit blake, as i was about ot say something the warning  bell rang.

"I'll see you in math" he said sort of sad.

"Okay." looking down.

"Nicole don't worry about it we can talk about it later okay?" he siad smiling

"How do you do that?" i ask

"do what?"

"make me feel better without even trying." i said he leans into me and whispers

"I'm just that awesome" and ends it with a chuckle

"Bye blake" i  say  smiling while getting my book and close my locker.

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