Can't say no to Jo

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"Come on, you ho! It'll be fun! Please! Please!" Joanne won't shut up until I give in.

"Jo, I don't want to go, I have a driver's ed tomorrow and my mom would never let me." That's a lie, she'd love to see me go out for once. "Ughhhhhhhhh Ash!!! You never wanna go do anything fun anymore! Please! If you go I'll fund this weeks movie marathon buffet!" Gosh I just can't say no to Jo
"Ok, better not forget to get gummy worms this time... and don't expect me to dress up!"


"I can't believe you made me dress up for this!" I let out a long sigh as I look down at the ridiculously tight clothing Joanne had picked out. "Oh shut up, you look amazing Ash!" I glance at Joanne in envy, with her perfect body anything would look amazing on her. "Who's house is it at anyways?" I mumble this while pulling the tight clothing from my skin, attempting to breath. "This really sweet girl I have for algebra, Regina um I can't remember her last name, Philips? Paul?"-"Perez" I cut in. "Yeah her, do you know her?"
"Oh I've just seen her around school..." I stare out the window filling with immediate regret.

Jo pulls her jeep up in front of a beautiful big Spanish style home. At barely 7p.m. it's already flooded with drunk teenagers stumbling around the lawn, shadows of bodies tangling together dance behind trees. "Well would you look at that, guess word got around. Oh Ash this is going to be so much fun!" Jo squeals in excitement and jumps out of the jeep.

The front door is surrounded with varsity football players, each with a red plastic cup in their hands. They look Jo up and down then let her through. They turn to me and sneer, "Sorry Ashley, you gotta be under 6 tons to enter", a tall one with spiky black hair calls to me. "C'mon Kyle, leave my girlfriend alone! I'll kick your ass right here, right now!" Jo screams this out and rises to her full height of 5"8 and a extra 2 inches thanks to her heels. "Hey chill, baby, didn't realize you all were a couple. Pretty hot." Kyle, who now appears the leader of this group, purrs this out and accompanies the statement with a attempted grab at Joanna' s butt. "Drop dead, Kyle!" Jo puts her point across by giving him a hook to the jaw. Apparently he had forgotten that Jo was captain of the woman's boxing league at the local gym, because he did not see that coming and fell like a ton of bricks. The rest of the guys either laughed or dived towards him, asking if he's alright. "C'mon Ash" Jo tugs at my arm and pulls me towards the door. I step over Kyle's unconscious body and enter the door frame. The night has just begun and already there's trouble.

The inside of the house must be beautiful, but it's hard to tell with the ocean of bodies filling it. All over you find drunken teenagers of every gender and sexuality grabbing at each other while their introvert friends lean against the wall pretending to text. "Let's go get a drink, would you like one? " Jo looks at me affectionately, trying to examine if I was effected by Kyle's words. I wasn't, I've heard far worse. "Sure", I fake a smile so she'd quit worrying and let her lead me to the kitchen. As we almost enter it I feel someone roughly grab my other wrist and am suddenly torn away from Jo, my lifeline. I turn to meet the assailant and find a very intoxicated Matthew starring at me with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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