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*Note: All stories are written from my character's POV*

I arrived on Jorvik both nervous and excited. It had been all I ever wanted, a chance to be with horses 24/7. Yet the thought still hung in my mind, what if I wasn't good enough? I shook the thought out of my head and walked into Moorland Stables. Right away I was greeted by a guy. "Hi, you must be Jacqueline!" I'm Justin." From there he showed me some horses saying I could pick one to use while I was here. I walked up to each horse in turn, hoping to connect with one in some way. With the third horse I felt something click. If your an equestrian you know what it feels like when a horse is just right for you. It was weird that I knew without even trying her out, but the mare seemed right. "What's her name?" I asked. "That's Rubyfire" Justin replied "she's usually pretty calm, we've used her for lessons often because of that". I knew I wanted her. I told Justin and he disappeared for a moment before coming back with tack for her. The moment I mounted all the nervousness I'd had disappeared. I was quickly given permission to explore outside the stables with her. Time went on and as I got to know Ruby I knew I'd made the right choice. Shortly after I chased GED away from the stables Thomas Moorland offered to sell her to me, really cheap. Even he must've seen how we connected. I agreed without a second thought and took the ownership papers happily. I trotted away on my horse knowing I would never regret coming to this island.

A Soul Rider's Horse - The Stories of All My HorsesWhere stories live. Discover now