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    I sat on Midnight watching the pony championships. I'd quickly learned he needed to be completely retrained after the abuse he'd gone through. He was coming along nicely, all he'd needed was a patient trainer. During this time I'd moved my horses to Steve's Farm, which was a bit more suited for training a horse then Moorland. I'd wanted to watch the pony race for a while, but hadn't had the chance. When I finally found the time I decided it would be perfect to introduce Midnight to all the noise and crowds at a championship. At first it went well but as I watched a girl on a dark bay pony pull into first, a man who I could only assume to be her father whistled loud and high pitched. Midnight freaked, I honestly wondered if his old owner ever whistled at him with the way he acted. He took off bolting through the crowd, a combination of people on foot and on horseback. At first I was able to keep my balance but then he stumbled and I went over his head. Ignoring any possible injuries to myself, I leapt to my feet and yelled out "Midnight!". I started to race after him, the people nearby who'd seen my fall made room for me to pass. I quickly lost sight of my horse and desperately asked people which way he'd gone. Following various people's directions I soon found a girl standing next to a black horse holding Midnight. Midnight had never been good with strangers however, and kept rearing and trying to pull away. "Midnight!" I shouted in relief. At the sound of my voice he stopped panicking and looked towards me. I walked up to the girl. "Thanks so much for catching my horse" I told her relieved. "No problem, it's only what any good rider would do" she replied. After a moment she then asked "Weren't you the one petting Ruby in Moorland about a month ago?" she then asked. "Yeah, she's my other horse I wasn't even planning on having two at first honestly" I said with a laugh. I then told her about how I'd met Midnight. "Wow, taking him with you was definitely the right thing" she said. "I'm Nina by the way!".  "I'm Jacky" I said with a smile. I could tell we were going to be great friends. Now more relaxed I checked myself over to find no serious injuries. I got on Midnight and looked back at the race just in time to see the dark bay win. "Wow I wish I had a pony, competing in this would be so cool!" I said. "So do I, people are selling some over there" Nina replied pointing at a bunch of ponies and their owners lined up on the side. "Let's take a look" I said with a grin. We trotted over there to check out the ponies. I walked around and asked about various ponies. Nina settled on a Chincoteague  Pony named Lemonkiss. I looked around a little more before settling on an Appaloosa Jorvik Pony. A woman and a little girl were selling him and the girl looked upset. As I payed for the pony, whose name was Cinnamonwarrior, the little girl came up and said "Promise you'll take good care of him?" I felt bad for her, I didn't know why they were selling the pony but clearly she was against it. "I promise" I told her as I loaded him into a trailer.

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