Chapter 2

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Vic's P.O.V
I was laying in my bunk staring at the curtain when my phone started to buzz like crazy. I decided to leave it and hope it would stop soon but to my look it rung about four more times before finally looking at the screen: Unknown number, hmm.

"Vic. Is that you? It's me, Kim." A strangely familiar female voice rung through my ears. Kim? Kim. KIM. My ex girlfriend from high school. Why's she calling me and how's she got my number?
"Kim? Kim Winters? Is that really you? What's wrong?" I rushed out maybe a bit too quickly,
"Yes Vic, it's me. Listen I just called to ask you if you still had that envelope I gave to you when we broke up."
I never got rid of it, I never even opened it.
"Uhh, yeah. I always have it in case it's important, it's never been opened. Why?"
"Open it. Just open it." She sounded as if she was about to cry. I reached under my pillow and pulled out the small envelope. Taking a deep breath, I open it and pull out a tiny picture. I can't see it properly so I turn on the small light and see an ultrasound picture (thing).
"That's our baby Vic. Mine and yours. Our own flesh and blood." A sob escaped my mouth. Is this why she left me? In case I hated her? My baby.
"Listen Vic I'm going to keep this short and sweet, I have terminal cancer. I've had it for a while. I want... Need you to go to Sunny Side Orphanage to get your child. The reason I'm telling you this now is because I'm going to die. Very, very soon and I want her to know her dad. Okay? Please don't cry over me. You've been perfectly fine without me for 14 years, you can do it again. Please Vic. Please go get her. I love you." With that she hung up. Here I am, in a ball, a blubbering mess. I have a child? No. She wouldn't lie about this, would she? My phone beeped again and I had an email telling me all about my daughter?! 'Her name is Katie, she's 14 years old and is at Sunny Side Orphanage in San Diego.' I go on their website and sure enough, there she is: Kat Winters. She's beautiful. She looks so much like me it's unbelievable; other than the blue hair.

I ran into the main 'room' of the bus to tell the guys. "Hey Vic, ther-" I cut Tony off. "Listen guys there's something I have to tell you. Mike, do you remember my girlfriend from high school, Kim. Well apparently she had a baby. MY baby. She's in an orphanage in downtown San Diego. At first I didn't really believe that she was mine until I looked on their website and she is literally a mini me. Look?" I show them all the picture. All of their jaws are dropped. "Also she said that she is dy-dying and she wants me to adopt her." Again I'm a blubbering mess, great. I can see Mike teary too. "Can we go now since we're in San Diego now?"

After about a million questions and half an hour later we arrive outside of the old looking building, "This is it, there's no turning back now."
"Thanks turtle." I said shooting him a small glare. We walked into reception and asked to adopt a girl between 11 and 16 even though I already knew who I wanted. The lady led us to a big room where all of the girls were stood in a line. There she was. MY daughter. She was wearing a Pierce the Veil crewneck and listening to music. As me and Mike walked down the line I heard a girl mutter " What's with tall, dark and scary?" Obviously referring to Mike because I'm short as fuck. I nudged Mike's shoulder and he looked at Kat, I could see it in his eyes he already adored her; I did too. I held back my tears and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. She looked up and had to do a double take and looked at me as if she was about to pass out. After making some small talk with her I finally asked her the question that could change all of our lives forever. "Would you like to come home with us?"

Hey guys, it's a bit longer as promised. I seriously hope you enjoy this book. I'll try and do a double update for y'all. Xx

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