With one Encounter, Comes another.

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It has been Two whole days since I have arrived and I find myself laying in my flannel sheets, staring at my boring cream walls. I really need to decide upon my decor as it doesn't real make me feel inspired. I gathered all of my covers and snuggled down. I could hear an owl cooing in the distance. I am so nervous for tomorrow. If its one thing I find hard, it's talking to new people. I always feel like the first day on a new set has a stiffness too it, Although you end up plummeting through scenes, you always feel like you have to tread on egg shells. What I wouldn't give to have at least one familiar face there. Oh well, one can only dream. I closed my eyes and let out one great sigh. I then floated off into the darkness.

It was 8am and I was running through the crowds of people to catch my train. Everyone kept coming towards me and looking towards me and what made things worse was the smell of fish coming from the local fish market and the smell of cigarette smoke from passers by. How can such a smell manage to find its way into a train station? I looked around too see if I could locate a ticket machine. With all of the hustle and bustle I found it hard to see them. I then looked towards the toilets and saw a huge route map with some machines under it. I know right? What a crazy place to put machines. I marched across the green stone floor and just stared at the map. I looked at the map, there was far too many routes and stops to figure out. Why couldn't I have just taken the bus? I looked behind me and saw a young Japanese man with glasses who looked really impatient. I turned and looked at the pale blue wall and then looked up at the map. After a further 10 seconds of staring I found my route/stop and got my ticket. I as I was waiting on my ticket to print, the young man then started to talk

"You know you could have just typed in the name of the area that you were going to into the machine and it would have searched for all the local stops there." he said smugly.

" Well I am pretty sure if I knew that, I would have done so, but to be fair, if you were a gentleman at all you would have offered to help me. Rather than just stand there and sight and groan." I replied firmly

"This is true, I do apologize for sounding like a total idiot. Where are you off too if you do not mind me asking?" he questioned.

"Akita Studios" I answered.

"Really? Waw me too, which production are you going to be working on?" he quizzed.

"Ai o Surpising " I answered.

I then smiled after.

"Whoa, really? me to! You must be Takano's new assistant?!?!" He said

"Uh, not quite. I am replacing Mr Usgai. I am Misa Takahashi. Please too meet you" I said.

I then smiled and put my hand out as a gesture of unity and forgiveness as I knew he would be kicking himself for being rude to his new boss.

We shook hands and he said

"My name is Keita, Keita Misaki"

He then smiled at me. It was then that I noticed that he was taller than me and a lot slimmer than me. He had Huge but soft and honey brown eyes, a perfectly straight nose and thin lips. He also had jet black hair and I sensed that I had seen him somewhere before. We decide to get the train together.

After jumping off the busiest train I have ever scene Keita and I started walking past the docks that were next to the Studio and I found it very difficult to hear him over the sound of cranes emptying the fish boats. The place stank of salty water and fish. However slightly a head was my safe haven, I then noticed a a couple of Cherry Blossom tress swaying gently in the breeze as the sun illuminated them. However I kept finding myself drawn back to Keita's face. I all of a sudden felt the need to ask where I have seen him from. I could feel it coming out like vomit.

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