Time apart

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I had to leave back to Louisiana again in a month for a few weeks. I called Adam.

"Adam. I'm going back to Louisiana Ina month for about 4 weeks. Tell Ross and the rest of the office. Have Tim do my editing for me and say bye to Mason and Alesa for me." I said.

"Sure. Max we'll miss you." He replied and hung up. I sat in my office contemplating what to do if Ross busted through the door.

"ROSS!" I yelled. His office was next to an empty office that I am sitting in.

"Yeah?!" I heard his muffled voice.

"Could you come here for a sec?" I yelled back.

I heard his door open and he walked into this empty office.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Ross... I'm leaving to Louisiana in a month." I finally confessed.

"What?! For how long?" He said as he stalked backwards to close the door.

"A few weeks. Don't worry, I'll be back."

"Your going to see you family right?"

"Actually.... I'm going to see my uh. Girlfriend." My girlfriend or should I say my Ex girlfriend. She recently broke up with me and she wanted to see me. Ross's face looked upset and tears ran down his face.

"Oh...." He looked to the ground and stormed out of the room. I could hear him lock his office door and I instantly regretted calling her my girlfriend.

Time skip to after work~

Ross POV

The drive home was silent. I didn't want to talk to max because I would only love him. He had a girlfriend and he didn't tell me? Ugh. Why did I even try, he probably doesn't even like me that way. But that doesn't explain why he... Kissed.. Me...

"Ross." I heard Max's voice call my name.


"I don't have a girlfriend anymore... She's actually my ex. I accidentally called her my girlfriend."

"Whatever. You just broke up with her now huh?"

"No it's been a few months since she broke up with me. That's why I've been so short tempered."


"Ross you wanna go?! I'm being serious now."

"Sorry jeez." I said and ended the conversation.

"Shut up you too." Tim said to calm us down. "What do you guys want for dinner?"

"Anything. Mac and cheese is preferred." Max replied.

"Pasta of any kind." I said.

At home~~~

"Max..." I said knocking on his locked bedroom door.

"Go away Ross." He sounded upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


I sat in my room. I didn't want to go to Louisiana anymore. I want to stay and be with Ross. 

"Max..." He knocked.

"Go away Ross." I replied.

"What's wrong?" He sounded concerned.

I opened the door and gabbed him
Into an embrace.

"M-max..." He stuttered.

I didn't answer. I only hugged him. Tears stained my face.

"I don't want to go anymore. I'll cancel it and stay with you." I said. "I. Love. You." I finally said.

"Max... I love you too. But you have to go. Atleast to see your family. It's been a year. Cmon. I'll be waiting for you. Don't worry..." He said soothingly.

"Okay fine. I'll go. I'm shortening it to one week though. I want to be home as soon as possible." I wiped my tears away.

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