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"Allie I was so good back then, but I wonder if I'd be so good if I see you again, listn miss, you got me, should've taught me such naughty things..."

Allie is having a second thought whether she's gonna seacrh Patrick or not on the internet. She wants to see him what he looks like right now, what is the current news about him, but a part of her is scared to do it. Afraid that she might see something that can hurt her.

But I have to do this. She thought.

Eversince Declan describes the man that saves him, she can't keep off in her mind that it was Patrick. It might be impossible but who knows? We can't predict the destiny and fate. It soubds crazy but she believed to those such things. She was about to type Patrick's name on the google search bar when someone tapped her shoulders.

She was literally startled.

  "Oh God Chloe! Don't you ever do that again!"
She said while holding her chest. She felt that her heart jumped out.

  "I'm sorry Allie. I was just concern cos lately you always staring on your laptop."
Chloe said.

  "I was just thinking about something."
She told her.

  "Something? Or should say someone?"
Chloe said in a suspecious tone and wiggled her brows.

  "Ugh! Leave me."
Allie rolled her eyes. Chloe chuckled.

  "Oh, anyways, Macy wants to talk to you."
Chloe told her.

  "What for?"
She said.

Chloe shrugged. Allie stood up and closed her laptop.

  "Okay, I'll talk to her then."

  "Good luck!"
Chloe teased.

She just stick her tongue out on her. She went to Macy's office. Macy is their boss. When she reached her office, she knocked on the door before entering.

  "Come in!"
She heard Macy's voice from inside. She twist the knob and opened the door.

  "Chloe said that you want to talk to me."
She said.

  "Yeah, come in."
Macy said, she entered the room ans sat on the vacant chair in front of Macy.

  "So what is it?"
She said.

  "Well, I want to ask you a favor."
Macy said.

  "Okay? What favor?"

  "I have an appointment tonight with a very important person, but I can't make it because my daughter
is sick and my husband has work tonight. I am the one who will look after her. And I want you to be my representative instead. Here's the files, read and study it. Be sure that the person you will meet will agree to the contract."
Her boss told her. She get the folder from her hands.

  "Okay, but this person that I will meet later, does he knows that you will send me? Instead of you coming personally? I means it's kinda informal if he doesn't even know."
She said to Macy.

  "Yeah, I already told him, and it's okay with him. He just want someone that will discuss the terms and condition of the contract."
Macy said.

  "Okay, what time we will meet then? And where?"

  "8pm. At the Blue Gardens."

  "Okay, got it."
Allie stood up.

  "And oh! Before I forgot."
Macy said, she turned around.

  "What is it?"
Allie said.

  "He's a very important person, you better look good, you know? Just in case?"
Macy teased her. She just smirked.

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