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"Ahhhhhhhh" wailed the young girl strapped to the operating table. Her eyes red eyes stared up at her captor as she struggled against the binds holding her down. Her captor, an older women leaned over her sighed then rolled her eyes. 

"Sleep tight brat" she hissed nefariously as she punctured the young girls skin with a final shot. The girls breathing quickened as she pushed against the women trying to escape. The women slowly walked over to her desk and recorded her final evidence for part one of her experiment. Causing this girl pain didn't create any pain for the women instead it fueled her. She was creating a new era, civilization, and soldiers. This women would be able to overthrow the cruel, unbelieving society that she was a part of. 

" Mama?" the young girl whined as a single tear forming on her flushed cheeks. The girls brown eyes fluttered showing that the injection had reached her heart. She stopped moving and started to breath normally again. 

" Shut it." The women answered coldly as she stared at the unconscious young girl. She then went to open the curtains and let the sun reign in. The women then went over to grab her notebook, she read over her prior experiments. Child 1, Child 2, Child 3, Child 4, Child 5, Child 6, Child 7, Child 8 all dead. They were to be reported to the parents as victims of a new malicious disease. Only Child 9 and maybe Child 10 would be alive. Surviving the final injection seemed impossible until Child 9 had done it. Now this young girl would be blessed with inhuman abilities. The women held her notebook to her chest feeling a rush of happiness. Before finally leaving the room the women leaned down to smooth the young girls ruffled dress and then used her technology to change the girl's memories of the past few months. At only 5 years old this girl could defeat entire armies if the women was allowed to mold the little girl. But her supervisor said no, the women must wait until the girl was mature enough. 

The women stared for a little more time watching the young girl and felt a tiny bit of guilt. Though this was what she wanted this was not what the girl wanted. She finally opened the door and walked in to the hallway. There she dropped her notebook on the table at the end of the hallway and opened another door. There her husband stood over a young boy, giving the boy his final injection. She closed her eyes and waited a few seconds, she told herself not to be disappointed if he was another failure. Then she heard her husband cheer and she opened her eyes. The boy was fluttering his eye lashes, her husband went over to record something on his computer. He then used the memory changer on the young boy and turned around. 

" Hello my darling," smiled her husband, " You finished before me I presume."

" Correct, Child 9 survived too," the women said happily, "should we leave the children in the operating rooms since we are done with them?"

"No, we should probably put them in one of the bedrooms."

"Yes. I will grab Child 9 and put her bedroom 10. You should do the same with Child 10, they need to be in the company of other 5 year olds," the women added then exited the room to grab Child 9. She quickly retrieved Child 9 and put her in the room with Child 10. The young girl and boy curled up against each other and began to suck their thumbs. A feeling of fear washed over the women as she watched the sleeping children. There was a chance the children may not mutate anymore then they had already. Her husband believed that they would but she was still unsettled. If only she could keep watch on them for the next few years until she retrieved them. But her husband and told her off since he was the leader of their project. 

"Over thinking again my dear." Her husband murmured from where he was standing in the door way.

"When am I not?" She laughed earning a look of disapproval from her husband. He nodded towards the sleeping kids then walked into the hallway. She followed him into the hallway hoping she wasn't following him into a dangerous future. 

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