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Just what Ross didn't want.

Laura and him had the rest of the day off. Now that Laura is free, her date with Anthony is still on.

Ross is going to have to stall if he didn't want Laura to leave. He'd have to plan it out, then think of what he could do, next he'll think of excuses--.

Wait, wait, wait. Hold up.

Was Ross really doing all of this for Laura? Was he doing all this for someone who is only a friend?

This is ridiculous! Has he gone mad!? He can't like Laura. He's gone over this half a million times. Seriously, you'd think he's got this crap covered by now.

If Laura wanted to go out and date some guy, she can. No one will stop her.

But, why does it hurt to think that? Ross thinks. Why was everything so complicated once it came to Laura?

Ross's thoughts are interrupted when Laura calls his name. "Ross!"

He turns his neck around to where he sees Laura standing by their taxi. "Come on, what are you doing? Aren't you hungry?"

Ross starts walking in her direction. "Yeah, uh... Sorry. I was zoning out." He tells her.

Laura suspiciously smiles at him and gets into the taxi. Ross follows her in and closes the door behind him.

Laura makes a lot of noise with the seat belt and Ross wonders what her problem is. He looks over to her as she tries to pull the seatbelt. "You okay, Laur?" Ross asks her.

Laura's gaze shifts up to him and she stops pulling on the seatbelt. "The seat belt is broken. Try yours." She tells him.

Ross pulls on his seatbelt and, like Laura's, it was stuck in place. "Nah, it doesn't work."

The taxi driver looks in his rear view mirror. "Oh, no. Seatbelt no work." He seemed to be Japanese.

It reminded Ross of he and Laura's family that were stuck in Japan. So, he got his phone and started to text Ratliff as the taxi got moving.

Ross: have you ever liked a friend that you know will never like you?

Ratliff takes exactly three minutes to text back: no way, dude. Don't even say it.

Ross glances at Laura. She looked super attractive as she mindlessly looked out of the window at the interesting streets of London. She wasn't paying a thought to him. He wished she was thinking about him.

Ross hurriedly texted Ratliff back, making sure Laura didn't see what he was typing back: i think i like Laura.

Ratliff texted only seconds later: DON'T EVEN PLAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO YOU REALLY LIKE HER?

Ross continues to text back fast: I'm not playing. I like Laura.

As soon as he sends it, he handles his phone too fast and it falls on the floor by Laura.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Ross thinks as he reaches to get his phone, sloppily.

Laura picks it up for him and glances down at it as she hands it to him. He snatches it out of her hands, rapidly and it falls on the ground again.

Shit! He shouts in his head. He picks up his phone and hides it from Laura.

She looks at him, weirdly. "Are you okay?" She asks him, feeling a bit worried about his nonstop rapid-paced behavior.

Ross narrows his eyes at her. "Dude, why did you look at my phone?" He asks her.

Laura's expression turned blank real quick.

She was just about fed up. She was done with Ross getting mad at her for stupid things. Looking at his phone, not giving him enough attention. She wasn't going to take this crap from him! They aren't dating! She's not his girlfriend that he could just push around. "Ross, chill the heck out. I didn't look at anything on your freaking phone! I don't even know why your being so defensive about that crap. Who cares? I won't care!"

Ross felt a little guilty for freaking out on her about something she didn't even do. But, he wasn't going to apologize. He didn't like being wrong. But, he also didn't like to fight with Laura. So he shook his head and turned away.

Laura rolls her eyes, annoyed at him. Sometimes she wished that they weren't this close. They wouldn't fight all the time. More or less, they were brother and sister-like.

Or like Ross had said, a married couple that wasn't in a good relationship.

She pictured herself kissing Ross.

God no! No! No! No! Ew! Never in a million years! How did i even come to think about that? Ughh, gross.

Laura knew she had no feelings for him whatsoever and she was happy she wasn't in that kind of close friend-crushes relationship. Talk about awkward. Bleh.

Ross looks over to Laura, watching the series of disgusted emotions play across her face.

Ross could tell she was thinking about him, being able to understand her so well.

You know what? Nevermind. I don't want Laura to think about me. Especially, if she's horrifyingly disgusted. Ross thinks, feeling a bit hurt.

Laura looks to him and their gazes meet. Almost automatically, they look away, avoiding eye contact.

Ross didn't feel like talking to Laura. She wouldn't want to talk to anyone disgusting. But how could she think he was disgusting? How could he still like her after being not directly rejected by her?

The taxi turns a bit and Ross and Laura both are forced to lean to the middle. Their hands steady them as Ross places his hand in the middle seat and Laura accidentally places her hand over top of his.

They look to each other and Ross takes his hand away, quickly, looking away from her as he shielded his embarrassment.

Laura looks to the side of his face since the front was turned away from her. "Sorry," she says.

Ross doesn't move or look to her. He just ignores what she says, since he's so disgusting.

God, why did this keep happening? Why can't they be a bit closer so they don't have to fight? Heck, why can't they just be together!?

Because. It's. Just. Too. Hard.

Raura fans constantly tell Ross to ask her already but he can't! Don't you think that's what he wants to do!? It's Laura! Why can't she like him?

Why can't life be easier?

The taxi driver brings the car to a halt and Ross pays the taxi driver cash for the ride. Laura watches him and he slips up, glancing to her, briefly.

Without another word, he gets out of the taxi as Laura follows. She starts talking, not paying attention to anything but him. "You know, you didn't have to pay the whole fee. We could have split it or i could have paid. Its not a law that the guy has to pay for the girl t--."

She continues to talk and walk into the the street as a speeding Ford truck comes toward her.

Laura doesn't have time to think and neither does Ross. Ross reacts on instinct and grabs Laura's arm, pulling her toward him, just as the Ford swerves and beeps the horn at them.

Ross and Laura were both breathing hard, relieved.

Laura's hands were on Ross's chest and Ross's arms held her tightly against him. There was absolutely no space in between their bodies and their faces were inches apart.

Ross stares into her eyes. "Be careful, Laura." He says, softly.

Ross just saved my life. Ross just saved my life. Ross just saved my life. Ross just saved my life. Ross's just just saved my life.

"Ross, oh my god." Laura says, breathlessly. "Thank you so much." She says and hugs him, tightly.

Ross closes his eyes, so glad that he reacted fast enough and that Laura was okay.

I mean, he did save Laura. He was definitely proud of himself. Geez, that was intense.

Laura sighs. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are my hero."

His heart fluttered. Her hero. Ross lets out a small laugh and hugs her tighter, wanting to just make his move. "I couldn't live with myself if i let you get hurt." He says, into her neck.

He was pissed at her. But now, he could let that go. It didn't matter anymore. He was just so happy with himself right now.

Laura squeezes him tighter before she lets go and to Ross, it felt good to get a real hug from her. He missed getting those hugs from her. Ross pats her back before letting go, hoping that their little arguments stop. He doesn't want something tragic happen for them to realize that they shouldn't fight. He hopes Laura realizes that too.

They walk across the street, together and this time, Laura focuses more on the road.

Though, she didn't have to. She felt protective enough with Ross by her side. It was a comforting feeling. He would save her.

Laura looks up to him as they walk. "Thank you, Ross."

Ross looks to her and smiles. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, feeling flattered as he looks away from her. "Laura, you don't have to keep saying thank you. I'd not want it for the world that you get hurt."

Laura blushes and tucks a clump of hair behind her ear. "You are such a sweetheart."

. . . . . .

Being a bit more accepting to Ross would be the least she can do, since he saved her life.

I mean, who argues with the guy that saved you? Its not natural.

So, that's what Laura did. She made sure she doesn't argue with him.

"Okay, make a decision." Ross tells her. "Kissing or hugging?"

Laura takes a sip of her peach ice tea and then leans back in her chair. She squints at him. "Awkward question."

Ross laughs a little. "You wanted to play a would you rather game sooo..."

Laura smiles and bites her lip. She looks up at the ceiling, thinking, as if something was up there. "Hugging." She answers, looking back down to him.

"Alright." Ross says. "Your turn."

"Okay... Would you rather read a whole math book or be embarrassed in public?" Laura asks him.

Ross rolls his eyes. "That's not a real question. Give me a harder one; something about dating and girls. I like those."

Laura rolls her eyes. "Fine... Would you rather... Have a date that's casual or romantic?"

Ross groans. "That's not hard. I want a old school date. Singing at the beach, watching disney movies. Come on, Laur. You know all of this. Give me another."

Laura sighs and thinks of a harder question. "Okay, how about this? Maia Mitchell or Grace Phillips?"

"No." Ross shakes his head. "No. No. No, not answering that. I don't like either of them."

Laura laughs. "Ha, ha, ha! I got you there! You have to answer or you get a super dare."

"A super dare? Okay, honestly i'll just say Grace Phillips. But, i don't like her at all."

Laura continues to smile. "Your turn."

Ross smiles big. "I've got a good one."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes." Ross says. "Blonde guys or brunette guys?"

"Ooh. That's easy." Laura says. "It doesn't matter what hair color they have. It's all personality."

"No. You have to chose one. Pick." Ross insists.

Laura shakes her head at him and smiles. "Blonde."

Ross rolls his eyes. He knew she was going to pick brunette. She always picked--.


Ross sits forward in his chair. "Wait, what?" He asks her, taken aback by her response. "D-did you just say blonde?"

Laura nods. "I'm pretty sure i did." She shrugs, as if wasn't a big deal to her. "Blonde guys are cute."

Ross mildly spazzes in his seat but then he contains his self, calmly. "Oh, really?"

"I mean, yeah. Brunette guys are cute too. But, there are always a couple of blondes that are just way cute." She says.

Their food finally comes and they start eating.

Ross watches Laura as she starts dig into her food. "Do you think I'm cute?" He smiles at her.

Laura chokes on her food a little. "What?"

"I'm a blonde." Ross tells her. "But, am i a cute blonde?"

Laura swallows her food. "Well, it depends. Who are you asking?"

Ross's brow furrows. "You...?"

Laura takes a deep breath and looks at his face, fully. "I mean, sure. You're cute. Thousands of fans definitely think so too."

Ross smiles at her as he completely dies inside. She thinks I'm cute.

Laura smiles back at him, knowing she said the right answer. It was good she didn't work around the question like normal. The truth had to be the best answer. She needed to start answer questions like this.

Ross finally starts talking once he puts his confidence back into gear. "Aww, thanks, Laur." Ross says. "You aren't too bad yourself."

Laura blushes a bit. "Shut up," she says, amused.

Ross smiles at her. They finally had a conversation that they didn't turn into an argument. Just how things were before. He hopes that they could keep this up.

. . . . . .

Ross watches Laura as she looks at her phone for the time as they walk on the sidewalk. "It's about 4. We have some time to do a couple of things before i go on my date."

Ross stays quiet and turns away. He definitely didn't like Laura saying that she had to go on a date with someone who's not him. Instead of fighting with her to change her mind, he fights with himself to change the subject. "What are we doing?"

Laura thinks and then shrugs. "Right now, were just walking. I don't know anything we could do."

Ross listens to the sound of the city of a second. "Do you just want to get back to the hotel?"

Laura looks to him. "Sure. Do you think we can walk?"

"Yeah, I don't think its that far."

"Okay," she replies.

They walk all of the sidewalk, hoping they were going the right way. It was a wild guess but it was pretty accurate for the most part.

Yeah, it wasn't smart of them to start guessing where to go, especially in a foreign country with fans.

Ross and Laura hide their faces from teens and little kids so they don't get noticed, as they enjoy their walk together.

"Sooo," Laura starts, trying to get a conversation going. "How are you?"

Ross turns to her, shoving his hands in his pockets. He smiles, the moment their eyes meet. "Fine, how about you?"

Laura smiles at her good friend. "I'm good." She says.

Ross nods and looks away from her. "Good."

"Yep..." Laura trails, looking away.

"So, what are you going to do tonight?" Ross turns back to her.

Laura's gaze shifts to him. "I'm not sure. We might just go eat somewhere. I don't know."

Ross nods and he looks away from her. They walk around, having no clue about where they were going.

"Do you think we should just take a taxi?" Laura asks him.

Ross listens to their footsteps as they walk on the pavement. It was mainly Laura's heels, but he liked the sound of it.

"If you really want to." Ross replies.

Laura bites her lip. She has never understood guys for as long as she remembered. I mean, what did Ross mean? Did he like walking? Does he not want to go in a taxi? Laura sighs. "Ross, i want to know if you want to get a taxi."

"Laur, i don't care. Whatever you feel like doing."

Laura groans. "Rosssssss."

Ross mocks her tone. "Lauraaaaaaa."

Laura can't help but to smile as she whines to him. "Rosssss! I'm serious. make a decision."

"Whatever." Ross shrugs, still not finished teasing her.

Laura pushes him, playfully and laughs. "Seriously, Ross."

He smiles at her. "Seriously, Ross." He mocks in such a fake, high-pitched voice.

Laura hits his arm, hard. But, she smiles about it. "Ow." Ross says, putting a hand on the bicep, Laura slapped. "That actually kinda hurt."

"Good." Laura says, smiling sweetly evil at him.

I'm actually happy he didn't say we take the taxi. This is pretty fun. Laura thinks, as she smiles at him.

"You're mean." Ross tells her. "But, do you want to go in a taxi?"

Laura answers truthfully. "Maybe, because what if we get lost? And why would we do any walking for no reason?"

"You don't want to walk? That's why you want to go in a taxi?" He asks her. "I'll carry you if you don't want to walk."

Laura shakes her head. "No, I'm not going to make you carry me."

"You're not making me. I offered." Ross insists.

"Why do you want to?" Laura asks him.

Not the 'why' questions again. How am i going to cover up for this one? Ross thinks.

Instead of answering, he looks away and shrugs.

Laura seems to think that she kind of has offended him. "I just don't want you to have to do all that work for me."

Ross smiles at her. "Since we're not taking the taxi, we're going to be walking for a while. And you are going to get tired, so i'll just be waiting for you."

Laura rolls her eyes, even though she knows that Ross is partly right.

But, Laura is going to prove him wrong.

They keep walking as they talk, minutes go by and Laura holds up. Her feet start to hurt because of the heels, so she takes them off, putting relief on her feet.

"Are you tired yet?" Ross asks her, practically pleading to carry her on his back.

Laura gives him a look that said something along the lines of 'I'm not going to give in so stop trying.'

"You are, aren't you?" Ross tries.

Laura shakes her head.

Ross pushes her, playfully, causing her to move away from him. She smiles. "You are tired."

"No." Laura tells him.

"You are."


"Yes, you are."

"I'm not, Ross. My feet just hurt a bit. I'll live." She tells him.

"Just let me carry you." Ross says, the look in his eyes was pretty desperate and pleading.

Laura couldn't tell why but she debated on whether she gives in or not. What could it hurt, though? "Are you sure you want to?"

Ross sighs. "Yessssss."

Laura still questions why but she sighs. "Fine," she says.

Ross smiles. Yes! "Okay, hop aboard." He says, bending down for her to get on.

Laura gets on his back and Ross stands up straight, smiling like a fool. Unexpectedly, Laura notices his smile. "What are you smiling at?" She asks, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Crap. Ross thinks. He covers up and plays it cool. "Oh, no reason. you just gave in, that's all."

"Nooo! No, no, no. That's not fair! You made me!" Laura says.

"I don't think i forced you on my back. Last time i checked, you jumped on all by yourself." Ross tells her.

Laura tries to get off. "Noooo! I'm not going to lose!" She exclaims, smiling.

Ross laughs, as he struggles to keep Laura on his back. But, she falls to the front. Ross catches her and she ends up facing him, front ways. He still held her tightly against his chest.

Laura looks into his eyes, smiling. "Put me down." She says.

Ross notices his hands, pressed up against her back and her hands on his shoulders. God, if we're were dating. "Nope."

"Yes. Lemme' walk. I can do it myself." She tells him, not making a an effort to stop her endless smile.

"Okay, only if you say, 'Ross Lynch is soo sexy and i love him soo much.'" Ross tells her.

Laura smiles. "No!"

Ross shrugs. "Looks like you aren't getting down anytime soon."

"Rosss!!" Laura whines, trying to get down.

Ross doesn't budge as he keeps walking forward. He tightens his grip so there was no space between them.

Laura laughs. "Okayyy! I'll say it! I'll say it!"

Ross loosens his grip and allows her to pull back. He looks into her eyes, surprised. "You will?" He smiles.

Laura rolls her eyes, playfully. "Ross Lynch... is sooo sexy. I love him so much."

Ross smiles, satisfactorily. He gets jittery inside. This is what he wanted. He only wished that he didn't have to force Laura to say it. "Aww, thanks, Laur. You're so sweet." He says, setting her down.

Laura pauses a few seconds, an evil smile spreads across her face and she starts to turn away from him. "Sike." She says, suddenly.

"Ohh. You." He says and moves toward her, as she starts to escape him. Ross doesn't let her get away. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder, careful not to hurt her.

Laura screams and laughs. "Ross! I'm kidding. Really! Please put me down."

Ross smiles. "Nope, no way, now. You are not coming off of my shoulder." He smiles.

"This isn't comfortable." Laura tells him. "This is harassment."

Ross rolls his eyes. "Please. You'll live." He tells her.

"Can i just get back on your back again?" She asks him, giving up on the struggle.

"No thanks." Ross smiles.

Laura groans. "You're killing me, here."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He tells her, sarcastically.

Laura hits his back, playfully as she rolls her eyes. He laughs at her.

Oh, Ross. I will never understand the way you think. Laura thinks as she smiles. He was just soo confusing, sometimes. 'Why?' is usually the question Laura wants to ask him. Why, Ross? Why do you do this to me?

Laura was happy. She had fun with him. No arguing took place so they had a good time together. They got to joke around and play with each other. It was just like old times.

Laura smiles at the ground. Forever will she deny that she was thinking about him for the quickest moment. She enjoyed thinking about him, though. Was it his adorable eyes? Was it his amazing personality? His mysterious ways?

Ross left her questioning. Wondering. The way he made her feel was special. He made her feel like she was a princess or something a little less cheesy. Oh, Ross.

Then, almost suddenly, a quick thought passes through Laura's head.

That thought made her feel like... Like she shouldn't go on that date with Anthony.

Should she? Is she going to go or stay with Ross?


Heyyyyy! Surprise chapter! Its super long, so you're welcome!!

I'm going to stop with updating every saturday and just update when i finish a chapter. They are going to be shorter than usual but more frequent. (You're welcome, again.)

And don't think that now that Ross 'saved Laura' means they are getting together soon. Trust me, if you know my writing, you'll know i don't like to start things off early. I like to give people some plot and start developing over the chapters.

And there's gonna be a boatload of drama coming your way. You have no idea how much is going to hit you. Plot twists and cliffhangers are going to be your worst nigthmares. ;)

Also, i want to be more interactive so, i'm going to ask you a question at the end of each chapter. You tell me what YOU think is going to happen. (Just like the question at the end of this chapter.) So, feel free to leave a comment.

*cough* Vote. *cough, cough*

Hehe ;D, allaboutraura

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