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Read my new story: The Definition of Love (Raura)

Do you remember what it felt like for your mom to find something of yours? Something that you couldn't find yourself?

That feeling was so carefree because you knew Mom was going to definitely find it for sure.

That feeling is a feeling Laura didn't have right now.

Her parents were almost against the thought of Laura wanting to do something about the situation. Apparently, sacrificing your whole life and career for someone who is about to die is wrong. Ugh.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Laura loves her parents. It's just that they don't understand how strong of an attraction Laura has for Ross. And she will not stand back and watch if she can do something about his health.

Laura swiftly glances at the time to see that she only now has 18 minutes. Time was running out and she wasn't even close to finding the antidote. She wasn't close to anything.

She was wasting time. Why did she go into Ross's room? What will she find in here? Just because this is Ross's hotel room and he was in here a few days ago doesn't mean he will suddenly appear back here.

Oh my god. I'm going insane.

Laura exits his room and soon jumps when she suddenly finds a large figure in her path.

"Ms. Marano."

Detective Miles. She glares up at him as he speaks to her with a slight smile of . . . amusement!? "I know you are not taking a detective's case, are you? That would be interfering with our job. We can have you arrested for not following the law."

Laura wanted to say so many hurtful things to this man, but she didn't want him to completely against her. I mean, he is the one investigating Ross's case.

But unfortunately, it sounded like Laura was up to no good. "Of c-course not, sir." The fact that she could get arrested if she wasn't careful had to be mortifying. I mean, I'm not doing anything wrong!!!

The detective looks at the petite brunette warily, as if he knew everything that she was doing. What a freaky look. "Then what are you doing in the crime scene?"

Laura looks behind her at Ross's room, thinking of an adequate lie... Wait. SHE didn't even know what she was doing in Ross's room. "Umm... I miss him. And I needed to be familiar to him..." What!?

Detective Miles didn't come close to believing that poor story. He sighs. "Step aside, Miss Marano. I'm about 10 seconds from arresting you."

Laura quickly steps aside. She better leave before that tenth second. Wait, is that resisting arrest!?

"Stay out of the way and maybe you won't get hurt." He tells her as he walks into Ross's room with some police officers.

Ugh, rude.

She heads back to her room, almost closing the door when she hears two voices talking. Laura stands at her door, with it cracked open. She takes out her phone, starting to record the voices.

Voice one: Yes, I put the antidote in your room. She'll never find it. No one will.

The other voice was on the phone. Voice two: Are you sure it would be best to let him die like that? I really liked him.

Voice one: This is your mess to begin with! We were going to do this to Laura, but he took it instead! Too bad. This is how we decided to hurt her. It's the only way, because if i kill her, i'd go to jail.

Laura gasps. No way! But, who was that person talking to? The phone made it hard to uncover the identity of her accomplice.

Voice two: I feel kind of bad for Ross. None of this was his fault. This was all Laura's fault.

Voice one: Oh well! God, it's so hard to work with someone who actually cares! I hate both of them! Ugh, just hurry up and get here before the police comes and searches the whole floor. Someone getting their hands on the antidote would ruin my entire plan!

Voice two: I'm on my way.

They hang up and the person walks away from the room right between Ross and Laura's.

All this time the antidote had been right there.

In twelve minutes, she had to break into a hotel room, find the antidote, sneak past police officers and the paparazzi, get to the hospital, and somehow, get the antidote in Ross's system.

This was it. The time starts...




I just got my new iPhone 5 and I love it!!! Yay! But, I kinda lost all my progress on Stardom. Like the best game ever. Ugh.

So i'm trying to speed through that. And hey! If you play Stardom, you should add my game center user: maia_leesang

I mean, if you want... ;)

I think there might be two more chapters and then i start a awesome new story that i already am writing. Who likes the idea of Raura at school!?

After I finish this, i'll get some more info out about that.

I hope you all watched A&A Fanatics and Favors, last night. Because I missed it. ): Stupid time switch! :(!!

Soooo yeah, i promised to be more active and i'm going to do my best to keep that promise!

So, who do you think are the two people talking? AHHHH!

You'll make my life if you vote! I'll love you forever!


To See You Again: A Raura FanficWhere stories live. Discover now