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Laura gets dressed in a purple blouse and white jeans. Then she heads to the bathroom, blow-drying and curling her hair nicely into smooth brown waves and semi-highlighted tips.

She felt so good and extra bubbly this morning.

Obviously, it had to do with last night.

She couldn't stop thinking about that whole night. The pool, the dancing,... the kiss.

Every time she thought about it, she smiled. Like how Ross always made her smile.

He is such a heartthrob... And a sweetheart. She made sure to never ever forget that little detail.

It was 6:49 AM.

Laura grabs her phone and starts to head to Ross's room. Absent-mindedly, she thinks about how they never get up at the same time. Weird.

She gets to his room and knocks on the door. She steps back and waits.

Then, she knocks again, after waiting for a while.

When there still is no answer, she dials his number on her phone and she waits impatiently as it rings.

It goes straight to voicemail, so Laura digs in her pocket for his room key.

She opens the door and gasps, seeing Ross on the floor. "Ross...?" She says, moving over to him.

She kneels down by his side and feels his pulse.

He had a pulse, but her eyes widen at how hot his skin was. Laura feels his arm, they too, were hot. He was sweating excessively.

It wasn't even that hot in the room.

What happened? Is he going to be okay?

Laura bites her lip and touches his cheek, lightly. "Ross, please wake up..." She says to him, concerned.

Ross laid still in his unconscious position.

Laura was worried about him. He couldn't have fallen asleep on the floor. He had to of passed out. And that wouldn't be good because something caused him to do so.

Somebody did something to Ross.

The question is what's wrong and who did it.

Ross starts to move and he opens his eyes to look at Laura. He looked weakly and tiredly at her. "Laura?"

"Ross? Are you okay?" Laura asks him. "What happened?"

He doesn't know for a second. But then, the extreme stomach pain comes back and all memories rushed back to him. He lets out a sound of pain through gritted teeth, grabbing his stomach and closing his eyes.

Laura looks at him worriedly, hoping he's going to be okay.

"M-my stomach... I d-don't know why." He stifles, painfully.

"How did you get on the floor?" She asks, calmly.

Another episode of pain goes through him and he lets out another sound of pain. "I w-woke up this morning around two hours a-ago." He pauses, holding in his pain. It was really hard to talk. "I-I felt really weak, my h-head was throbbing. So, i p-passed out."

Hopefully, all of this was nothing. But... it seemed more than nothing.

Laura had no clue about what she could do to help him. So, she started with the basic. "Do you want me to help you back on the bed?"

He nods, deciding that talking was too painful to do.

Laura comes around and pulls up his bare back, lifting him to his feet. He groans painfully, causing Laura to hold her breath.

She hated hearing her fun, teasing best friend be in pain.

He hastily walks to his bed with Laura's support and lays down on it. He lets out a stifle of pain, again, as he gets into a comfortable position.

Laura watches him, carefully. "Do you want any water?" She asks him.

"S-sure." He replies and closes his eyes.

Laura gets up and gets him a glass of water from the bathroom.

She's about to hand it to him, but he shakes his head. Laura just looks at him, puzzled.

"L-Laura, I-I'm too w-weak to hold a-anything." He tells her.

Weak? But... Ross is strong and muscular.

He can't be that sick... He can't.

"I'll do it for you, then." Laura says, lifting the cup to his mouth.

He takes a small drink before resting his head back and groaning.

Laura doesn't push it any further. She sets the cup down on the nightstand, watching him.

His eyes were closed, his breathing was heavy. It wasn't normal.

She takes her mind away from his condition. "Do you want me to get you some food?"

"N-not h-hungry." He replies.

"Come on, Ross. You barely ate anything yesterday. Last night, you basically ate all the candy and sweet stuff in that basket Anthony gave me. That's definitely not healthy."

Ross slightly smiles. His first all morning.

Unfortunately, it fades, transitioning back into a pained expression.

Maybe that's why he's hurting...

Laura looks at him, curiously. "Ross?" She says. He slowly opens his eyes to look at her. "What do you think happened to you?"

Ross thinks for a second, and then lets out a sound of pain as he struggles to adjust himself to a sitting up position.

"Ross, don't hurt yourself!" Laura says, moving closer to him, making sure he doesn't fall or pass out... Again...

"I-I'm fine." He says, resting his back against the pillows. "But, m-maybe i r-really am sick. L-like seriously."

"Or maybe because you didn't really have much to eat yesterday... Maybe it's not as bad." Laura tries to convince.

"Y-you don't know the p-pain i'm in." Ross tells her.

Laura looks down. Ross... in pain. It hurt her to think about it. If he really is hurting so bad, he needs help.

She stands up. "I'm going to call a doctor."

Ross grabs her wrist, but his hold was weak, and too loose. His arm drops, not being able to hold itself up any longer. "L-Laura, I-I d-don't need a d-doctor."

"Didn't you just tell me that i don't know the pain you're in? You can't even speak correctly." Laura says to him. "If you're in that much pain, don't expect me not to call someone."

"Don't!" Ross yells. "I d-don't need a d-doctor! It's n-not that serious!"

"Ross, it is serious!" Laura yells back. "You're weak, you have stomach pain, you are burning up, you can't talk correctly, and you're having trouble breathing! Obviously, there is a problem! Unless you have this kinda pain every single day!"

Laura walks away from his bed, taking out her phone.

Ross sits up more and tries to get up, causing himself intense pain. He lets out a painful sound, but fights through it. He manages to get off of the bed, but his knees fail him. He falls to the ground on his side, groaning in pain.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Laura hurries over to him. "Ross! What are you doing!?" She kneels down by his side and puts her hand down on his arm, comforting him.

"I'm t-trying to s-stop you." He says, through gritted teeth.

"You're hurting yourself! Why would you get up!?" Laura exclaims.

He was still groaning in pain. "How else w-would I b-be able t-to g-get your attention?" He says.

"Ross, you are insane." She tells him. "Don't cause yourself anymore pain. I'm just trying to help you."

Laura starts to dial the number for the hospital, but Ross grabs her wrist again. "Don't." He says, sternly.

She easily takes her wrist from Ross's weak grip; it was sad. "Try to stop me." She says, getting up.

Ross reaches for her, but ends up hurting himself. He groans loudly in pain, to get Laura to stop. "Laura, please." He pleads, painfully.

Laura almost is convinced to stop, but she turns away from him. She thinks about it. "I'm not going to sit around and listen to you keep hurting yourself."

"Hurting myself!?" Ross shouts with all his energy. "Do you r-really think I w-want this much p- pain!? You know what? You're the o-one who's hurting me."

Laura swivels around to look at him disbelievingly. "Me!?" She shouts. "You're going to blame me for the pain you're causing yourself?"

"You're making m-me struggle t-to stop you!" He yells. "If you weren't t-trying to call the f-fucking doctor, we w-wouldn't be in this s-situation!"

"Why don't you want me to get help?" She asks him. "Don't you want the pain to stop?"

"J-just put y-your phone down." He tells her.

"No, Ross!" She exclaims. "You're younger than me! You are not going to be telling me what to do and what's right!"

"Jesus Christ, Laura!" He yells loudly. "Why don't you understand!? I'm m-making a choice for myself and i d-don't need a doctor!"

"I don't understand because you aren't telling me!" She yells, her voice cracking as if she was about to cry. "I'm not going to watch you suffer!"

Ross gets more angry and frustrated. "Then don't! Just l-leave! I already told you i don't want a doctor a-and you keep shoving it back in my face! I don't n-need your help! Stop telling me what you think i need! If you don't want to watch me suffer, then leave."

The harsh tone in his voice stopped Laura completely. Her eyes were watery and she didn't want them to be. How could Ross be so heartless? Laura gathers her voice. "Fine." She says. "I'll do what you want. I won't call the doctor. You want me to leave, i'll leave."

She heads for the door and Ross realizes what he's done. "Laura, w-wait."

She turns back to him. "I mean, I'm sorry that I was worrying about you and-and i care about you... I guess, i was just being stupid, right? I shouldn't care about you if you won't care about yourself. I was just trying to help, and i'll stop. I'll leave like you want."

"Laura, I-I didn't m-mean that." Ross says.

She opens the door. "Who cares if you meant it or not? You said it because obviously, I am the one hurting you." She says as tears make their way out of her eyes. "I'm sorry that I care about you... Goodbye, Ross."

"Laura! Wait!" He shouts through the pain.

She slams the door behind her as a river of tears fall from her eyes.

She couldn't stop caring about Ross. She wouldn't. Nothing would make her.

Laura was so worried about him. But, if he didn't want her help, she won't help him.

The only thing she'll do is leave. If he thought he didn't need a doctor, hopefully, he'll be proved wrong.

Laura takes a deep breath and walks down the hallway into the elevator.

As she presses the lobby button, she debates with herself if she was doing the right thing.

Ross is sick... So, was it okay to leave him all alone...?

Laura wipes the thought away as she heads out of the elevator and into the lobby. He said he's fine, so fine. Laura will try not to worry about it.

Laura was so caught up in her own thoughts, she accidentally runs into a person and almost falls, but the person catches her.

Laura looks at the person, almost surprised. "A-Anthony?"

Anthony help Laura stand up correctly. He narrows his eyes at her, confused. "W-What are you doing here?"

Laura looks at Anthony carefully. "What do you mean? Am i not supposed i be here?" She asks him.

"Nevermind..." He looks away, scratching his neck. "Did you get my gift basket...?"

Laura thinks. "Why? Should I be concerned about what's in there?" She asks, hesitantly.

Laura hasn't thought about this until now, but Ross was having stomach issues. He ate something bad that made his stomach hurt, painfully.

Anthony doesn't answer her question. He looks at her for a long time. "Did you open it?" He asks her.

Laura thinks of a way to answer his question. She decides to lie. "Yes. I opened it."

"Did your little boyfriend, Ross, touch any of the food?" He asks, sternly. "Where is he anyway?"

Laura didn't deny Ross being her boyfriend because Anthony was getting at something. She ignores his last question. "Why!?" Laura shouts. "Did you want him to!? Is there something in the food?"

Anthony looks at her carefully and calmly. "Laura, I don't understand why you're screaming at me. This should be a good time, when we make up and get back together."

Laura couldn't believe him. "How could you even say that!?"

Anthony gets close to her that is more than her liking. Laura backs up against the wall as Anthony gets closer to her.

Anthony was so close, she could feel his hot breath on her cheeks. He moves his face to her ear. "Well," he whispers. "Judging by the situation.... You didn't eat any of the candy in the basket."

Laura gasps and pushes him away from her. Not wanting to say anything else to him, she walks out of the hotel, meeting their limo driver.

"Ms. Marano," he says in his British accent. "You are late. Where is Mr. Lynch?"

Laura gets into the limo. "He's not coming today."

The limo driver gets in the driver's seat of the limo and starts the vehicle. "He is not well?"

Laura takes out her phone. "I think he's sick." She tells him.

The limo driver goes silent, so Laura proceeds on texting her agent: Ross isn't feeling good today. So, he's not coming.

Just as she's just about to press send, her phone rings.

It was Ross.

Laura lets it ring for a couple of seconds as she stares at it, blankly.

I don't need your help!

Ross's voice echoes through her head.

Laura stares at the screen of her flip phone. "If you don't need my help, why are you calling me?" She whispers.

The limo driver glances at Laura through the rear view mirror. "Don't you think you should answer that?"

Laura presses the ignore button. "No," she says. "It's nobody important."

Ooh... Why do you think Ross is calling her?

Btw... I'm laughing at most of the comments on the other chapter.

Man, you guys HATE Anthony.

I mean, so do I... Lol.

Sorry, i didn't give you the answer to who committed the crime yet...


You'll have to put the pieces together like Laura will in a couple of chapters.

And BEWARE. I will confuse you to death.

Haha, you may/ may not change your answer. It's up to you to decide who did it.

And guys, i have this already planned out and i know who did it. I won't be changing ANYTHING.


P.S. I'm thankful for all of your votes! :)

Lastly, on an unrelated note, check out @annabelwrites's Raura story! "I Think About You"! She is a good writer with an interesting story! She's also a really sweet person, so go ahead and vote on her story! ;)


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