Chapter 6

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Jason's point of view

I am so tired of having to deal with Richard and his gang. They are always trying to take money from us. And yes it's true I Am in a gang. Honestly I don't know how the media hasn't found out.

But I have been in it for a while now. I'm also the leader due to how strong I am. And I know I shouldn't say this but I have killed people and stole from people. It's just something that makes me calm down. I get so mad over every little thing I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out the music business.

I pulled my car into the drive way of the huge gang house and got out the car. I closed the door behind me and locked the car.

As I got closer to the front door I heard yelling. I clinched my jaw knowing I'm gonna get mad.
I put my hand on the cold door knob and twisted it slowly so everyone knew I was coming in. But nope that didn't stop them from arguing.

I walked in and stood there staring at everyone yelling. "YOO! Chill the fuck out!" I yelled as loud as I could to get them to chill out. The room got dead quiet and everyone stared at each other.
"What happened why is everyone yelling so damn I loud?" I broke the silence. "Sorry Justin  We were arguing about something stupid." Ryan, my partner, answered. "Ok well let's get to business." I said walking towards the conference room.

I took my seat at the end of the table and watched as everyone say in there normal seats. The table was long enough to sit all 9 of us.
The order was me, Ryan, Alex, cal, Lucas, Nick, Ace, Mali, then Tony. And the room was filled with girls who serve us. But I would never go for them they wear to much makeup and are annoying as hell.

"Boss we have a issue regarding Richard." Lucas said while he clinched his jaw.
"Are you gonna tell me what is happening or just keep telling me somethings bad." I snapped.
"Well Richard was supposed to have our money by this morning but Richards assistant came and said the spent 2 million of the 4 million. So we only have half of our money!" Lucas yelled.

So this is why they were mad. I'm beyond mad I knew we shouldn't have trusted him. He has always stole from other gangs that's what he's known for. But no my stubborn ass didn't even think about this.

"Damn it!!" I yelled frustrated. "They are so going to pay. I'm getting my money back and he's going to hell!" I finished.

Ashley's point of view

When I got home I took my sandals off and sat on the couch staring at the t.v. I looked at my Apple Watch looking at the time. It read 4:38. "Ugh!" I said to my self. I left Justin's at around 3 o'clock.
He seemed mad when I left but I didn't wanna ask. But I'll see him tomorrow so I'll be okay.
I honestly missed him so much. It hurts...

Buzz buzz! My phone was ringing but I couldn't find it. I pulled all the sheets off my bed in about two seconds. I moved the pillows until I saw it sitting on the floor. "Ugh" I mumbled as I picked it up. I looked at the screen witch read Justin. I quickly answered it not knowing why he was calling.

"Hello" I spoke first. "Hey ash. Sorry it's unexpected."
"Jase, it's fine what's up?" I questioned.
"I wanna go out to eat tonight." He sounded shy but in a cute way.
"Of course, I would love to." I said back
"Good, oh and uh I'm sorry for earlier there was a problem I had to take care of."
"Yeah  I completely understand, but I do have to say it was really fun hanging out with you earlier. I never knew how much I missed you until now." I spoke softly but we're he could still hear.
"I'm glad scooter didn't tell me who was gonna dance with me it was a wonderful surprise." He laughed.
"Yeah I was so nervous to see who it was but I'm glad it's was you." I smiled at that thought.

"Yeah well I have to go I'll pick you up around 7:30 and don't ask were we are going it's a surprise." He said.

"Ok. I'll see you at 7:30 then. Bye jase, I lo- I'll see you later." I corrected myself. And hung up.
I'm so used to saying i love you to him. He's my best friend of course I love him. But only in a best friend kinda way.

I don't know if I still love him in that way. And plus we just got back together after not speaking not seeing each other for 4 years. I know I would never forget him but that's because he's my first love you can't forget that.


I sat up from my nap and checked the time. "Just enough time." I said to myself. It's 6:15 and I had to get ready for my 'date' with Justin. It's more like a get together with just me and him but I don't know what else to call it.

I jumped in the shower so I can smell good and not like sleep sweat.
When I jumped out I wrapped a towel around my body and one in my hair.
I walked to my closet looking at what to were.
"Dang it, I don't know we're we are going." I said to myself as I walked over to my phone.

To Justin
Hey, do I need to dress nice or what?

From Justin
Yeah something nice would be fine ;)

I put my phone down and continued to look for something to wear.
Then I remembered my black dresses that goes a little above my knees. It gave me good looking curves and was nice.
I walked to my 2nd closet and grabbed it along with underwear and a bra. 
I slid it all on and walked to the bath room to do my hair and make up.
I blowed dried my hair and straightened it to perfection. I put my normal make up on including foundation, mascara, eye liner, and for special occasions eye shadow. I looked at my self in the mirror and smiled at my reflection.
I looked at my watch and saw I only had 10 minutes until Justin comes to get me.
I walked to my shoe closet and picked up red heels. I put them on my feet and walked to my bed. I grabbed my purse and put all my needs into a small bag so I wouldn't be caring a huge purse everywhere I go.

Knock knock. I sat up and instantly knew who it was.  "Come in" I yelled and stood up from my bed.

Justin's point of view

"Come in" I heres Ashley yell. I turned the door handle and walked in. Her house was so beautiful. It has a huge chandelier as soon as you walk in. I have to say it's bigger then mine. But that's probably because she is a girl and girls like everything big.
I chuckled to myself thinking about how wrong that sounds.

"I'm coming" I heard Ashley say as she began walking down stairs.
When I saw her my mouth dropped open. She was so beautiful. I felt like I was in one of those senses from a movie.
When she got to me she closed my mouth and said "Justin you don't won't flies to find there way in there." She giggled. "My bad, it's just you look so beautiful." I said honestly.
She blushed a pink color and hid her face.

I then grabbed her hand and lead her to my new Mercedes Benz. 
I walked her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. After she got in a closed it behind her.

As I pulled out her long drive way I looked at her and knew she was special.

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