Chapter Two-Scandal at the Feast Hall

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The immense Hall was gleaming.

Gold colored tables and chairs surrounded the Royal guests.

Lady Emily Thorpe was unhappy.

She fumed as she saw her sister had ignored her.

"Mother, where is Lady Margaret?".

"She's on leave".

"She is not here? Pray tell, why?".

"Why? She is insolent. She is not worthy of marriage. And your behavior is a lot to be desired, child. Taking advantage of Lord Rory Douglass...".

"But Mother, he seduced me...".

"Either you're mad, child, or you beholden to a dream of love for him".

"I am not beholden to him; I am bereft of guilt".

"You have no guilt, child!".

"I am not a child, Mother! I am a Lady".

And she sulked, as she wondered where Lord Rory Douglass was.

And she settled down in her own seat, and waited for the Feast to begin.


Lady Margaret Thorpe glided up the Arched House's cobbled steps.

Two Armored Knights bowed.

"Why are you here M'Lady?".

"I want peace, Knight. The savageness off Lord Rory's betrayal is beyond contempt. I stopped my marriage because I heard rumors of his inelegant ways".

"His betrayal was because your spurned him".

"I did not".

"Rumors are rife M'Lady. Other Kingdoms have noticed the change".

"And I'm responsible?".

"To be a Queen, you must behave like one".

"I'm cold because I can't love".

"You can, M'Lady".

"Nothing will change at Thorpe Hall".

"It can, if you let it change".

"And how can I do that?".

"Grow up M'Lady...and once you're Queen...everything will fall in place".

And he bowed, and saluted, as she prepared to overtake Thorpe Hall once and for all.


Sheppard Lake was a place of sin.

Its serene atmosphere caused Lord Roan Douglass, to watch the cliffs.

He wore a kilt.

"M'Lord, do I please you?".

A village girl smiled.

"Mabel, you're blathering".


"Alas, I must go".

Mabel caressed her Lord's half naked body with her small hands.

"But  I need you to love me".

"I bed other girls in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. My brother is not concerned about regal matters; my brother is concerned about children".

"Children, M'Lord".

"Aye, and you're 16".

"Aye, M'Lord".

"Mabel, are you with child?".

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