Chapter Three-An Assassin at Thorpe Hall

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The bell chimed 2.

The ringer sounded tired.

He gasped for breath, as he headed down the cobbled steps, and made his way to the Court at Thorpe Hall.


The day was darker.

It seemed that any honor in Lady Margaret's conscious mind was now blinded by hate. It was a fearsome hatred that stemmed from being rejected at age 11 by Squire Thom.

"You're stupid", he told her.

"I'm not".

"Father told me all Thorpe ladies are ruinous".

And then she slapped him in the face with her small hand.

The Squire stared at the blood.

"You're not worthy of my love".

And he strode away...and left her crying in the Arched garden.


"M'Lady, are you alright?".

"Aye, I was remembering Squire Thom's attack".

"You were 11".


"Eight years is a long time".

"Aye, but I know of rejection; I know of being spurned".

"And you're here at my request".

"Nay, I need a strong force".

"M'Lady, an Army of rogues takes time".

"Frankling. I need time".

"Time, M'Lady?".

"Time to make me Queen".

"That will take time...for a price".

"What price?".

"You leave Thorpe Hall".

"Leave my home".


"If I must".

"Other families in Ireland and Scotland need new Queens. Or Kings. It's the endless bloodline; it's the endless bloodline that demands notice. I have my ways of roguish violence. But I quell those thoughts for love, M'Lady".

"And the spies?".

"Oh, we'll take care of spies".


"How? By persuasion M'Lady".

And he smiled.


The servant girls watched the Assassin.

They wore light green chemises, a light, brown colored petticoat, light, brown colored gloves on their small hands, and a brown colored mantelet.

And they were barefoot.

"Aren't you cold, M'Ladies?".

"Aye. We can't afford slippers?".

"Why not?".

"We're poor".

"Let me see...If I give me you some money, can you give me something in return?".

"And what's that M'Lord?".

"A room for the night".

"Aye, that can be arranged", and they let him through the Arches, past the kitchen, and up the cobbled steps.

"Is this my room?".


"Good, until we meet again", the Assassin kissed the servant-girls, as they blushed...and headed downstairs to resume their lowly chores at Thorpe Hall.


In the room, the Assassin was asleep.

Jesper, the hog man, arrived.

"Pray tell, is that Syrus?".

"If you speak now, you're dead".

"Apologies. I haven't got a brain these days".

Jesper wiped his nose with a tattered rag.

"It's dirty".

"Wash you idiot".


"I don't want to bother with germs. Remember the 1666 Great Fire of London. And the plague".


"Do dither, lad. Do you have the poison?".


"Good, because dithering can get you killed".

"I see those servant girls are taken care of".

"They're poor. Leave them be. They're useful".

"Aye, I know what's it's like to be poor".

"Aye, they're like my sisters".

"You have sisters, M'Lord?".

"Aye, in either case, I do have a heart. Kill those who need to die".


"Is there further news at Thorpe Hall?".

"Aye, Lady Margaret Thorpe is going to be the new Queen".

"I know that".

"And Lord Rory Douglass is drunk".

"Aye, I know that because Lady Margaret left him for Lady Emily Thorpe".

"And Lord Roan Douglass, his brother, is deflowering a girl".

"I don't care of such news".

"Aye, but these scandals do affect a Royal House".

"Let the King of Scotland know that the Douglass Lords are behaving immorally".

"And if war comes M'Lord?".

"Then blood shall be shed, and there'll be no more time for scandals".

"Aye M'Lord", and he bowed...and left the Assassin alone.

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