Chapter Four-To love again

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Lady Emily Thorpe headed to her private chambers.

A servant girl brushed her flowing hair with a brush.

"Hold still, M'Lady".

"I am!".

She sighed.

"Why do you sigh, M'Lady?".

"It's so dreadful, Maggie. So many things come with honor. We serve Ireland. We do our duty. And yet it all falls apart".

"It is not so, M'Lady. You'll love again".

"That is far off".

"Why? Love makes things better".

"Nay, it is not. Such feelings can be muddled with truth".

"Someone will come to Thorpe Hall M'Lady. Someone to take your breath away".

"My...I'll see if that is so".

And she allowed her to undo knots in her gleaming hair, as she stood on the huge mirror stool, and vowed, deep in her broken heart, that she'll met another Lord...

...One who'll love her for her...and her alone.


"It is done M'Lady".

"Aye, please await my attention once I need you".

"Aye, M'Lady", and Maggie bowed, and left her Lady's chambers...and closed the door.


The ruckus outside got Lady Emily's attention.

She opened her bedroom door.


She saw a distinguished Lord screaming at another Lord.

"You'll pay Lord Forbes".

"Me, I am not paying for the Coach's wheels".

"You'll pay".



Gilles, who was at attention, bowed, and did as his Lady ordered.


Lady Emily strode outside the front door.

"I'm Lord Eamonn Richardson. This is Lord Thornton Forbes".

They wore long, black colored coats, brown colored breeches, brown colored belts, brown colored socks, brown colored boots on their feet, and gold colored watches on their right hands.

"Please come to Thorpe Hall M'Lords. Where were you both headed?".

"Dublin", they told the young Lady.

"Dublin, Mother hasn't let me see that city for a long time".

"Our apologies M'Lady. It is quite unreasonable...".

"Nay, I insist. I need to see other Lords as well as those of Scottish heritage".

"Aye, the Scots are unruly people upon thy cairns".


And they bowed to Gilles.

"M'Lords, I am Gilles, Lady Emily's servant. The carriage shall be ready by thy morrow".

"Aye, it seems we're in the delightful company of an Irish Lady".


And the two Irish Lords forgot their differences, and headed into the gates of Thorpe Hall.


Maggie bowed.

"M'Lady, do we have company?".

"Aye, two Lords from Dublin. Can you and Gilles inform Mother and my sister that we have guests?". Maggie frowned.

"M'Queen is gone into town. Lady Margaret is gone as well".



"Then prepare a meal for dinner. Tell the servants and cooks in the kitchen. If it's up to my to entertain them, I will".

"Aye, M'Lady", and Maggie rushed to the kitchens, as Gilles ran to her aid.


The Feast Hall was quiet.

Lady Emily sat on her Mother's regal gold colored seat.

Lord Thornton Forbes sat to her left; Lord Eamonn Richardson sat to her right; Gilles sat with Maggie in the middle.

"I was travelling to Dublin because of business. I am a Lawyer. As it was the carriage was the only transport to town. Caeigh passed away. He was the driver. I think he was taken away. That was the story".

"I'm sorry M'Lord".

"Aye, and Lord Forbes was angry at the delay".

"What delay?".

"It is a delay because I had to settle Mother's account".

"Aye, I am glad to feast tonight...after the scandal".

"What scandal M'Lady?".

"Oh, concerning Lord Rory Douglass".

"Why is a Scottish rogue here M'Lady?".

"He wed my sister Lady Margaret Thorpe last year. But she rejected him".


"He bedded three village girls".

"He what! Scandalous".

"No matter. In either case, I need a Irish Lord to wed".

"To wed M'Lady?".

"Aye, but I'm patient".

"Aye, marriage is full of intrigues".

"I hate intrigues...So, let's enjoy our feast, and deal with problems of Thorpe Hall on the morrow". And Lady Emily smiled for the first time that eve night.


The early Irish morn's sun gleamed through Lady Emily's window.

She didn't need to be told she was happy; she was happy.

Maybe the problem of marriage was something about her heritage; of being Irish.

That, and that she needed a true Lord to look after her.

And she was young.

She lived in the shadow of her older sister.

But she took more time to grow.

And she was growing.

And, for her, growing was the best thing for becoming an Irish Queen.


Maggie knocked on her Lady's chamber doors.


"M'Lady, it's time for your hair...".

"Please do so, Maggie. It's a fine day".

"Aye M'Lady. Lord Richardson is smitten with you".

"Smitten...A lot of Lords are smitten with me. I reject them because I need love. Smitten is for girls; I am a Lady".

And she glided through her private chambers like a Lady.

"You are a woman, M'Lady".

And Lady Emily smiled.

"Aye, I am a woman".

And she sat on her favorite stool, and let Maggie attend to her usual.

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