Chapter Five-Scottish plot-1814

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Edinburgh, Scotland,


The harsh cliffs off Edinburgh was nasty.

The swirling ocean battered the edge.

Sailors were concerned.

Daniel Gordon, 14, stared at the cliffs in awe.

"Don' g' too far in, wee lad".


"The ocean can rip you apart".

"Aye, I do know, Folt".

"You do! Nay, your adventure is just beginning, lad".

"Pray tell, what adventure?".

"Fighting the Thorpe clan in Ireland".

"Nay, I'd rather hunt".

"Your father demands it, lad".

"War doesn't help Scotland".

And he stared at the violent waves, as they continued to batter the Edinburgh coastline.


Daniel left the coast.

He had had been born in poverty in 1800. His parents Dougall and Shiela, (who were both 35), were in the kitchen.

"Where 'ave you been, lad?".

"Seen the coast, Father".

"Don' go near the coast. A lot of people 'ave died".

"I know Father. Folt told me that".

"Did he?".


"Come and 'ave some stew Daniel".

"Aye, Mother".

And he sat down on the brown colored seat, and ate his meal.


The banging on the front door disturbed the Gordon family's reverie.


Daniel got up, and opened the front door.

A tall lanky man smiled.

He had a scar on his right hand.

His long, black colored coat dragged along the hard ground.

His black colored gloves kept him warm from the freezing wind.

Daniel watched his black colored boots thud.

"Frakes, what's going on?".

"Let me inside, lad...and I'll tell you".

And Daniel shivered, and let the Rogue inside.


Frakes smiled.

"Sir, Ma'am. It seems Lady Emily Thorpe met some Irish Lords. Their carriage broke down last night eve. I broke it. They're after me. It is all because of certain factions in the Irish Government. They're worried about the Douglass clan. They're out of control. Taking village girls; taking High-born Ladies; taking any women of class.

"I don't know why but there's another plot. Lady Margaret Thorpe plans to murder her Mother, the Irish Queen. As I have spies everywhere, these plots are dangerous. The older Thorpe sister is cold. She rejected Lord Rory Douglass because of his behavior. And she vows to do what she wants to become Queen.

"In short, both Ladies must be killed".

"Is it that drastic?".

"Aye, and I want you to help out, lad".


"Aye, your parents are older. They'll be protected by my men. Guards will make sure they're not harmed. That's my orders".

"How long will I be away?".

"I don't know. Months, years".

"But I won't see my son...".

"Mother, I love you".

And Daniel hugged her.

"The lad's older darling. He's almost a man".

"Aye, I shall return Mother, Father. I shall do my Scottish duty".

And he kissed her, and shook his Father's right hand, and bowed. And he opened the front door with Frakes, and headed towards the Edinburgh ports...knowing that it'll be a long time before he could see his home again.

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