Chapter Seven-At Dublin Town

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Dublin, Ireland,


Daniel awoke.

He didn't think he was dreaming.

He was in Ireland.

In Dublin.

The Harbormaster threw his luggage on the ground.

"Take care, lad".

He then headed back to The Quaker Ship.


A cold breeze gusted from the South.

Daniel grabbed his luggage.

He wasted time looking to the left. Then to the right.

He was lost.

"Need help, lad?".

"Aye, I'm new to Ireland. Name's Daniel".

"Robert McCrea".

"Aye, I don't think I'd bother anyone...".

"Nay, I do fish in thy Ports".

"Fish, interesting. But I don't want to fish. Good day".

And he smiled...and headed further into Dublin Town, away from the smelly Ports.


Daniel knew that he had a future.

Certain rogues came and went.

They left him be.

Up ahead, he saw a girl having sex on the wall with a man. He blushed. Then he blinked his eyes; he blinked until the scene ended.

His boots thudded on the cobbled ground.

Suddenly he bumped into a servant girl.

She was carrying a brown colored basket full of fruit.

"Oh, they're ruined!", she bemoaned.

"My apologies M'Lady. I shall pay for thy loss".

"I'm not a Lady; I'm a serving-girl".

"Aye, I'm Daniel".

"Celeste. You 'ave an Scottish tongue".

"Aye, I just arrived in Dublin".

"And who are ye serving?".

"No one M'Lady".

"I'm not a Lady".

"Aye, now where's thy markets?".

"O'er 'ere".

"Good, we'll get some food and drink for the night ahead".

"You 'ave 'oney, Sir".

"Aye". And Daniel smiled.


The Markets were busy.

Men dressed in dirty aprons bellowed.

Couples arrived to buy apples, pears, cherries, pumpkins, tomatoes, onions, and other items. Celeste glided towards the pears.

"Pears, my favorite. They're yummy".

"Aye, they're delicious".

"And you're nice".

Daniel blushed.

He hadn't met many girls in Scotland. He was too busy becoming a Rogues' Assistant. That was not a job; that a skill.

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