Chapter One

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Zoe's POV
I walk down the hallway of hell that is school. I'm late. Fuck, why? Why me? I'm supposed to be the good girl I don't want to be marked down late! It's not like I have anyone that cares about me or me being late, though.

Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Zoe Clark. I've been at this school for one year now and I have no friends but that's a good thing, I don't want them finding about my little secrets. I'm the school's good girl and I am never late to class. I have long brown hair and big blue eyes, straight A's, oh and I'm in year twelve. I'm 17 turning 18 in May and I live in Western Australia. I live with my Grandma, Grandpa and my little sister who's 8.

My parents died last year and that's why we moved. I was with them when it happened and I was traumatised. It was a car accident. The only thing is that it wasn't an accident was that my parents were drug dealers. They got involved with the wrong people and those people, made a truck drive in the side of our car. It was movie night, every Friday was. My mum was in the back with me and she saved my life. Almost as if she knew it was going to happen. I have scars all on the right side of my body, now. The body that is now under ground, while my dad is next to her. Every day I go to the graveyard and sit in the middle of the their head stones. I miss them so much.

I knock on the classroom door, feeling the anxiety building up in my stomach wanting to go all over the floor.

"Come in," Mr Wilkins says. I walk in, holding my books and pushing my fake glasses up to the bridge of my nose.

"You're late, Miss Clark!" He exclaims, surprised with me being 15 minutes late.
"Go to the detention room, Miss Clark. I will not tolerate tardiness." He says.


"No buts- leave!" He orders, pointing to the door.

Fuck, I bet you 'Mr Popularity' is in there. Let me tell you about him.

His name is Jake Collins. He has the looks, the money, he has it all. He has a little sister called Jade and an older brother Jayden, that's just finished college. Jake, well, he's popular and he's also the bad-boy. How cliche, I know. I try to stay away from him because he's a grade-A class jerk. He has the greenest eyes I've ever seen and he has dark brown hair that he styles to perfection every day.

I walk down the hallway to the detention room and look through the window on the door. Just to my luck, Mr Popular is in there. I open the door and it's only me, him and the detention teacher that has her head on the desk snoring. Great, just great. I put my note on the desk and go to the desk at the very back, the one that is far away from Jake. I don't want to sit next to him.

I put my books on the table and my bag down, then sit. I look out the windows, watching the rain fall. Winter is my favourite season, I love it. The baggy clothes, the cuddles I have with my sister, everything about it. The seat next to me screeches at me. I jump from the sudden noise, turn to my right and see him, Mr Popular, ah shit.

He looks at me with his famous smirk. Oh, that smirk I wish I could slap off of his oh-so-perfect face.

"You do what I tell you to do, or your secret is out." He tells me.

I look at him in shock, not knowing what to say. He knows. He knows my secret that I tried to hide. God. Oh, God. How did he find out? I start to get scared. What does he want from me?

"Secret? What secret? I don't have any." I said to him.

"Now, you know, lying isn't going to get you anywhere." He says, smirking at me. 

I sigh, "What do you know?" I ask. I have a lot of secrets, but I have no one to tell them to.

"Well, I know that you're a drug dealer and you work at a bar. You've killed many people, you're a gang leader. Hmm, what else? You moved here because your par-" I cut him off.

"Don't!" I tell him with water filling my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to." He sighs.

"Your not the one that killed them" I said as my tears fell freely my parents are a touchy subject,
"What do you want" I said wiping my face dry,
"Well i'll tell you when I know, but I want to meet you tonight at the bar after you work" he said that smirk still on his face,

"Alright" I sighed
I looked back out the window I herd the crack of thunder making me jump, oh no this isn't good, I hate storms,
Jake starts laughing at me,
I heard another crack making me jump and shiver in fear, I started to hyperventilate,
"Holy shit what's wrong" jake said,
I herd another crack it was louder the the others making me sob and gasping at the same time,
I was now standing up walking out side, I don't know why I just did and soon as I did I was socking wet I herd three crack's, 'bang','bang','bang',

"why, why!?" I sobbed, I fell to my knees screaming, I soon felt week and cold, I lay'd on my back feeling sleepy my eyes trying to close but I won't let them, someone is shaking me saying things I cannot hear, words that just sounds like nothing I see my mum next to me I smile at her,
"I miss you" I say
"And I miss you, but be strong my love, it's not your time yet, you'll see me soon I promise" she says as the tears stream down her face as do mine,
"But I want to be with you, I want to be here with you" I whimper

"Think about your sister, your all she has left, okay you can make it just be strong, I'll see you soon" she sobbed

"Mum please" I plead,
she was walking away,
"Goodbye my love" she waved

"NO MUM PLEASE!" I held my hand out for her to reach but she was to far
"Please" I choked on a sob,

After that, Every thing went black.

In the next chapter jace demands an answer for what happened at the storm why she reached that way??? We'll see when I updated next 💋💋

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