chapter 11

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Zoe's POV

 Mr Wilkins class has just finished i really dislike him im so glad that his class has finished, now her come my favorite class of the day, art, i love it i just let my hands do all the work for me, i walked into the class and sat at the back, the teacher new i liked to work in silence so i just grabbed my art book out and let my hand do the work, i really like the art teacher shes so nice and sweet shes like a mother figure for me, i herd the chair next to me scream making me flinch and make a mistake on my drawing,

"aw fug cakes" i hiss and grabbed an eraser and rubbed out the mistake that person made me do, i hate when that happens,

i looked up too see Leah, shes really nice i talked to her before but not for long, she and the other girls in our group came to cheek on me in the toilets, i gave her a small smile, "sorry i didn't mean to mess your drawing up" she apologized,

"its alright, it was just an accident" i said forgiving her,

my hand whet back to what it was drawing, i didn't know what i was drawing i just did it, and i was glad when i finished my hand hurting from all that drawing,

"wow, that's really cool who is it" Leah said, i didn't quit know my self yet i haven't really gave it a proper look,

a gasp escaped my mouth when i saw what i have drawn, i let my fingers run over my very detailed drawing of the woman i most missed, i felt my eyes well up with tears, i smiled at the pitcher then looked up at Leah....

"she's my mum" i said,

"didn't she die" Leah asked, "um yeah she did" i said a frown forming on my face, well then,

"way to beet around the bush Leah" someone next to Leah said, i looked over to see it was Anthony,

"um, excuse me" i said softly, getting out of my chair excusing my self out of the class room,

i walked to the old library and i had to force the door open, its been a while since I've been here, maybe a month or two, i put my back on the table and looked sore something that might help me release the tension, and soon as i see my pack of smokes a small smile greased on my lips.

I grabbed my lighter and lighted my cigarette, i took a long and needed drag from is slowly blowing out the smoke, I've never really liked smoking ever since my old best friend grace died from smoking,

i frowned at the memories i had with her they were all good but sad at the same time, maybe ill visit her grave on the long weekend witch is at the end of this week.


I've been in the library for the hole period of art, i was kind of glad it was first brake, now i have two more periods then second brake then one more period then home time witch i will be waiting for,

i walked to the big ass tree and i sore that everyone was there as usual, Jake came up to me and hugged me,

"are you okay Leah told me you left in art",

"oh, um yeah" i said, i could smell the smoke on myself i cringed at the smell, i grabbed two mints from my bag and ate them,

"do you sell that......smells like smoke" she said giving me a blank stair,

"what don't look at me like that" i said shrugging off his intimidating look,

he garbed my shoulders tightly, but not enough to hurt me,

"Zoe don't smoke, it's bad for you" Jake said with pleading eyes,

"ill try" i said giving him a small smile telling him ill try my best,

he kissed my cheek and smiled at me,

"thank-you, now lets go eat" he said

i only just realized that i haven't eaten since i moved in with my dad witch was like two or one weeks ago,

"uhh, nah im not hungry, ill be fine" i said shrugging of his arm that was around my shoulders,

"whens the last time you've eaten" he looks at me with concern,
I couldn't look at him,
"Um when i left art class I ate my lunch" I lied,

he gave me a look where he knew that i was lying,

"don't lie to me Zoe" he said sternly, i just looked up at him not making an attempt to say anything, "Zoe, god damm it, answer me," he yelled,

i raped my arms around my body felling uncomfortable, "i tolled you" i said looking down at my feet, not wanting to see his face, i herd him sigh, i couldn't stand being close to him right now so i just walked over to the girls,

"Zoe im so so so sorry i was so blunt with you, could you please, please forgive me" Leah said

i looked at her and gave her a small smile, "its okay, you didn't mean it" i said,

"umm Zoe" i herd violet ask for me, i gave he a smile letting her know im listening to her,

"i need to talk to privet" she says, i could see her eyes they were red from crying, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion

i nodded and we walked over to the oval and it had a bench, we sat,

she rubbed her red eyes, i could tell she was about to cry again, i held her hand that was on the table,

"whats wrong,what happen" i asked softly, she looked up at me with watery eyes,

"the other day in the ally way" she started, i shuddered at the memory, the felling at the back of my through made me run to the nearest bin and emptied my stomach aced in it since i haven't eaten any food in a long time, once i have finishes i got back up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and eating on some mints,

"sorry about that every time i think about it i, you know" i said pointing to the bin behind me, she nodded understanding what i was talking about,

"i know who they are" she said, i looked at her with wide eyes not knowing what to say,

"there our age" she said trying to hold in her tears, i could see how hard it was fir her right now,

"they were from my old school" she explained, "they bullied me, i had no friends, then they started to touch me in inappropriate erours, and that's when my mum made me move in with my dad here, they followed me, i don't know what to do" she said braking down into a bunch of sobs i quickly go to her side and rubbed my hand up and down her back,

"it'll be okay" i cooed, "no it wont" she said shaking her head viciously,

"there coming here, to this school to torment me again, and now that they tried that stuff on you too they'll go after you too" she said looking deeply into my eyes,

my eyes went wide as well as watering,"no" i said wanting to die right here right now, "no! your lying" i yelled at her standing back up,

"i wish i was" she said falling into another episode of sobs, i sat next too her and hugged her as we cried together,

"when are they coming" i asked my voice scratchy from crying,

"today" she said.

hope you like :)

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