chapter 14

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"I see you have a possessive boyfriend," Damion smirked at me, I sighed and nodded.

"He was just worried." I said.

"I'm sure he would be." Damion said nodding. 

"You don't think that he could find me did you?" I asked 

"Depends... He could track you down." he said.

 "Yeah, like he woul-"

"Zoe, what the hell?" Someone all too familiar yelled at me. I turned around to see a fuming Jake standing in front of me.

************* **************


Zoe's POV

"What the actual fuck, Jake?" I yelled at him, he has no right to say that, he's the one that freaking tracked me here.

"Everyone's so worried about you, and you go all MIA on us and go off with some freaking stranger!" she shot back.

"That-" I said, pointing at Damion, "is Violet's brother you have no right to come and barge in here, you probably even tracked me here, THAT'S NOT RIGHT!" I yelled at him.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! You walked out of school holding a half-naked Violet, I have a right to be worried!" he yelled.

"NO YOU DON'T! You act like we're a normal couple. WE'RE NOT! You forced me into a relationship I didn't even want! You fucking tracked me, you don't do that, it's just wrong!" I shot back.

"Well, sorry that I'm so fucking worried that I have to track you!" he yelled, his face going red from rage. I soften up a bit.

"I'm sorry, okay? I-I'm just scared that she wont wake up. I tried to get to her in time I did, I really did. But I didn't. You didn't see what I did. She had cuts all up and down her body, she looked so broken and scared, she was shaking so much, her face pale. She couldn't breathe properly, i-it was s-so h-hard to s-see her l-like that. It b-broke me, I c-could have been there in time." I sobbed and fell onto the ground, rocking my body back and forth,

"Don't say that, I'm sure that she's grateful that you actually came for her, okay, your a strong girl and that's why i love you" Jake said crouching down to my level and stroking my back,

"y-you love me" i stutter looking at him with my blurry eyes,

he smiled at me and cupped my cheek, "yes i do, the first time i laid my eyes on you, i just knew that you had to be mine" he said wiping my tears away and standing up bringing me with him,

i gave him a smile and looked at Damion,

"well that was intense" he said making me laugh,

Damion and i exchanged numbers so we could contact each other and me and Jake were off to get ice cream, its winter but who cares its ice cream i mean who wouldn't,

we finally arrived at gelatos, man it's is like my favorite ice cram, but if i lived in America i would like have Ben and Jerry's, man i really am jealous of them they have like no spiders and that would be my dream come true i absolutely hate them, they have to much legs and eyes.

we walked side by side and entering the shop, there's not much flavors but they do change a lot im just gonna get triple chocolate

"hey Jake" i asked

"hey yeah" he answers,

"can i get triple chocolate please, ill get us a table outside" i asked

"yeah of coarse" he said walking up-to the counter and giving us our orders,

i sat down in a both and waited, no longer than a minute and he slides in the seat across from me,

"thank you" i say

"no worry's love" he says

"oh god no" i grumble

"what" he says eating his ice cream,

"don't call me love it sounds like your an old man" i said giggling, I'm gonna start calling him an old man.

"lets play twenty one questions" he says,

"okay, you ask first" i said taking a bite from my ice cream,

"whats you favorite color" he asked

"hmm, it would have to be pastie blue" i said,

"i like dark blue" he said,

"favorite animal" i asked

"kitten" he said

"i like bunny's".

and that when on for about an hour, i now fell like I've known him for years, we were now siting on my bed, watching the new TV show called scream. it's not like the movies its like its own thing but similar,

"Zoe, do you like,like me" Jake asked,

"well yeah i do, and getting to know you was good, you know, now that i know you, i like you for you,

and i promise i wont tell anyone about you phobia of clowns" i said smirking kissing his cheek,

"so you like me then, as in more than a friend" he asked tilting his head, he looked so cute right now,

"yes you dork" i said smiling at him,

"well then dose that mean that i can actually kiss you properly" he asked with one of his famous smirks,

i just smiled at him and grabbed his fave pulling his face close to mine, "anytime you like" i said and kissed him with passion.

he pulled back and gave me a small smile, 

"your so beautiful" he said putting a stray hair behind my ear,

i gave him a smile and kissed his check, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, i had no right" he said shaking his head,

i grabbed his face in my hands, "your did okay, you were just worried and i was just to naive to see that okay" i said looking into his eyes, he started to lean in and placed a soft kiss on my lips,

"you really are beautiful arnt you" he said resting his forehead on mine,

"you know nobody's, coming back today" i said trying to hint something to him,

"and" he asked, "were alone" i said, "soooo" he said still clueless,

"ugh, iwantyoutotakemyvirginity" i said in one breath, 

"what?" he asked confused tilting his head,

i sighed.

"I want you to take my virginity" i said.


ta da.

so so so so so so so so sorry for the long wait i tried i did i really did please forgive me i hope you like tell me what ya thing :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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