Chapter two

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Zoe's POV,

I was just laying in a bed, but not my bed, a hospital bed, gross I hate hospitals,
I had hyperthermia apparently,
Jake saved me, I don't know why he would do that though I thought that he would leave me to die in the cold, but I guess not,
"What the fuck happened out there!" Jake demand,
"I don't like storms" I said blankly like it was the most simplest thing in the world but it's really not,
"Are you serious right now!, you scared me half to death out there!, you...... you could have died" he said to me,
I looked away from his face and just looked at the plain white wall, I don't want to cave in definitely not to him,
"Look at me....... Please" he asked softly, oh that sounded so sexy, oh my god really Zoe! your in a god dam hospital no need to be horny,
I felt the bed dip beside me, he held my hand,
"Zoe....please" he asked,
I gave in, I looked at the beautiful blue orbs looking at me, Ive never really noticed how blue they were,
"What happened out there" he asked softly, I sighed, I felt my eyes burn with tears but they weren't falling, I need to be strong, for mum, but mostly my world my only saving grace my little sister Zara I could just see her now playing on the garden with mum her long black hair flowing behind her, her eyes the most beautiful brown I've ever seen.
I let out a shaky breath,
"You know how my mum and dad died right" I asked
"Yeah it was a car accid-" I cut him off by putting my hand in front of his face,
"It wasn't an accident" I said a bit to harshly,
i used to love storms. Sometimes I used to sit out side with my mum in the rain watching the lighting it was beautiful" I sight but smiled at the memory,
"I moved here one year ago they died last year on Friday September, it was movie night. My little sister was to sick it come"

"It was dark at night my dad was driving my mum was in the back with me, there was so much lightning and thunder, my mum was looking out her window, she screamed that scream was the most horrible thing I've ever heard I-" I couldn't finish my sentence, I was a sobbing mess,
"It's okay you don't have to finish" jake said,
"No!, no I do, I have to," I said
He nods telling me to go on,

"I looked out her window and in a flash her body was covering mine she protected me, she saved me"

"The truck crashed into our side, nobody ever found that person body, that truck driver was paid to drive into us,
Dad was calling for help shouting help please, nobody came till morning, the storm got worse, every crack of thunder I herd was so loud I screamed, I lost my voice for a week,
The Lightning went straight through my dad, killing him right on the spot, all that could be herd was my screams for help" I was a crying mess by the end of my story,
Jake hugged me while I cried on him grasping his shirt,
"They killed them on purpose!" I choked out,
"Shh" he hushed me while stroking my hair,
Soon I had stopped crying, a thought popes into my head,
"Hey what do you want from me" I asked pulling away from his hold and looked into his eyes,
"Well" he said rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous manner,
"I need you to be my girlfriend" he says, I choked on the ear surrounding us that has now become tension,
"Why" I asked
"Well my um, mum she doesn't like my idea of one nighters, she cry's to Me asking for me to get a real girlfriend, so please, please be my girlfriend I don't like seeing my mum upset" he pleaded

"Please, pretty, pretty please" he asked patting his eyelashes,

"Fine, fine" I said giving in,
"Wait will we have to be together at school to" I asked worried,
"Yes" he said flatly,

"But why" I groaned
"Because I like the entertainment" He said using his famous smirk
"I don't!" I said
"Oh yeah and whys that" he said
Getting in my personal space, is oh so soft lips that I could kiss getting closer,
"I don't like people" I said as a whisper,
"You know if we're going to be together, we need to do couple things" he said itching closer to me,
"L-like what" I asked
"Kissing" he said
He looked at my lips, I looked at his, they were so close, suddenly the door opened,
"ZOE!" my little sister screeched
Jake scrambled to get off the bed falling in the process, he was lying flat on his face,
I barked out laughing, my sister let out little giggles,
"Ha,ha very funny" jake said sarcastically while getting up,
My laughing died down a little, "sorry it was just so funny" I said giggling at the moment,
"You even did it in style" I said clapping my hands and started to Laugh again, it's just too funny,
"Okay you can stop now" he said with a blank look on his face,
"Sorry" I said
Zara jumped on the bed and hugged me,
I placed her on my lap her back facing Jake,
She started to sob,
"I thought I lost you" she sobbed
"Hey, hey look at me I'm still here, I'll always be here for you", I said showering her face with kisses making her giggle,
"I love you" she said as the last tear fell out of her eye,
I wiped her little face with my hands, "where's nanny and poppy" I asked

"At work they dropped me off then left they said get better though" she said half smiling,

"Of course they are, stupid fucking grandparents" I said

I felt a sharp pain on my face,
"Don't swear in front of me Zoe" Zara said
"Sorry but you didn't have to slap me in the face" I said

"Oh sorry" she said sheepishly
"It's okay" I said smiling giving her a kiss on the cheek,

In the next chapter jake tells everyone that Zoe and him are dating and Zoe gets in a big fight that might give away one of her secrets,

Also she is a fighter I forgot To say that sorry

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