Chapter 7

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Zoe's POV

I just had the most best kiss of my hole seventeen years,

"Wow" Jake said
I blushed, I didn't know what to say,
"Let's go to your friends" I said pulling him with me, but then I stopped, I have no idea were his friends are,

"You don't know we're to go do you" he said smirking,

"Lead the way" I said,

He grabbed my hand and took me too a big ass tree, it had a group of boys and girls,
Jake cleared his throat,
They all turned the attention to us,
I tried to hide behind Jake,

"Who's the new girl" some boy asked,
"I wouldn't mind getting in her pants" another said
"How long she been going to this school" a girl asked,
Jake pulled me from behind me,

"Guys play nice, this is my girlfriend, Zoe" Jake said

A boy walked over and stood in front of me and extend his hand,

"Well hello there pretty lady" he said,

"Dude come on" a girl said slapping the back of his head, I like her already, she had red/orange hair and freckles covers her cheeks she had blue eyes she was so pretty she could pass for a model,

"Ow don't be a bitch Britney" the boy scrolled at her,

"Oh sush Brad" Britney said to the boy with black hair styled to perfection and dark blue eyes,

"Weres Zach" I asked Jake,
He should be here,
"He's over there talking to........." He was looking wide eyed over my shoulder,
I terns around to see Amy hitting on my brother,
"Oh hell no" I said walking over with all the confidence I had,

"Back of Zoe you have Jake your not having him too" Amy said flipping her hair over her shoulders,

"No your not your a slut and he's a great guy you will not whore around with my brother do you understand" I said getting in her face,
"Lay of Zoe" Zach said trying to pull me back,

"Oh so you defending her are you" I said crossing my arms over my chest,

"Yes I am she hasn't done anything to you haven't you babe" Zach said putting his arm over her shoulders,

"Yes she has actually, she called me a slut as well as our mother and said that she deserved to die" I said,
Zach's face tend into rage,

"You said what" his voice was like a rusty knife knitting into you skin,
"Um I didn't say that, baby don't you trust me" she said running her hand down his chest,
That made me angry,
I punched her in the face,
"Why dont you just stop whoring around and then You might actually find the right guy!" I yelled and walked away,

"Fucking bitch" I mutterd under my breath,

"Zoe wait please" Zach said grabbing my forearm pulling me back,

"What do you want me to say Zoe,
I just met you the other day how can I trust you" he said,

I slapped his face with all the rage I felt burning inside of me,
"I didn't even know about you, you did, I said I loved you! Shouldn't that be anough to have trust in me" I said trying to get my arm back but it was no use he was to strong,
I whimpered in pain,

"your just a bitch I didn't even know our mum, she might have been a slut" he said,

Tears fell out of my eyes,
I ripped my arm from his hand and ran to the little lady's room,
And cried,
He called our mother a slut who dus that,
"Fucking asshole" I mutterd

"Hey I saw you run in here you okay" Britney said
"No" I let out an ugly sob

She came to me and hugged me,
"Oh sweetie it'll be okay, zach's an asshole, and I know that" she said her eyes going glossy,

"What did he do to you?" I asked wiping my face,

"We had a thing then he got a girlfriend saying that I was just a fling" she said

"Oh im sorry" I said

"Nah it's okay it's in the past" she said waving her hand,

"I've got a felling were gonna be great friends" I give her a giant smile,
Giving her a hug.


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