Twenty Questions

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I sat at my desk with my book open, attempting to concentrate so I could pass the test tomorrow. But out of the corner of my eye, I could see Baz laying on his bed on his back, tossing a tennis ball up to the ceiling, catching it, throwing it again. The movement of the ball and the thump as it hit the ceiling, the small soft sound as the tennis ball reached his hands smoothly. Thump, thwoosh, pause. Thump, thwoosh, pause. Thump, thwo-
I closed my book, slamming it shut and rotating around to face Baz, who caught the ball and held it, raising an eyebrow at me. I flushed.
"Problem, Snow?" Baz's voice was calm, put together, and planned out, as always. I took a deep breath and realized studying was useless with him being so goddamn bored.
"You need something to do, don't you?" I stated plainly, and almost slapped myself for it.
"Is it that obvious?" he drawled, lazily looking up at me, setting the ball beside him and folding his hands behind his head.
"Baz, let's play a game," I announced proudly.
"I don't do games, Snow."
"See this one's easy. Ask questions, answer the questions," I suggested. "I mean I don't know if you can handle it though, sounds pretty hard," I added sarcastically.
"Fine. You go first," Baz agreed after a moment. I stood and walked over to my bed, perching on the edge of it, causing Baz to reposition himself to do the same. His legs lazily hung over the side, knees bending due to his height, an arm reaching behind to support himself and the other in his lap. Meanwhile, mine had crossed in front of me so I was now in criss cross applesauce. My finger reached up to tap my chin, eyes trailing to the ceiling.
"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" My eyes came back down to rest on his face, waiting for his response.
"Romania," was his immediate answer. "I mean after all, it is the vampire country, therefore where I belong." A hint of a smile pulled at the corner of his lips, turning them every so slightly upwards. It was clear he was teasing me about my suspicions. I rolled my eyes.
"Go, it's your turn," I prompted after a few moments of an amused silence.
"Alright, alright." Slender fingers drummed khaki clad knees. I watched Baz's features scrunch together and head lower to the ground in thought before bringing it back up to meet my eyes. "Well, Snow, do you trust anyone with your life?"
Yes, I do. Penelope, Agatha, and Baz. Astounding wizards who have stuck with me in one way or another. "Sure I do."
"Well, who?" Baz followed up. A smile grew on my face, and I tsked, wagging a finger.
"You already used your question, didn't you?" I used that as an excuse to not tell him he was one of those people, for whatever reason he made it onto that list. Baz rolled his eyes and waved his hand in annoyance at me, causing a chuckle to escape my lips. "Would you rather be invisible, or have the ability to read minds?" I inquired after a few moments of thought.
"Well, be invisible, of course." The statement was punctuated with a playful wink sent my way, and a lazy laugh causing me to flush, even though it was clear he was simply fooling around. I laughed somewhat awkwardly, making Baz coo in response, embarrassing me further.
"Your turn." I was desperate to take the attention off me.
"Hmm, let's see." Baz drummed his fingers on his knee once again, a habit I had grown used to through the years. "If you could have lunch with any person in the whole world, who would it be?"
"You," I muttered. Immediately my eyes went wide, and a hand was slapped over my mouth. I had not just said that. Baz's eyes flicked up to mine in surprise. My cheeks were by now on fire, and my head was buried in my hands, shaking it back and forth at my own stupidity.
"What was that, I couldn't quite catch it," Baz teased, cupping a hand behind his ear in the full spirit of embarrassing me as far as he could.
"You," I muttered again, knowing full well that he had heard the first time. No use in denying it now.
"Still couldn't catch it. A bit louder?" Baz leaned forward dramatically, eyes shining with mischief.
"You, alright?" I yelled, standing up. "I would take you out to lunch out of anyone in the world!" Baz sat back again, face slightly intrigued, and eyes watching me, curious. "I like you, Baz. Even though you're an asshole, yeah I'd like to get lunch with you, and probably smear it all over your face. And then you'd get mad, and we'd start a food fight and probably get kicked out of the restaurant, but it would be fun because it would be with you." I was out of breath, embarrassed, and emotionally on a rollercoaster. Without another look at Baz, I walked briskly to the door, but as soon as it was behind me, I bolted to the nearest bathroom in the halls, considering Baz and I's was in our room and I didn't want to see him at all.
Yanking the door open and scanning the place to make sure no one was in it, I stood at the sink, hands grasped tightly on both sides, knuckles turning white. My eyes were slightly red from tears I didn't know fell on the way here. My curly blonde hair was tousled and unkempt. I looked like a mess. I turned the sink on and splashed water on my face, shaking my head and grabbing a paper towel to wipe it off. Now look what you did, Simon. You're stuck with him, he's your roommate. Fantastic job.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Without looking up, I croaked at them to go away, hastily wiping my tears away in case they didn't listen and came in anyways. Sure enough, footsteps came closer and I decided to look in the mirror to find whoever was seeing me in a state like this.
Baz's eyes met mine in the reflection. Instead of a laugh on his face, teasing or arrogance, I was surprised to find care and tenderness. I noticed myself start to shake. He wasn't supposed to find out. He got closer, and soon his large hands were on top of mine, stopping their shaking, his torso pressed against my back. My gaze slid off of our hands slowly up to meet his own captivating eyes in the mirror.
"Snow, there's no need to make assumptions. I was also gonna answer the question," Baz stated softly. "You know who I was gonna choose?"
"Who?" I whispered defeatedly.
"Why you of course. Who else? You've got no competition. I like you too, Snow." My mouth dropped for a second before I closed it again, eyes meeting reflection eyes.
"You-you do?" I questioned hesitantly. "Baz, if this is one of your stupid games, it's not the time. I'm really not in the mood for you to tease me," I warned, but quickly stopped. Baz's arms moved to wrap around my torso, hugging me from behind. His head bent over, resting in the crook of my neck, burying his nose against my skin.
"Not about this, Snow, not about this." A small kiss was pressed onto the skin at the base of my neck, leaving me to gasp. I turned around to meet him face to face, and our foreheads connected. "Let me take you out to lunch, huh?" A smile grew on his features, and a shy one on mine as well. I nodded against him, and he grinned, really grinned. He kissed my nose, and then wrapped his arms around me again, the height difference becoming more evident as my cheek was pressed into his shoulder.
"I would like that a lot."

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