Chapter One

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Bella's Pov~

. Some say it last forever. Some say its only an amount of time before it falls apart. I now know the truth about love.

My three year old daughter came running up to me. She pulled on my pants. "Mummy?" She asked.

"Yes love?" I responded.

"Can I watch daddy's interview now, I ate all my lunch," she begged. I laughed as a I pulled up Harry's  interview. See, three years ago, this jerk, Harry Styles, was my best friend and boyfriend. Then I caught him cheating so I left. But then a few weeks later, I learned that I'm pregnant with his kid. Everybody knows harry is a father, except for Harry himself. I'm not one of those parents that refuses to let my child know who their father is, quite franc tally its the opposite. Emma has watched every interview, commercial, music video, and their movie, which I was in some parts of it.

Eleanor and Louis were there for the birth of Emma. Shortly before I had Emma, Eleanor had given birth to a beautiful baby boy name Luke. Louis wanted to name him Ethan so his initials would be E.T. but El said no. Emma and Luke are the best of friends. Well their 3 but still.

Anne and Gemma know about Emma too, in fact I've taken her to see them a few times. I had given up on my modeling because I didn't want to run away and leave my child at home with her great aunt and great uncle.

Speaking of them, they've all been really supportive. Rosie, who is now 13, has helped so much with Emma. 5 year old Amelia started school this year too. What I'm really glad for, is all the help i've recived from Aunt Sam and Uncle Mark.

Niall and Emily got married last year as Liam and Dani are engaged. This is what sucks, its either face Harry again, or not go to the wedding and I choose to face Harry. I'm just going to do what I did at El's wedding, ignore him. Right now, I'm just sitting here with dani, while Andrew, Mia, who were 5, and Emma all we were watching the boys interview. El was here also as Luke napped on my bed in mine and Emma's room. Oh yeah, ever since Emma was born, the wasn't enough space in the house so we moved. We now lived in a seven bed room penthouse. How did we afford it? Well we combined Aunt Sam Uncle Mark and my money and we have extra to. I sing to, but I don't do concerts and tours, just the simple record songs and an album and watch it sell.

"So why didn't Emily come?" I asked again.

"To sick, you know how it is, Perrie stayed with her," dani giggled. We were sitting on the balcony talking. Oh yeah, did I mention emily s pregnant? Well she is and she is 7 months along. Her and niall are also expecting a baby boy.

I nodded telling her I understood. "So how are the guys?"

"Liam is great, just tired a lot lately." Dani said frowning.

"Why the frown? Is it because you get no sex?" I joked. She nudged me as I laughed.

"Lou is trying to teach luke how to do a hip thrust," El pursed her lips as I giggled.

"How's that working out for ya?" I asked in amusement.

"He succeeded," she blushed. I let out a loud laugh then quickly covered it up with a cough. She glared at me.

"Harry?" I asked quietly. I may not like him, but I still have a peice of him. That would be Emma. Theday after Louis and Eleanor's wedding, I threw the paper airplane bracelet in the ocean, so thats gone.

  I planted my feet on the dry rocks. I stared out at the beautiful horizon. The moon reflected of of the dark blue ocean. I wiped a tear away from my eyes and reached down to my wrist. I unclipped the bracelet and clutched it in my right hand as I put my left hand on my heart.

"Good-bye," I whispered before throwing the bracelet into the ocean. I stared at the ocean until I heard a faint splash, signaling the bracelet was floating to the bottom.

I fell to my knees and cried harder than before. I didn't want to let go, but I had to, knowing that he cheated, and that now, I'll always have a peice of him. A piece that I will never let go of. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was turned face to face with Liam.

"I went to see if you were alright but your Aunt told me you were here," he explained softly. I closed my eyes and buried my face in my hands.

"Liam, I can't ever forget him now even, " I cried.

"Don't blame the baby, it has nothing to do with this, and you shouldn't forget him, you love him, he loves you, he made a mistake," He soothed.

"A mistake that can't be forgiven," I sobbed

"It's okay," He said. "Lets get you home," He rubbed my back while helping me up.

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Flashback Ends-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ 

"Different bottle every night, same spot in you old bed though," El said sadly.

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