Chapter Seven

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Bella's Pov-

"Happy freaking birthday old man!" I greeted Louis. He playfully glared at me.

"I'm only 26. Dani's older than me! She's 29!" Lou complained.

"Eh, I've called her old plenty of times." I shrugged. Emma tugged on my pant legs and pouted. "Whats wrong?"

"Can I have cake?" she asked with a cheeky smile. I laughed and shook my head.

"Hanging out with daddy made you cheeky huh?" I asked. She giggled and nodded. It has been 21 days since Harry found out and he has been seeing Emma  most of the days.

"Why don't you go play with Luke, Andrew, Mia, and others in the toy room?" I asked her. They converted the basement into a play room for kids to play in, well obviously, I mean hence, PLAY room.

"Okay!  I see you when cake!" She ran off through the crowd of people.

"Thanks for doing her hair." I thanked Rosie.

"No problem, I'm going to take Lia down to the play room too." She smiled and took her sisters hand, walking off.

I shuffled through the crowd until I reached the snack table. I picked up a carrot and bit into it.

"Wait, so theres, cookies, brownies, cake, pie, ice cream, and fudge, but you go for carrots?" Perrie walked up to me.

"Shush, your just in one of your many craving moods." I told her.

"I am not! Okay, six brownies, three cookies, a piece of chocolate fudge cake, pie, and chocolate ice cream." She muttered putting everything on a plate. I raised an eyebrow at her and she glared. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." I smirked.

"Oi! Leave the pregnant lady alone!" Harry said. Perrie and Zayn announced the baby a week ago.

"Nope. When I was pregnant-" I cut myself off looking at Perrie. "Did anyone tell him that you guys knew about her?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded and I continued. "People mocked me." I finished.

"Anyways, Oh shit! I lost Ally!" She cried. Ally was her cousin who was 15, I should add.

"Per, calm down. She's 15, she'll be fine." I assured her.

"You're right, I'm going to go find Zayn." She walked away leaving me and Harry alone.

"Wheres Emma?" He asked quietly.

"Play room with Luke, Andrew, Mia, Rosie, Lia, and probably more." I stated. I felt this feeling in me, like I wanted to get up and just jump. I didn't though cause that would look really weird.

"Oh. Uhm, do you think I could take Emma down to see my mum and Gemma tomorrow?" He asked yet another question.

"Sure but I would like to spend the morning with her." I told him.

"Okay, just tell me when I can pick her up."

"Will do." I turned towards the snack tale and picked up a cookie, biting into it. I guess Harry had walked away, because he didn't say anything else. I turned around, again, and walked off, to go find Eleanor. When I found her, she was sipping what I hoped was something non alcoholic out of a wine glass.

"What'cha drinking?" I asked her.

"Apple juice. I gave the kids wine glasses and they love them!" She smiled. I giggled a bit. "I went down there with a champagne bottle filled with apple juice and they still think they're drinking real wine."

"Well, what can we say? They are One Direction's children." We laughed for a few seconds. "So are you and Lou going to Doncaster?"

"Actually, both our families are up here this year." She nodded.

"That should be nice." I agreed.

"What about you and Emma?"

"Emma is going to be with me in the morning then her and Harry are going to Cheshire." I told her.

"Oh, well I hope she has fun."


The rest of the night went by in a blur so now, It's Christmas morning and Emma, Lia, Rosie, Aunt Sam, Uncle Mark, and I sat in our Main room by the Christmas tree as the girls opened they're presents first.

After they did, I was forced to open mine.

Rosie gave me a pair of TOMs that she painted herself, the rest was from everyone else. Lia and Emma were really happy with theirs. My aunt got Emma a toy walk-in kitchen! All the presents were amazing.

"Now Rosie, you didn't get as much as Lia and Em because we got you something bigger." Aunt Sam started. Rosie looked up at her in confusion. "Follow us." Rosie followed all of us as we went up to the fourth floor.Aunt Sam pushed open the door as Rosie gasped.

"My own art studio?!" she exclaimed, running into the room and looking around.

"All yours." Uncle Mark smiled. Rosie squealed and pounced onto her dad, hugging him. I smiled as I picked up Emma and returned downstairs with her.

"Daddy is coming to take you to to grandma's house. You get too see cousin Don, Aunt Gemma, and Uncle Steve." I told her. Emma squealed in excitement as I brought her up too her room. "You can pick out what you want to wear."

A few minutes later, Emma returned to my side and asked me to help her with the dress. I unbuttoned it and helped her slide it on. I awed when she spun around.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" I asked.

"Straight." She nodded. I nodded and went to my room, grabbing my straightener and plugging it in.


"Aw! You look adorable!" Aunt Sam cooed as Emma and I walked downstairs. I had Rosie help me with her hair because I suck at french braiding.

There was a knock on the front door, which we still barely use, and I went and opened it. Harry stood there with a smile on his face. I greeted him with a welcoming grin and stepped aside to let him in.

"Samuel!" Lea suddenly screamed as the small dog charged towards Harry before attacking  his ankles.

"Somebody is happy." I spoke, picking Samuel up and holding him in my arms as he squirmed.

"Daddy!" Emma sqealed, running over to Harry and jumping on him. Her long straight hair flew behind her back as Harry gripped a hold of her making sure she wouldn't fall.

"Your hair is straight." Harry commented with a smile. Emma pointed to me and Rosie who had her phone in her hand and was typing furiously.

"She wanted it straight." I nodded, placing Samuel down who ran off to I have no clue.

"Would you like to come with us?" Harry suddenly asked me.

"Uh," I looked over at Aunt Sam who wanodding and Uncle Mark who didn't look to pleased. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm not ready or anyhting.." I tralied off.

"We can wait. It's fine." He smiled, placing Emma on the ground.

"Okay, just let me change then." I walked upstairs and grabbed some Christmas clothes, throwing them on. I also grabbed my iPad for Emma to plat with in the car.

It currently had a case called, 'iguy' on it, so it's easy for her to use and if she drops it, it wont break as easily. I quickly walked back downstairs and nodded at Harry.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later," I hugged everyone. "Merry Christmas," I called as we walked over to the lift, well Emma and I, until Harry noticed we were going the opposite way.

"Oops." He blushed as he stepped in and the doors closed.

"Here Em, don't drop it." I handed her my iPad.

"Where did she get that?" Harry asked curiously. Okay Bell, don't be sarcastic.

"Actually its mine and Anne got it for me." I told him.

"Knowing you, you probably fought about excepting it." He joked with a small smile.

"Actually I did, ask Emma." I pointed to the three year old that was trying to read.

"Huh?" She looked up at the mention of her name.

"Nothing." I smiled, lifting her up as the lift doors open. Thats when we saw flashes. I groaned as Emma squealed. She hated the flashes but she also like yelling at the people.

"Don't they have families?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Just ignore them Haz," I couldn't stop myself. I saw his eyes glisten s I called him that.

"You called me Haz." He whispered happily. I didn't get a chance to answer as we stepped into the freezing air, as paps threw questions at us.

"Are you two back together?!"

"Where are you going on Christmas?!"

"Is Emma holding an iPad?!"

"Is she spoiled?!"

"Of course she is! She's Harry's daughter!"

"Okay Everyone! Shuddup!" Emma screamed, making all the paparazzi stop yelling.  "What you doing out here on Christmas?! You pose to be wit famiwy-" Emma perked up, looking around at everyone.

"Uh okay Em, lets go." Harry chuckled nervously.

"No Harry, I actually want to hear what she has to say." I raised an eyebrow letting the three year old continue.

"Why bother us when you have peopwe who want to be wit you today? go home and enjoy today!" Emma cheered.

"Okay, now we can go." I said. We went over to Harry's car, and got in.

For the three hour car ride, it wasn't awkward but it was mostly silent until Emma spoke, but she soon fell asleep.

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