Chapter Four

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Bella's Pov~

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed. Today was the day of Dani and Liam's  wedding, and Harry, the person who was suppose to walk down the isle with me, wasn't anywhere around.

"Bad word Mummy!" Emma hit my leg. I adjusted my dress and looked around at everyone. Dani looked  the best out of us all though.

"So I walk down alone?" I asked.

"Unless someone is willing to but so far nobody has said any thing." Aunt Sam said. I sighed. This is going to be so embarrassing.

"PLACES!" Amy yelled. we all took our place as the music began. I was right before Dani and her dad. My palms started to sweat. I cannot walk up there alone. Suddenly someone was linked on my arm.

"Ed, what about Taylor?" I asked him.

"She told me to go." He whispered back. I nodded as we made our way up isle. I heard people murmuring about Harry. We parted and I stood behind Emily. I watched as Dani walked up the isle with her father. I smiled. She rached Liam, and her father kissed her cheek then sat down.

"We are here to celebrate the coming together of two individuals who have fallen in love. If any one is against this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest started. It was silent so he continued. "Please join hands."

Liam took Dani's hands in his.

"Please repeat after me." The priest said to Liam. "I, Liam James Payne, take Danielle Claire Peazer," Liam repeated.

"To have and to hold," The priest said.

"To have and to hold," Liam repeated.

"To love and to cherish."

"To love and to cherish."

"Through sickness and through health"

"Through sickness and through health."

"To be my lawfully wedded wife."

"To be my lawfully wedded wife."

"Please repeat after me." The priest turned towards Dani. She said everything.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest announced. Liam leaned in and pressed his lips to her as cheers and claps erupted throughout the crowd. Soon, an upbeat song started as they walked down the isle hand-in-hand, while Ed and I followed, then Emily and Niall, and finally Perrie and Zayn.

----2 hours later------

I was walking around, with no shoes on, as my stomach hurt. I went up to Emily.

"Do you have any midol?" I whispered.

"Uh... yeah, here," She handed me two pills.

"Thanks." I popped the into my mouth, taking a sip of the drink I had in my hand.

"I would like to make a toast!" Emily announced standing up. Everybody looked at her.

"Dani, I've known you for about 10 years maybe more, and you were so helpful. You are so kind, caring and Loving. Liam is so lucky to have you. And you know if he hurts you, I'll kick his ass." She started. The crowd laughed a bit. "You were always there when someone needed help, so when you needed help, I was always there too."

"I cannot believe your name is Danielle Payne now. Well, happy marriage you two!" Claps erupted as Niall stood up.

"Liam James Payne. You are amazing. I'm sad I have to share you now." He said dramatically. Some people laughed. "I'm so happy that you found the love of your life." I zoned out as he continued.

Soon everyone cheered and that snapped me out of my thoughts. I clapped a bit. Amy came up to me a few moments later.

"Did you tell anyone you're leaving in two days?" She whispered. She had a cocktail in on hand.

"Uh hu, and Em can come too right?"


"How long is the tour?"

"Two months."

"Okay, I'll see you in two days. I'm going to take Emma home before anyone gets wasted."

"Bye!" I walked off and found Emma and Luke talking.

"Emma, time to go babe." I saw luke kiss her cheek and I mentally awed.  I took her hand and picked her up, walking over to Dani and Liam.

"Congrats you two, but I'm going to go home. See you later," I kissed Liam's cheek then gave Dani a side hug.

"Bye girls!" Liam called after us as we walked away. I carried Emma to my car then put her in the backseat.

"Can you buckle yourself in?" I asked her. She nodded and did it. I clapped then got in the drivers seat.

-----Two days later------

"Strap yourself in!" i called to Emma as she jumped into the limo. I was helping the driver put our stuff in the back, which was five suitcases in all, two of Emma's and three of mine.

"Bella!" Harry called. I groaned and turned around to face him. He jogged over to me.


"I'm so sorry about the wedding, Gemma had an accident an-" I cut him off.

"Harry, it's not me you should be apologizing to, it's Liam and Dani."

"I know, I feel  awful."

"Cool." He looked at me.

"Where are you going?"

"America." I shrugged.

"What about Emma?"

"What about her?"

"Your going to travel with a small kid?"

"don't you dare bring her into this!" I warned.

"Why? It's not good for her," He stated.

"What am I going to do with her? Liam and Dani are going to the Virgin Islands, Mia and Andrew are going with Niall and Emily, El has a bit of a problem at the moment, and Perrie and Zayn are going to visit his parents."

"She can stay with me." He shrugged. I laughed.

"Harry, never. Good fucking bye." I got in the car and told the driver to go.


"Hey we just got off the plane, are you waiting in the Limo?" I asked Amy in the phone. She flew out here yesterday to secure everything.

"Yeah, there is a guy holding up a sign that says 'Jella'," She said.


"Yeah like Bella but with a j in front."

"Oh, okay. See you in a few." I hung up and took Emma's hand leading her to the guy that held the sign. He lead us to the car, where we put all our suitcases. I helped Emma get in then I got in, buckling her.

"Well hello." Amy greeted.

"Hi." Me and Emma said.

"So first, we're going to your hotel, then your preforming in a small stadium near MSG, it holds 3,000 people and was sold out in 10 minutes." She told me.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup, then tomorrow night, your bus will be ready."

"Okay, well lets go to the hotel."

About 20 minutes later, we pulled up to this fancy hotel. We were in New York so. We went in and Amy handed me my card. I went up to my room and  set my two bags down. One mine and One Emma's. The other three are with Amy so when the bus comes we can put them on there.

I helped Emma put her pajamas on then put her in the bed. I then did the same thing and got in on the opposite side.

"Good-night mummy." She mumbled.

"Night Em."


"Wow, you straightened my hair in record time." I said to Kayla. Remember my stylist? Yup shes with us.

"I know, and here," She handed me a pair of fake glasses.

"What? Do I have to wear them?"

"Yes. Yes you do." She stated. I groaned and put them on looking in the mirror. I actually looked good. She suddenly placed a hat on my head that said 'geek'. I glared at her. I dont like wearing all this stuff.

"You're on!" Amy called. I kissed Emma's cheek and ran out to the side of the stage. I took a deep breath before  walking on, hearing screams erupt. I smiled as the song began.

"Now that I have captured your attention
I want to steal you for a rhythm intervention
Mr. T, you say I'm ready for inspection
Show me how you make a first impression"

"Oh, oh
Can we take it nice and slow, slow
Break it down and drop it low, low
Cause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights 'til you can't let me go"

"I just wanna feel your body right next to mine"

"All night long"

"Baby, slow down the song
And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind
All night long
Baby, slow down the song"

"If you want me I'm accepting applications
So long as we keep this record on rotation
You know I'm good with mouth to mouth resuscitation
Breathe me in, breathe me out"

"So amazing"

"Oh, oh"

"Can we take it nice and slow, slow
Break it down and drop it low, low
Cause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights 'til you can't let me go"

"I just wanna feel your body right next to mine
All night long
Baby, slow down the song
And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind
All night long
Baby, slow down the song"

"Breathe me in, breathe me out
The music's got me going
Breathe me in, breathe me out
No stop until the morning
Breathe me in, breathe me out
You know I'm ready for it
For it, for it"


"Breathe me in, breathe me out
The music's got me going
Breathe me in, breathe me out
No stop until the morning
Breathe me in, breathe me out
You know I'm ready for it
For it, for it"


"I just wanna feel your body right next to mine
All night long
Baby, slow down the song
And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind
All night long
Baby, slow down the song"

I let my arm fall as I looked at the large crowd.

"I'm going to start off by saying a huge thank you!" I started raising the mic to my lips again. "You guys are very supportive! I'm going to sing the song that started it all!" I looked to my drummer as he started.

"How you choose to express yourself
It's all your own and I can tell
It comes naturally, it comes naturally"

"You follow what you feel inside
It's intuitive, you don't have to try
It comes naturally, mmmm, it comes naturally"

"And it takes my breath away (away, away, away)
What you do so naturally (turally, turally, turally)"

"You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting
When you know it's meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally

"Sing along if you know the words!" I shouted into the mic.

"You have a way of moving me
A force of nature, your energy
It comes naturally (you know it does), it comes naturally
Mmmm, yeah"

"And it takes my breath away (away, away) every time
What you do so naturally"

The crowd sang. When we finished I smiled. It faltered when I heard a fan shout "what happened between you and Harry?!"

"Okay, guys, time for a story!" I said pulling a stool out from the side of the stage. I sat on it in the middle of the floor and pulled the microphone stand over. I adjusted the stand to my level and put the mic on it. "I have one request from this. You can tape it, but please don't post it until midnight. If I find any videos of this before midnight, I will report them."

"Okay, so you all know three years ago, how Harry and I broke up?" They all shouted what mostly sounded like 'yes!'. "Would you like to know the reason for that break up?"

"YES!" everyone shouted.

"Well, we were at a club that night, and I wasn't feeling well so I went into the bathroom. In there, I saw Harry with another girl. He cheated on me, and I couldn't trust him. He broke my heart, even after knowing that I didn't want any more heartbreaks. I went to his house and packed all of my stuff then left. I went to my aunt who has always been there for me."

"To my luck, It rained. So for the next week I was sick, but anyways, when I was there that night, I realized something. I was late, and girls, most of you will know what this means." I explained. I heard mumbles around the crowd.

"Well, I really don't need to explain. Please give a warm welcome to Emma Lucille Styles!" I looked to the side where Amy was walking with Emma. She let go of her hand and pushed her a bit to me. Emma slowly walked over to me and I picked her up and sat her on my lap. Claps, cheers, and shouting erupted. Emma looked at me.

"Okay, we're going to sing a song in which both of us love." I stated. I looked to Dylan, my drummer, as the familiar beats started.

"You were my sun, you were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance, made other plans
But I betcha didn't think that they would come crashin' down, no"
I sang.

"You don't have to say, what you did
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance
With you and me
There'll never be
Don't it make you sad about it?"
We both sang.

"You told me you love me
Why did you leave me all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me on the phone
Girl I refuse
You must have me confused with some other guy
The bridges were burned
Now it's your turn,To cry
Cry me a river (x4)"
We both sang.

"You know that they say somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him
And you know it
(Don't act like you dont know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messin with my head
Should've been honesty
Then you may not have thought it"
I sang.

"You don't have to say, what you did
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance
With you and me
There'll never be
Don't it make you sad about it?"
We both sang. I loved how she remembered the song.

"You told me you love me
Why did you leave me all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me on the phone
Girl I refuse
You must have me confused with some other guy
The bridges were burned
Now it's your turn,To cry
Cry me a river (x4)"
We both sang.


"The damage is done, so I guess I be leavin'"
Emma sand herself.

"You don't have to say, what you did
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance
With you and me
There'll never be
Don't it make you sad about it?"
We both sang.

"Cry me a river" Emma sang the last line.

I sang about 8 more songs before saying goodnight.

"Goodnight New York! You guys were awesome! Say bye Emma." I handed her the mic as she spoke into it.

"Bye everyone!" She screamed. I laughed and walked off stage. So far so good.

Harry's Pov-

'Bella confesses on stage what happened between her and Harry Styles.'

I clicked on the link and read it. I didn't believe it but then I saw a video. I clicked the video and watched it.

"Okay, so you all know three years ago, how Harry and I broke up?" They all shouted what mostly sounded like 'yes!'. "Would you like to know the reason for that break up?"

"YES!" everyone shouted.

"Well, we were at a club that night, and I wasn't feeling well so I went into the bathroom. In there, I saw Harry with another girl. He cheated on me, and I couldn't trust him. He broke my heart, even after knowing that I didn't want any more heartbreaks. I went to his house and packed all of my stuff then left. I went to my aunt who has always been there for me."

I shut my laptop before hearing the rest. I cant believe how much shit I'm going to get from everyone.

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