Chapter Six

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Bella's Pov~

"SAMUEL GET AWAY FROM THE COUCH! LIA MOVE! SAMUEL!" I was currently chasing my dog around the flat, trying to get a hold of him.

"Whoa, what?" Harry walked out from the lounge.

"HARRY WATCH OU-" To late. Samuel jumped on him, causing him to stumble a bit. Harry reached down and picked up the little dog who scurried up his stomach and chest leaving paw prints. Best thing is, he was wearing white pants and a white t-shirt. I had to hold in my laugh by pursing my lips.

"Mummy! It won't  come off! Wait, why?" She pointed to her arm then aw the paw prints everywhere.  I sighed and picked up my daughter ad placed her on the counter.

"Harry? Would you mind placing Samuel in the pool?" I asked with a sigh.

"But he'll freeze to death!" He pointed out.

"Down the hall, up the stairs, enter my room, move the pink chair then there is a crawl space that'll lead you to it." I told him while wetting a paper towel and putting soap on it.

"Okay." He said then I heard his footsteps fainting. I thought about how much I really did miss him. I honestly missed what we used to have.

"OW!" Emma cried when I started rubbing her skin. I quickly ran the paper towel under cold water then rubbed it up and down her arm, scrubbing the marker away.

"There." I stated and threw the paper towel away, helping Emma off the counter. I went upstairs to my room and crawled through the crawl space and stood up, adjusting my jumper. I saw Harry was struggling with Samuel so I walked over to them. I pulled off my jumper and slid off my converse and socks, then pulled Samuel off Harry and faced the pool.

Without hesitation, I jumped into the pool, holding tightly to Samuel then letting go as I submerged from under the water. Samuel whined but swam around anyways. I rubbed my eyes, rubbing the mascara off so that I didn't look like a freak.

I dunked my head under, swiping my hair back then looked at Harry. "Hi." I said like I didn't just jump into a pool with a muddy puppy.

"Hi." He replied awkwardly.

"Help me out?" I asked. He hesitantly took a step forward. "I;m not going to pull you in, I'm just to lazy to swim all the way to the other end of the pool." I said seriously. He slowly stepped forward and held his hand out. I grabbed it as he pulled me out. "Thank you."

"No problem." He replied quietly.

"So now you know."

"Yeah. Am I at least allowed to visit with her?" He asked, barely audible.

"Harry, I'm not going to hide my daughter from her father. It's up to you if you want to be apart of her life." I said truthfully.

"I want to be apart of it."

"Well then you can."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being the mother of my child." I swear my insides twisted up. Oh how I would love to lean up and just kiss him.

"Thanks." I shrugged. Samuel jumped out of the water and shook his fur around. Harry winced as the cold water hit him. I smiled a bit.       

"Well, I'm going to head back to my hotel room so I can shower. Do you think I could take Emma out for the day?" He asked quietly.

"Sure, we'll be home all day tomorrow so come over at anytime." I replied. He waved before crawling through the crawl space and disappearing.

"Samuel!" I whistled and pointed to the crawl space. He ran through as I crawled through, with my jumper and converse, closing the door when I crawled out.
I dropped my wet clothes in the bathtub, wrapping a towel around me and walking back into my room to pick out different clothes.

I slipped on the clothes before rubbing my hair with the towel then shaking my head. I let my wet hair fall around my face as I threw the towel in my hamper. I then went into the main room to help Rosie scrub the mud up.

Samuel sat guitly on the floor watching us.

"Here," Rosie handed me a cloth. I wiped up the paw prints around the house as Rosie wiped up the kitchen. Luckily Samuel missed the couch.

"What happened in here?" Uncle Mark's voice suddenly startled me.

"Samuel had a bit of a mud bath then adrenaline rush." Rosie answered blankly.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked

"Sure, whats up?" He asked when we sat down.

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